Saturday, December 29, 2007

Doctor Who Rewatch!

Well, why not. I found a community on LiveJournal (don't laugh at me) that is rewatching all available episodes until series four starts up in... March, I think it is. So I'm jumping in - kind of in the middle, since they're already halfway through series one, but oh well. I didn't want to watch the ones before that anyway.

So, here are my thoughts on this week's rewatch episode:
The Long Game.

So this is one of those episodes where they brought along that dumb Adam guy... I can't remember where they picked him up, but oh well. Oh right, he was in the Dalek episode. Anyway... so cute how the Doctor lets Rose play the tour guide. She's only barely less starstruck than Adam is.

Rose does a lot of annoying picking up of random guys in the first season... she started out with Mickey, and then Adam, and then Jack... well, Jack wasn't annoying actually. I like Jack. Thankfully, this goes away in the second season. Can't imagine why.

Face of Boe just announced he was pregnant... that's interesting. Very interesting. I already knew about that of course, but I don't know, just strikes me as much funnier than it was the first time I watched this. Not only is a male giant head in a jar having a baby, but given the series three finale... well, anyway. Makes me laugh.

The guy from Shaun of the Dead, Simon Pegg, is in this episode. Double check. Triple check. Quadruple check. Did you guys know that he's also playing Scotty in the new Star Trek movie they're in the middle of making? Yeah. Fun fact. And Zachary Quinto, a.k.a. Sylar, is playing Mr. Spock. Just thought you guys would like to know that.

I like Suki. Too bad about what happens to her.

The entire process with the door opening to the brain and the information pouring into it just completely freaks me out. I would never be able to do that job.

One of the "safety" people, random extras, looks like Andy to me. Jessica, if you're reading this, you should watch this episode and tell me I'm not crazy.

The girl who played Cathica was in an episode of Pushing Daisies. She played Simone. One of the wives in the episode where the guy that died was a polygamist... she was the one Emerson liked.

"You're my lucky charm." "All right, I'll hug anyone." Oh Doctor, you warm my heart.

And Adam says... "Gonna take a better man than me to get between you two." That's right, Adam. It is.

"Once you go to floor five hundred, you never come back." HMMM. SOUNDS OMINOUS! Time to investigate.

For some reason it's more fun to write about shows when I already know what's going to happen. Orrrr maybe I just like rambling on about Doctor Who. Can't really say. Not that it matters.

If you ask me, Suki is in trouble. I mean, floor five hundred is definitely not as idyllic as everyone said it was! I mean, there are dead bodies lying around!

WHOA. Suki is an anarchist! She's trying to bring down the corrupted news network that controls everybody's minds! Too bad she's going to die in a second here.

Oh, and here's idiot Adam wandering off on his own. Here's my thing - the Doctor was like "go on, discover things and have fun." Did he really think Adam wouldn't do something stupid to get them in trouble?

I love the thoughtful looks on the Doctor's and Rose's face as they're listening to Cathica talk about Sattelite 5. Such a great team.

I'm so relieved Adam goes away after this episode. I'm a little disturbed by the doctor woman who convinced him to get the head thing. And do people really say "click of the fingers"? I thought it was called snapping.

AWWWWW Rose and the Doctor in the elevator. "Looks like it's just you and me." And he takes her hand. So adorable. I love it.

Doctor: The walls are not made of gold. You should go back downstairs.
Rose: Tough.
And then he gets this look like... I love that about her, but it's going to get her in trouble one of these days.

Okay, I adore this show, but the Jagrafess is such a lame monster. I mean... just look at it. It looks like an udder with teeth.

These manacles the Doctor and Rose get stuck in are kind of overly high tech for the purpose they serve. Oh - I guess they can electrocute them. That would make more sense.

One of the sound effects used in the end of this episode when Cathica is killing the Jagrafess sounds exactly like my alarm clock. It's really starting to bother me.

I love how the Doctor acts like Adam's dad at the end. And I love how the Doctor only stops terrorizing Adam after Rose tells him to.

Adam: But I wanna come with you!
Doctor: I only take the best. I've got Rose.
One of the best lines ever.

This isn't even close to one of my favorite episodes, but oh well. It's Doctor Who. That automatically makes it better than pretty much everything else I watch.

Friday, December 28, 2007

I can't go another second without sharing this with the world.

Martha fast forwards past most of this in the episode.

Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise by Colin Brake

I'm not completely sure how this book got four stars on I would maybe give it half of a star, or maybe one full one, because the cover has the Doctor and Rose on it. But for the most part, this was pretty horrid. Someone could try to convince me that this book was geared towards kids, because maybe it was, and that's why it didn't really live up to my standards of literature. But even so, I still wouldn't insult any child by giving them this book.

It sounded interesting - a "paradise planet" suddenly having problems for an unknown reason. "A world of breath-taking beauty, where peace-loving aboriginals live in harmony with their environment. Or do they?" The planet gets sick when aliens (in this case, a bunch of humans) come to visit it, and it starts creating monsters to take care of the problem. Sort of an allergic reaction type of thing. The solution to the problem: leave. You know, now that I look at the summary again, it doesn't sound interesting. I don't know what I was thinking. This sounds like a boring environmentalist book. Which is pretty much the truth.

