(Spoilers if you keep going.)
My first shock was seeing Nathan lookin' all grody with a beard and wandering around like a homeless guy. My second shock was "wait, isn't he supposed to be dead?" Because I totally thought he was dead. I thought that was what the whole "I will fly you, Peter, up to the sky to blow up instead of you blowing up the city of New York." I thought it was a sacrifice made for the greater good. "I open at the close," and all that. Well, apparently not. Nathan lived to beard another day. I mean die. Die another day. Just like James Bond. Only... with more emotional issues and less chicks in bathing suits. A lot less. I'm sort of confused about the whole "Peter's dead" thing that everyone and their mom believes (get it). If Peter really is alive, which of course he is (duh. what a stupid idea), then wouldn't Nathan, you know, know? I mean, wasn't he like, holding him when he blew up...? I'm just saying. I guess maybe he could have like, thrown him up into the air, or something, and then Nathan flew away from the explosion, and Peter just disappeared, but um, that isn't clear. (Also, what I didn't really get from last season was, why couldn't Peter have just flown himself up into space to blow up...?) Anyway, of course Peter's not dead. Duh. My guess is that he's chained up somewhere in a warehouse in like, Ireland, or something. And he has amnesia! HAHAHAHA - oh... okay. That's fine. As long as he's shirtless!
Hiro's in the past and he meets the samurai guy, who is... Sark? SARK FROM ALIAS?? OH MY GOSH I LOVE SARK FROM ALIAS!!!!! SARK WITH HIS CUTE PUPPY DOG FACE AND ACCENT AND MURDEROUS PLOTS!!!! AWWWW!!!!!!!!!! He's the samurai...? O...kay. Whatever. Sark. From Alias. Anyway - moving on: I love Hiro and how frustrated he got with him. "This is going to be tough." Ha ha Hiro, as a goat licks your face. I'm really looking forward to that storyline. It'll be neat to see Hiro turn Sark into a... um... hero, and have him get with Mulan. And you know you were thinking "Mulan" too, I mean, when the girl grabbed the sword and was all "if Sark's not going to save my dad, I WILL!" Yeah. You were. Also I really loved that both Hiro and Sark were like "my sword!" Yeah. Not a coherent paragraph, but that is Sark's fault. (SARK FROM ALIAS!!!!!!!)
Well, I think my new favorite character might be that guy West, who almost ran Claire over with his car. Yep. I thought that from the first time I saw him on the screen. I was like, "oooh... who's THAT guy." And I knew that he was going to show up again, because they spent a little more time than necessary on his face when he was like "look where you're going" to Claire. And I was right! There he is in Claire's chemistry class. Was that chemistry? Why were they talking about Darwin in a chemistry class, exactly? Whatever, I almost failed chemistry so I guess I wouldn't know. Anyway - I totally want him and Claire to hook up. And guess what? They're going to! Duh! But get this! I think I have a radar for this kind of thing, because I decided I loved him from all the times he was bugging Claire at school, and then at the end OMG HE IS FLYING OUTSIDE CLAIRE'S WINDOW STALKING HER JUST LIKE SUPERMAN STALKS LOIS. WEST IS SUPERMAN. SUPERMAN! SUPERMAN IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! WEST IS SO AWESOME!!!! Caps lock and exclamation points do not fully express my feelings on this subject!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to say that even though Mr. Bennett started out as a real douche last season, I really like him now. He is such a good dad, even if he is making Claire be boring. He is much better than stupid Nathan. "Why are you calling me." UM, I don't know, because I'm your daughter?! That's what you should have said, Claire. Not a bunch of crap about how you can't be someone you're not, and how you miss Peter too but you need to just like, get over it. PETER IS NOT DEAD GUYS! HE'S LOCKED UP SOMEWHERE! IN IRELAND! WITH AMNESIA! JUST WAIT UNTIL THE LAST SCENE OKAY?