Even though the plot sounds boring, it could have been saved with accurate characterization and good exposition. Unfortunately, we don't get either of these things... the Doctor and Rose have no depth in this story, and if they weren't referred to as "the Doctor" and "Rose" I would have no idea who they were. Fortunately for everyone, Colin Brake, the author of this particular story, has only written this one Doctor Who book, and I doubt he'll be asked to do any more. So the poor quality of this story I blame solely on him and not anyone else - I'm reading another one right now by Stephen Cole and only three chapters in, I'm already much happier with the characterization and plot.

It was absolutely terrible. But you don't have to take my word for it!:

"Where are we going, then?" Rose asked.
"I don't know actually," the Doctor confessed. "I hooked up your MP3 player to the TARDIS controls and hit Shuffle. We're either going to find ourselves at a totally random destination..."
"Or we end up inside Franz Ferdinand!" The Doctor grinned to show he was joking.

"The adventure she promised. Did you get it?"
Hespell thought about this for a moment and then shook his head. "Not a lot. Most of the time it's been very, very tedious. Until today of course." Hespell laughed, a tad embarrassed. "Now I'm getting more adventure than I bargained for!"

Rose had to smile. The more she travelled with the Doctor, the more unexpected life became. If someone had told her this morning that she'd end the day having dinner with a fit-looking lad a few years her junior - in a tent, no less - she'd have laughed in their face. For a start, camping was just so not her.

This one is my favorite:
"Rose Tyler, where the heck have you been?" called a familiar voice.
To Rose's shame she completely lost it. "Doctor!"
She ran towards him and was delighted to see that he was running to meet her too. They collided in a giant bear hug that was probably so not cool, but Rose just didn't care. Sometimes being cool was just overrated.

With a lump in her throat, Rose flipped the twin doors shut again, trapping the Doctor and Kendle with the monsters and leaving herself at the mercy of the madman. Things surely couldn't get any worse!

The lines I liked:

The Doctor, still holding on to Rose, rolled clear of the destruction.

I thought there might have been another one, but I was wrong.

In conclusion, if you're going to read a Doctor Who book, pick ANY of the others.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Every science fiction/fantasy book I have ever read.

Yeah, this is an important and relevant list. This is actually more for me, in order to explore my addiction. This is in absolutely no order - I'm just typing them as I remember them, and there's NO way I'll remember them all.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card
Enchantment by Orson Scott Card
Magic Street by Orson Scott Card
The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card
The Memory of Earth by Orson Scott Card
The Giver by Lois Lowry
All seven Harry Potter books
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus by Orson Scott Card
The Courtship of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton (leave me alone)
A bunch of random Star Wars books about Han and Leia's kids, named Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin (I was in elementary school! Give me a break!)
I also think I read a bunch of Star Trek books, but I don't remember which.
I um... read the novelization of the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie, the first one. Sadly, reading the book based on the movie was better than actually watching the movie.
The Children's Hospital by Chris Adrian
Gob's Grief by Chris Adrian
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer
Factoring Humanity by Robert J. Sawyer
Flashforward by Robert J. Sawyer
Frameshift by Robert J. Sawyer
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L'Engle
A Wind in the Door by Madeline L'Engle
I read abridged and illustrated versions of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman
The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman
I listened to almost all the Chronicles of Narnia on CD.
I read the first two books in C.S. Lewis' space trilogy a long, long time ago.
Black, Red, and White by Ted Dekker (SO GOOD. Everyone should read this trilogy.)
Thr3e by Ted Dekker
Blink by Ted Dekker
Showdown by Ted Dekker
The Cooper Kids Adventure series by Frank Peretti (those were scary, man - and awesome. I think there are nine of them...)
Nightmare Academy by Frank Peretti
Hangman's Curse by Frank Peretti
The Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith (Hahaha! Just kidding. I haven't read that one.)
Does Beowulf count?

I am in possession of the following books and one day will hopefully get around to reading them:
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells (well, I have to read this for school next semester)
1984 by George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
The C.S. Lewis space trilogy (and I'll actually pay attention this time)
Speaker For the Dead by Orson Scott Card
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card
Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card
Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card
The Call of Earth by Orson Scott Card
Another Life by Peter Anghelides and The Price of Paradise by Colin Brake. This is a Torchwood book and a Doctor Who book, respectively. I have no excuse for me reading these. For Star Wars and Star Trek, I had my youth to explain it away. I was twelve, what could you expect from me! Well, I should know better by now. But I don't. So call it a guilty pleasure. That's all any of this is, really. A guilty pleasure I'll be indulging in for the rest of my life.

R.I.P. Journeyman

So, it looks like our friend Dan Vassar won't be back for another season. Or even a whole season. I'm not sure how many episodes the show ended up having, but it wasn't many. I'm not really surprised, what with the strike and everything. It's a little depressing, sure, because I like shows about time travel, and previously to my introduction to Doctor Who, this was my only fill for that genre. But I'm all good now, because Doctor Who isn't going anywhere, and wouldn't even if it was affected by the writer's strike, which it isn't.

Journeyman was an interesting show - it was well written and thought out, and probably could have gone some interesting places for a couple of seasons. I think they could have had Dan's son become a time traveler as well, and he could run into a grown version of him at some point... and then the whole thing with Olivia being from the past was interesting and could have gone somewhere. And then the tachyon scientist guy, who knew about Dan's time traveling and was probably a time traveler himself, or at least knew some other people who were, and the fake FBI agent who was looking for him. Well, it could have been interesting is all I'm saying. There could have been a secret society or agency of time traveling people like Dan and Olivia, and it would have been cool.

Keep in mind that I still haven't watched the last episodes of Journeyman, so I'm not totally sure if my speculation has already been proven right or not. When I have time, I will watch them, but I'm too distracted lately by old episodes of Doctor Who and my job to take care of that.

But let us have a moment of silence for another canceled science fiction show, only the latest in a long list of predecessors.

Monday, December 17, 2007

never mind that my blog title is a reference to a very un-science fictiony show...

All right, so I've messed with this blog a little bit. New direction.

There will no longer be any posts about the following shows:
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
The Office
The Bachelor

I will continue to yak about these shows:
Battlestar Galactica
Pushing Daisies
Doctor Who

From now on, this is a science fiction oriented blog. You know why? Because I love it. I love science fiction. It's my dad's fault. He brainwashed me with Babylon 5 and Star Trek. There's even a picture of me as a little kid walking past the TV and Doctor Who a la Tom Baker is on. So as you see, it was from a very early age.

Not only will I talk about those TV shows, I'll also ramble on about movies and books that are of a science fiction (and yes, some fantasy as well, since it is technically different, although I like to lump it together) leaning. I know everyone is excited for this. Seriously. Who wouldn't be?

For the record, we will NOT be discussing:
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis

I think those are the only two serious sci-fi shows still on that I don't watch. Although I guess SG-1 stopped being new a while ago. So that just leaves Atlantis for me to disdain. And I do disdain it. No Stargate for me. Not ever. I also never watched Farscape. So that means out of all the more well known science fiction shows that have been on in my lifetime, the only ones I haven't really watched more than a few episodes of are Farscape, Stargates, and any show about someone named Buffy or Angel. I don't know whether or not to be proud of that.

Here, I'll make a list of all the ones I've watched and know a thing or two about.
Star Trek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Enterprise
All the Star Trek movies
Babylon 5
All the B5 movies except the most recent one
Crusade (I bet you've never heard of that one - it was a Babylon 5 spin-off that got cancelled after thirteen episodes.)
Firefly (And Serenity of course.)
Quantum Leap
Bionic Woman (The new one, but I stopped watching it, because it was terrible.)
The X-Files (Including the movie.)
Battlestar Galactica (I will admit I haven't watched much of the old show, although I do know that in that version, Starbuck and Boomer were both men.)
Doctor Who (And just for the record, so I seem more legit, I'm working on seeing some of the old shows - thanks Netflix.)
Lost (You know it's sci-fi, you just don't want to admit it because it's popular. But come on, it so is.)
Alias (It's sci-fi the way Lost is sci-fi.)
Pushing Daisies (Okay, so this is magical realism. It counts.)

If you're like "Sarah, that is so not an exhaustive list, because you don't have (fill in the blank with a show I've never watched) on it" then I think that you can just bite it. Because seriously that is a LONG list. And that isn't even counting all the non-TV related sci-fi movies and books I've read. So don't go there okay. Just don't even go there with me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

end of volume two, finally

1. If you notice that this post and the last post and probably the next few posts are a little lackluster and unenthusiastic, that's because I'm finding that Doctor Who is a tough act to follow. I finally gave in to the harassment of my entire family and started to watch it, and it turns out that it's nothing like what I thought it was and I love it a lot. The only reason this post is here at all is because the site I was watching Doctor Who on stopped working, and I had nothing else to do.
2. Aaaand I hate you, WGA strike. This episode of Heroes is the last of the season because of you. That means the whole season just sucked because they had to cut stuff out and rush it through to the new, alternate ending. Although if this means the writers decided to sacrifice having Caitlin in the show, that's one for the "pro" list.
3. Maya is wearing an apron that says "World's Greatest Dad." Are the writers trying to insinuate that Maya is really a man?
4. Yeah, I know it's not her apron. Thank you.
5. Sylar, if you kill Mohinder, I will not mind.
6. Maya's power is so lame.
7. Um... so Adam's master plan is to wipe the Earth clean, because it isn't worth fixing. I'm pretty sure that is really anticlimactic.
8. We are not gonna need to kill Peter. Everybody calm down.
9. Anticlimactic Peter/Hiro fight. Unsurprising.
10. I feel bad for Elle.
11. Micah, go away.
12. Haha! I like Adam and Peter's walk down that hallway, just pushing people out of the way. Badass.
13. I thought Mr. Bennett killed Mohinder's dad, not Sylar. But I don't remember.
14. "Okay, we don't talk about that... ever again." Ha. Yeah, good idea Parkman.
15. Wait, Hiro and Parkman have never met before...? Okay, I guess.
16. Thank you, West, for being intelligent and telling Claire not to be stupid and tell everyone about her powers.
17. Oh no, they're breaking up. West didn't even fight for her though. I think she was expecting him to.
18. Aww, Mr. Bennett got to go back home.
19. Maya's about to find out that Sylar killed her brother.
20. HAHAHA, Sylar just rolled his eyes when Maya came and accused him of killing her brother. And then he just shot her! Okay that was my favorite death scene.
21. Sylar: "You and I have trust issues, doctor."
22. Why does the Company even want Mr. Bennett back? I don't get it.
23. I want Peter's long hair back.
24. PETER. That is not nice. Stop doing that.
25. Why don't Parkman and Peter just talk to each other? You know, with words? Use your words.
26. GIVE ME A BREAK. If Adam says ONE word about Hiro stealing Mulan from him I will be more than pissed off. It's been four hundred years dude. Time to move on.
27. Okay he didn't. That's good.
28. Nathan: "Peter. You're not responsible for something that MIGHT have happened." Thank you Nathan. Very true.
29. How did Peter know how to destroy the virus? Holding it in his hand and zapping it? Well whatever. It doesn't matter. I guess he showed a moment of creativity.
30. Wait, I thought Maya was dead. Oh right. That was the healing blood.
31. Why didn't it occur to anybody to inject Elle with the healing blood? You know, to fix her arm?
32. I still don't understand the point of this stuff with Monica being kidnapped by the gangsters. Who are those people? Why do we care about them? Oh right, we don't.
33. I thought Nikki didn't have her super strength anymore. She took down that gangster guy pretty easily though.
34. Nikki's gonna die in this fire.
35. Oh my gosh... that is completely terrifying. Hiro put Adam in a coffin and buried him. Wow. Okay.
36. This all seems sort of wrapped up. Where's the cliffhanger? I know there's one coming.
37. Oh. Is that it? Nathan got shot? Seriously? Come on. Haven't we already seen that certain people's blood can bring people back to life?
38. And Sylar's powers are back. Goody. Next season we can look forward to more brain eating.
39. I'm sorry, but that was kind of a let down. I know, it's the strike. It's screwing everything up. Well, hopefully next season will be better.