I'm not sure I'm all that interested in the two new characters they introduced - the Spanish ones. But I hope they show their illegal immigration. I don't want them to just skip over that. I want to know how that works. It can't actually be that hard, if it's such a problem. I guess the girl has some kind of Hulk power, only instead of turning into a big green monster when she gets pissed off, she kills everyone. Kind of a sucky power... I mean, Ted from last season's sucked because he was radioactive and that killed people, but at least he could shoot fireballs at people. This girl Maya just makes people bleed from their eyeballs, and that's just disgusting.
I am freaked out by that little girl. Those drawings were totally disturbing. And so was the music they played when Weiss from Alias was looking at them... Oh!!! I almost forgot, now there are two people from Alias on Heroes! Sark AND Weiss! Yay for them! Only they never really shared scenes on Alias! And it looks like they probably won't share any scenes on Heroes either. So it's not really a reunion at all, except for my eyes. Anyway - that part was creepy. I'm sure the guy who is dream-stalking her is the new Sylar for this season. Only WORSE.
So Mr. Sulu is dead. I guess that's sad, because now we don't get to hear about whatever his legacy is that he gets to pass on to Hiro. But actually, we probably will, because guess what? Hiro can travel through time! So he can go talk to his dad if he wants. Oh and I guess he could like, go back in time and prevent his dad from ever dying, but whatever. It's been done. He can just ask Mrs. Petrelli. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEIR POWERS ARE. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Why don't they use them? I mean, they haven't even shown them using them even when nobody's looking. COME ON. I WANT TO KNOW.
About the last scene... were those Irish dudes looking for iPods? Is that really what they said? "Where are the iPods?" That's what I thought I heard. And like some chained up shirtless dude is going to know. Seriously, don't beat him up. If someone took a bunch of iPods, why would they chain themselves up in the place they stole them from, half naked and completely freaked out? Does he look like he has the iPods? Um... not really! He looks kind of traumatized actually! I don't think he needs you to hit him! Not like he can't defend himself. I mean, he's Peter. Peter can do anything. He is awesome. And not dead in case you couldn't tell.
Let us all take a moment of silence out of respect for Peter's beautiful hair, for it is gone, and it is very, very sad.

And let it be known that I want Christopher Eccleston back. Come back Claude.
I didn't see the preview for next week, because they don't show it online, because watching it online sucks. So every week it will be a surprise. Unless in a couple seconds, when I look on the NBC website, I find a link to the preview. Well... nope. No, NBC.com is being stupid once again. Fine, I don't care. I will just wait until next Tuesday.
I also watched The Bachelor and all I have to say so far is that he is not "the sexiest Bachelor ever." That's retarded. They say that every season. But this time the host guy even said to him, "people are saying you're the sexiest Bachelor... EVER. How does that make you feel?" and the guy's just like "...I don't know? Good? Thank you?" And everyone else is going "Andy was hotter." Because, well, he was.
I'm excited for all the shows to start up again. Guess what else starts this week? Grey's Anatomy! And... I'm going to watch it. Why? I don't know. Last season sucked. It suuuuuuuuuuucked. The finale was RIDICULOUS. So overdramatic and COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC. Barf. Meredith is brain damaged, because anybody who dumps Patrick Dempsey is automatically certifiable. And give me a break on that totally stupid George/Izzie relationship. That is STUPID. NO, George shouldn't have married Callie. He only did it because his dad, who died, liked her and said he should marry her. He didn't really love her. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S OKAY TO CHEAT ON HER!!!!!! UGHHHHH GEORGE! There are so many other things I want to complain about but I will save it until I watch the premiere. Because I am watching it. Because I feel obligated. Even if all I will do is ridicule it. Private Practice also starts this week, which is the Grey's spinoff about Addison. I'm watching that too, because I feel obligated. Also because... maybe, just maybe, it will be good the way Grey's was good in the beginning. (Probably not though.)
But here is the best news of all! Thursday! At 8 (Central time)! ONE HOUR PREMIERE OF THE OFFICE!! And four one hour episodes in a row. How awesome is that? Very, very awesome. I leave you with this:
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