1. Sooo it is not immediately obvious whether Sarah decided to leave with Bryce or stay. Fine. I'm not surprised.
2. "Never trust a woman whose name is a palindrome." Okay Morgan.
3. I hate Morgan right now. Actually I hate Morgan almost always.
4. Every alarm clock in every TV show sounds like my alarm clock.
5. So Sarah stayed. Woohoo.
6. I'm bored right now.
7. Casey, keep sneaking up on Chuck. It's funny.
8. Morgan: "You're right. I have to step it up a notch. Who should I be?"
Lester: "Well, last time I checked there were six billion people on the planet. Pick ANYONE." Hahaha. I like Morgan bashing.
9. That's stupid. Why would Sarah say "you have a hundred" when she really meant "you have one hundred thousand dollars"? I wouldn't have realized that. Come on. She's being a bitch anyway.
10. Casey said "shiny"! Not in the same way Jayne said it on Firefly but still. Shiny.
11. Chuck, get over Sarah. She's dumb.
12. Morgan, shave. That would be the best way to give a good impression to Anna's parents.
13. Since when does Chuck have an iPhone. Can every character on every TV show not have an iPhone please? NOT EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE HAS AN IPHONE.
14. Maybe they won't get to the bomb in time and the boat Morgan's on will blow up.
15. Chuck needs to learn how to defend himself instead of standing around being useless.
16. Puke on the Chuck/Sarah sappy talk.
17. Sooo Casey is supposed to kill Chuck. Cool.
18. I like the end credit music.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Last Three Pushing Daisies Episodes

Yeah, it's taken me a while to get caught up.

1. Aww, the claymation stuff was so cute and then they all fell apart morbidly. Not that I would expect anything less from this show.
2. OH MY GOSH! NED AND CHUCK CAN KISS... is this a dream? I REALLY hope not.
3. Okay, it's a dream. That was depressing.
4. Emerson is uninterested in Ned's dream that ended in Chuck turning into Olive while they were making out.
5. "There was a little moisture. I guess." Headdesk. Ned is so adorable.
6. Emerson thinks Ned's distress is hilarious. It is kind of funny.
7. I love how overdramatic the murder of that random guy was.
8. Chuck: "Did you find his wife?"
Emerson: "All four of 'em. Son of a bitch was a damned polygamist."
Narrator: "Harold Hundin was indeed a damned polygamist."
9. Olive: "We should clear the air."
Ned: "Does our air need clearing?"
Olive: "Our relations on the road?"
Ned: "Oh, I haven't... thought another... thought about that."
10. Ned to Emerson: "Your conscience calls you on the telephone?"
11. Emerson: "I suppose I could pay my bills with blind kids' smiles, but their money is a lot easier."
12. Wow that Snuppy's Puppies building is huge.
13. Emerson while Ned and Chuck were talking about their relationship: "Why do I always have to be around for this stuff?"
14. What is that clicker thing Wife 3 has? She's a dog trainer, it has something to do with that. I don't know how that works with the dogs.
15. Emerson's dream is totally ridiculous.
17. OH Ned. He is so cute and loveable and awkward and I just want to hug him.
18. Taking the dead Snuppy guy to the funeral and then reviving him to see the reaction of the wives is seriously messed up.
19. Ned looks kind of funny when he runs.
20. Oooooh, Emerson and Simone...
21. This show is so romantic and cute and sappy and it makes me happy inside.

Smell of Success
1. I like that Olive is getting more involved in the story.
2. "Quasi wanted cup pies!"
3. I'm starting to realize that no one will get all of the lines I quote from the show without the context. Number 2 is a perfect example of that. Oh well though. I guess you should just watch the show.
4. The city morgue looks a lot cheerier than it should.
5. Why does Ugly Betty need braces? Her teeth look fine. Sorry, they just showed an ad for it.
6. Napoleon: "Felicitations." Emerson: "Felici-what?"
7. Oh my gosh, that Napoleon guy is so creepy, the way he just sniffs them.
8. "The Pop-Up Book of Sports Related Deaths"? Seriously?
9. Chuck and Olive have such cute clothes.
10. That's a really weird way to warn someone - stick a sock down their sink and cause a back up. How would you even know if they would look at it and see the message on it?
11. Oscar Vibenious is PeeWee Herman.
12. Ned: "Okay if that happens, then I'll say 'what is this, a police state?' (pause) If I ever say that it means I'm having a panic attack."
13. Olive: "What are the stages of death? Something, something something something something, acceptance."
14. Oscar: "Did he tell you what you smelled like when you met him? He thinks people like that."
15. Aww, so Chuck's aunts are doing their mermaid thing again.
16. I want a cup pie.

Bitter Sweets
1. Aww, Ned and Chuck are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I kind of thought they were already but now they had a sort of DTR.
2. The "some guy" that came in and said all that stuff about the most AMAZING candy store that's opening across the street and he was just some guy telling them about it because it's so AMAZING looks really familiar to me.
3. Aww, that travelling salesman guy really does love Olive.
4. I really hate Chuck's hat and glasses. It makes her look like a creepy weird witch.
5. OHH! That's Molly Shannon. And "Some Guy" is the guy who wrote School of Rock.
6. "Don't mess with the Pie Hos." Haha!
7. I don't like Ned being in jail. It's boring without him with Chuck and Emerson.
8. Dilly: "Take your trunk monkey with you!" She called Olive that, because she had locked Olive in her trunk.
9. The health inspector did it?!
10. What?! Olive and the salesman guy... oh, she was imagining them kissing. I guess she realizes he likes her now though.
11. Ned to Chuck: "When I was in jail, I think you were my phantom limb." That's kind of weird.
12. OH NED JUST TOLD CHUCK IT WAS HIS FAULT HER DAD DIED!!! And then the episode was over! Ahhh!
13. This episode wasn't as good as the other ones I had to catch up on.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1. Oh Big Mike, you are so right about Black Friday. No joke.
2. "Bryce is alive." Probably the last three words Chuck ever wanted to hear.
3. I love Casey so much. Just thought I'd throw that out there, no specific moment.
4. Bryce is kind of hot.
5. "I'd like to come out now please." Chuck was in there for like thirty seconds.
6. They're talking to each other in Klingon. That is so hilarious. Such a ridiculous moment in the middle of such a serious situation.
7. "THEY saved you. Did they. Could you be any more cryptic?"
8. I would kill myself if I had to work the floor of a retail store on Black Friday. That would be absolute hell.
9. Jeff: "Pineapples are fun. My dad used to throw them at me." ...WHAT?
10. When Chuck walked in and saw Casey standing there in a suit holding a glass of wine... that's so funny.
11. Chuck: "Just remember it's not my fault." I feel bad for Ellie already. Ana thinks that Ellie and Morgan used to be a thing.
12. Chuck: "Casey and Sarah are right inside, one girlish scream from me and they go into full combat mode."
13. Chuck: "I'm thankful that Bryce Larkin is dead and not currently in my bedroom making out with my new girlfriend." Morgan: "Wow, that was really dark... and specific."
14. The best part about this show is the dialogue. It's great.
15. Wait, Casey lives next door to Chuck? Why didn't I know that?
16. Whoa, Casey just shot Bryce. And Chuck fainted.
17. Of course Bryce was wearing a bullet proof jacket.
18. That's what it's like - the people banging on the door and getting ready to plow everyone over to get inside... yeah. That's pretty realistic.
19. You can tell that the people making this show have a lot of fun doing it.
20. HOLY CRAP! Bryce got hit by a car! That scared me a lot!
21. Okay the pineapple evacuation thing is totally awesome. What a perfect way to fix things when some scary assassin guys are about to kill you in an electronics store on Black Friday.
22. I love that Casey has a bunch of guns hidden in the table in the home theater room. Just in case some scary assassin guys come to kill you.
23. Yay Chuck was wearing a bullet proof jacket.
24. Of course Sarah's going to pick Chuck. I would. Even though Bryce is pretty hot.
1. Katie: "Are you gonna be home tonight?" Dan: "You know better than to ask that... let's just say I have nothing planned." Ha.
2. Okay, that guy is seriously going to give me nightmares. The convict one that came into Dan's house and shot him. He is absolutely terrifying and the exact kind of person that haunts my dreams. I'm not even kidding.
3. NBC, why are you showing an ad for Journeyman WHILE I'M WATCHING JOURNEYMAN.
4. This stupid player was working fine when I watched Heroes earlier... why is it getting all skippy on me now. I am seriously annoyed.
5. HAHAHA! When they found Dan's iPhone... "It's a... calculator."
6. Hmm! So that "FBI agent" isn't really an FBI agent. He just wants to find out about Dan's time travelling. He's a bad guy. Yay underlying conflict.
7. I thought, "How's he going to break down the door with his arm in a sling?" about two seconds before he tried to break down the door with his arm in a sling and hurt himself even more.
8. That convict guy is sure making himself look stupid to me, given that he's walking around an empty house talking to someone that isn't there.
9. Whatever's going on with that kid is messed up. He's eating a ketchup sandwich. That is gross.
10. OH MY GOSH!!! That kid is the scary convict guy! AHH! How is that possible! The kid is cute!
11. The creepiest thing about the convict guy is his hair. I had a nightmare recently about a guy that looked kind of like that who was hitting on me and stealing cats.
12. Oh, and now NBC froze Firefox completely. I'm going to try watching this on Internet Explorer now and see if that's any better. I'm not going to get my hopes up.
13. Okay, it's working a little bit better. Digression over.
14. Dan, do you not see that you are bleeding all over the floor? He looks like he's about to pass out actually.
15. Okay, yelling at the kid is not going to fix anything. Seriously. It's just going to make everything worse.
16. Oh, and now Dan just passed out. Yelling at the kid really took a lot out of him.
17. I'm really not sure what the "FBI" guy is getting at when he's talking to Jack about those pictures of Dan from the past.
18. OH. That "FBI" guy is hunting the time travelling people.
19. Do wounds really get infected that quickly?
20. Oh man, I'm sure Dan was thinking about killing that kid in the past when he was contemplating the scissors.
21. I was right. Dan: "I wanted to kill that kid." Thankfully he didn't, because he is a good guy.
22. Haha! They both just disappeared out of the ambulence.
23. HAHA! Jack just saw Livia! He is freaking out!
24. "Weirdest family ever." I like the editor guy. I wish I could remember his name right now.
25. Katie is thinking, "this convict guy has serious mommy issues."
26. And everything ends well. I'm just happy that Jack no longer thinks Dan is crazy. And the "FBI" guy is dead now. That just means that more people investigating the time travelling people are going to show up.

why is saving the world always your responsibility?

1. Sark is really funny. "Peter... why are you yelling. What is wrong with you. Stop that."
2. Victoria Pratt... sounds like that's the other lady in the picture. Oh, and there. Now Sark's going to point at her in the picture. Okay... now... and... THERE WE GO. I was right. Thanks Sark.
3. I like Sark's hair. It's all messed up in the back. It's cute. Aww.
4. Sorry.
5. Lyle must be really confused about all of this. Has anybody explained to him what the deal is with their moving and name changing and stuff?
6. "How was I supposed to know that Bennett teamed up with West the flying boy?" Ha Veronica. You're still psychotic but sometimes you are funny.
7. Oh, so it was Mohinder that brought Noah Bennett back to life.
8. Mohinder is kind of an idiot. I do agree that Mr. Bennett is really paranoid, but Mohinder is just blindly believing the Company and I think that's a big mistake.
9. OH YEAH... that one Monica girl. I remember her.
10. How does the virus get transferred? Nikki said it isn't contaigious so I don't get it.
11. "It's my backpack! It's gone!" Why is that relevant?
12. Maya is stupid. Can't she see how disturbing and creepy Sylar is?
13. Why is Sylar trying to help Maya? Just to get rid of Alejandro?
14. Sark, Peter doesn't need a gun to get the job done. Seriously.
15. "You are like a hamster making a nest." OH HIRO.
16. Hiro, I think you should listen to Ando. No more travelling back in time.
17. I'm not sure who is the good guy here. Sark (okay, fine, Adam) or Hiro's dad and the rest of the Company.
18. I think it's kind of cool to see the "young founders" of the Company.
19. Wait, why can't Peter get back to the future? When was that established? Did I miss something?
20. Maya, that's a real newspaper article you idiot. "I don't believe it!" Give me a break.
21. Isn't what Sylar said kind of true, about his mom dying? It was an accident right? I can barely remember that episode. It doesn't matter because Maya is still a horrible judge of character.
22. Why would Adam want to release the virus? Just because he's mean? Maybe he wants to start a new world order that is just made of people with powers or something. I hope not though. I want Adam to be a good guy.
23. "She was about to take your head off. There's no coming back from that one." I was right.
24. Whoa, so Alejandro speaks English now? Well, not anymore now that he's dead, but whatever.
25. Is Maya going to become a villain now? That would make her a lot more interesting.
26. I love Claire and West. I don't care what anybody else says.
27. WHY WOULD SOMEONE STEAL MICAH'S BACKPACK. This seems like a totally pointless storyline.
28. Am I supposed to like Mohinder? Because I go back and forth on that. I think he has genuine intentions but he's still not very good at the non-science part of his job.
29. That's a good hiding place, Micah. Behind the lamp post.
30. So Monica got kidnapped by a bunch of gangsters. And she's never seen a movie that'll show her a decent way to get out of that. Come on. She could have even watched an episode of Scrubs to learn that. You know, the one where Turk and Todd take on the paramedic ninjas.
31. Well Claire's certainly toughened up.
32. OHHHHH now they know that Sylar's alive.
33. Okay, how does Maya not see that breaking into Mohinder's house where his sort of daughter is sleeping is NOT the best way to go about getting help. Come on. It's called "make an appointment." How does Sylar have Mohinder's cell phone number anyway?
34. So Peter and Hiro are going to duke it out. I think that if it really came to that, Peter would win. But we'll see.
35. It seems like everybody wants to save the world but nobody approves of each other's methods. I just want to know who's the good guy and who's the bad guy (besides Sylar). I think things will start getting much more interesting now that Sylar is coming back into play.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


So I got all caught up on Chuck, Heroes, and Journeyman. I didn't write anything about them though, because I was in a lazy mood and decided not to. Here's what I remember though.

1. I didn't like Lou so whatever. I'm glad it didn't work out with her and Chuck.
2. Bryce is alive after all? I guess I should have seen that coming.
3. I love Casey.

1. Of course Mr. Bennett wasn't going to stay dead. But when he came back, that was gross. I did not like watching his blown out eye fill in to his socket again. Yuck. I'm glad he and West are okay with each other now though.
2. Oh West. You're a little bit silly, but I still like you.
3. Mohinder is a great big jerkface.
4. Sark is still cute. I don't know if he's good or bad though. He wants to take down the Company, but he's also, like, killing a bunch of people. I'm impressed he managed to stay alive for 400 years though. I want to know what would happen if you cut his head off... would he just grow a new one? Just something to consider.
5. So Claire, Sark, and Peter are all going to live forever? Is that the idea I'm getting from the Sark thing? That's interesting. That's at least three characters that they can carry on for a long time on the show.
6. Going back to the HRG dying and coming back thing. Who did that for him? We had a big argument about this at dinner the other night. My dad thinks it's Bob, because he had Claire's blood. It could be him, but it could also be Adam, because he and Mr. Bennett both want to bring down the Company, so they're on the same side. So I think it could be either of them.
7. Oh and I'm glad they cleared up the whole "how did Nathan survive that, how did he not know Peter lived" thing that I was obsessing over. I am satisfied with their explanation.

1. LIVIA IS FROM 1948!!!! That's awesome! I just think this show is so cool. It'll probably get cancelled but whatever. I love time travel.

Friday, November 16, 2007

oh yeah

Regarding Razor... I overheard the following conversation while leaving the theater and it pretty much sums it up:

Dad: So Andrew, what did you think, as a person who doesn't really watch sci-fi?
Andrew: It was frakkin' awesome.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"seen here in their natural habitat"

The writers all know that this strike is making the people who watch TV a bunch of sad pandas. But they're good people. Which is why they've given us these.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

general info

Here's a comprehensive list of how many episodes are left of various TV shows before they start to be affected by the WGA strike.

Fortunately for my sister, Doctor Who will not be affected. (Because it's British.) Fortunately for Daniel, neither will South Park. (Because Matt and Trey aren't in the WGA.)

Friday, November 9, 2007

"how greedy can they get, they won't even share the net"

Ron Moore, BSG writer, talks about the strike.

Those webisodes they did? The studio wasn't planning on paying anybody involved for it. Just read what he says about that... it's upsetting to me, because it isn't fair at all. I'm a writer, I would eventually like to be a paid writer. The way these people who share the same passion for writing that I do are being taken advantage of is wrong.

WGA strike

There's a lot of information on that blog about why the WGA is on strike, and some videos from the writers of various shows (ones that I watch) talking about why they're on strike and why it's a big deal.

The writers don't get any money from new media (the internet). So watching shows online, which is all I can do, because I don't have a TV, is basically screwing them over. They're not getting paid for the stuff they're putting out. There are some things that people work on that haven't even been on TV, like The Office webisodes - the writers got nothing for that, because they aired on the internet. And apparently the writers even won a daytime Emmy for that.

If anyone has any questions about why this is going on, this website is very helpful and informative.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jack Vasser is a jerk.

1. I'm NOT going to start watching Bionic Woman, okay? Don't pressure me, I'm watching this online, and before Journeyman started they showed an ad for it.
2. Okay, I'm really hating the kid now. Not that he knows any better, but why would he tell anyone about it?!!!!!!!!! And WHY didn't Katie and Dan PUT IT IN A SAFE!! USE YOUR BRAINS GUYS!
3. Wooo theme music!
4. I don't like Alec Baldwin. I tell you this, because the commercials this time are for other NBC shows, and I just saw one for 30 Rock.
5. The FBI guy used to be on 24, where he was a huge douche.
6. I'm not sure I really get the whole heist thing.
7. Dan: "How do you know, you worked at the D.A.'s office what, like a year?" Livia: "A year longer than you."
8. So this is gambling Dan, right?
9. I'm still not going to watch Bionic Woman.
10. It's foggy and weird in this alley, so Future Dan could probably get away with more than usual.
11. Ha ha! He's fighting himself! That's cool!
12. How come the Past Dan can't figure out who he is? I guess he is drunk, but still.
13. THAT WOULD BE SO WEIRD. Rescuing yourself and stuff. COOL, though.
14. I'm really, really bored with Jack being suspicious of Dan. I'd like him to find out the truth so he can stop being annoying.
15. Oooh, we get to follow Livia a little bit in this episode. And she's in Katie's closet in the future.
16. Wow, I am STILL not going to watch Bionic Woman! This is third time I've seen this ad.
18. Do you think they'll put the money in a safe when Dan gets back? Or are they still too stupid to figure that out?
19. So obviously Livia is going to do something to get Katie to show up at the poker game to save him.
20. Or not.
21. Hopefully this doesn't mean Dan's going to start gambling in the future again.
22. I feel bad for Livia. But if she wasn't dead then I really don't understand why she didn't go find him again.
23. Wait... okay, so if it was Future Dan who was there in the second part of the game, and the Past Dan was sleeping that whole time, how did Future Dan remember that that was what had happened? I guess Katie could have told him...
24. So the FBI guy is a great big douche in this show too.
25. Blah, Jack. Come on. But does Dan even have the money anymore? Did it get left in the past or did he bring it back with him? I didn't notice if he had the bag with him.

HEROES! IT'S YOU! I missed you! It's been so long since you were yourself!

I think we're back on track.
1. Why did the white beard guy want to capture Hiro? That doesn't make any sense. He's just some dude, as far as he knows.
2. I still want to know about that painting of Hiro facing off with a T-Rex. When is that going to happen?
3. So does that mean Mohinder is going to shoot Mr. Bennett?
4. I HATE NIKKI. What a worthless, pointless character. I would rather keep the unbelievably annoying Irish girl around than keep Nikki.
5. Um, I don't think the CDC would attack and beat people like that and go "DO YOU HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS? ARE YOU SICK?" Unless the disease makes the people turn into zombies or something. Which is the entire plot of World War Z, this book I'm reading.
6. "G morning"? West, would it really take that much more effort to type three more letters? No.
7. Claire sleeps with makeup on?
8. West, seriously, you are going to get into so much trouble messing around with Mr. Bennett. Claire is trying to protect you by keeping you away from her family, but if you don't listen... look, I think you're adorable, and really really sweet, but you have extremely poor judgment.
9. Oooh, injecting Nikki with the virus. Does that mean we're sacrificing her? Oh wait, I misheard. Crap.
10. Nathan is asking the intelligent questions. Good job Nathan.
11. What's wrong with Hiro? Does he have a concussion or something? Oh hey, Mulan, hitting him in the face again is not going to help. Seriously, it's not.
13. So... the Shanti virus doesn't turn people into zombies...? That's disappointing.
14. So if they don't turn into zombies then why the excessive use of force when they captured Peter and Caitlin? I don't get it.
15. Molly's had an easy job the last few episodes. Just lie there and be in a coma.
16. Nikki, if you said OH OH OH DL! WHAT! YOU'RE DEAD! Oh no. Ohhhh no.
17. Oh, it was just Nightmare Man. I thought maybe they were going to steal the whole Baltar/Six thing from BSG. But they didn't. Okay.
18. What I was originally saying before DL interrupted me was if Nikki is so happy to be "cured" or whatever so that she can go back to her son, then why the heck is she still there working for the stupid Company?
19. "Peter is alive, Nathan. Your brother is alive." WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO!
20. Okay so this Adam person controls the weather? Is that what the newspaper headline had to do with it?
21. Okay Mama Petrelli, are you going to show us what your power is now? PRETTY PLEASE?
22. Oh, now Nathan's dead. He just can't win. So far he is 0 for 2 being alive in the future.
23. Is she making him remember? Well, he does remember, and she did something to make that happen, so was that her power in action...? I DON'T GET IT.
24. "Popsicles. Awesome."
25. Yeah, West. Claire seduced you, even though she tried repeatedly to get you to leave her alone, and it was all an elaborate trap set by the Horn Rimmed Glasses guy. That makes sense.
26. Why doesn't Hiro stop time and then go destory the guns?
27. Whoa. So let's see if Sark can come back from blowing up into a million little pieces.
28. Nikki's just punching holes in the wall. That's stupid.
29. Molly's been hanging out in a pretty nice apartment, looks like.
30. I'm really pissed off, because I have watched the same idiotic commercial every break. Which is five times. Thankfully, there are no more after this.
31. So... Hiro really is Takezo Kensei?
32. At least this time Hiro's girlfriend didn't get her brain cut out and eaten.
33. Hey, Mohinder has the thing on his nose now, like in the painting.
34. HA! Nikki's infected!
35. That would be really scary to turn around and see that thing on the desk.
36. Oh yeah, Mr. Bennett's first name is Noah.
37. Seriously, how is Claire going to be a cure? AND, why would we want to sacrifice Claire for stupid NIKKI?! Well, we wouldn't. We would not, is the thing. Get rid of Nikki.
38. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SARK! IN THE FUTURE! HE'S IN THE FUTURE AND HE'S ALIVE!!!!!
39. Umm... okay, this show just got, like, seven thousand times better. How much you want to bet that somehow Sark and Claire are related? Somehow related to the birth mom. And HOW DID HE GET THERE? He's not immortal... is he? He would have still aged. Did Hiro bring him back or something? AHH.

Casey continues to be the best thing about this show.

1. Oh, this is the depressing one about how Chuck got kicked out of school. Bleh.
2. "So thought Frodo Baggins, my friend."
3. Basically, Bryce Larkin is a great big douche.
4. I really like Chuck's student ID picture. It's goofy.
5. "I'm sorry... Iceland does espionage?"
6. Morgan and Anna, the nerd herd girl, are totally going to end up together.
7. HAHAHA! They play Lord of the Ring-like music whenever Harry Tang comes in the room.
8. I LOVE YOU CASEY. Chuck: "You didn't offer to kill Harry, did you?" Casey: "No. Why, you want me to kill him?"
9. CHUCK WAS IN A FRAT?! I'm sorry but that seems bizarre and out of character.
10. The Harry Tang thing isn't funny anymore. It's just stupid now.
11. Haha Chuck stole a book from the Stanford library. That sounds like something Erin would do. Or has done.
12. Chuck: "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I have to go back to Stanford." Casey: "Cool." I LOVE YOU CASEY. AHHH.
13. "You want to save the environment, huh? Take a shower, hippie." Casey seriously gets better every episode.
14. "Sorry I couldn't wipe the idiot grin off your face with photoshop."
15. Hmm, I bet Chuck's going to become a real agent eventually.
16. Ohh... Bryce got Chuck kicked out of Stanford to save his life. Well, that makes things a little different.
17. I remember Zork. Yes. Even though that's old.
18. I'm glad that episode wasn't as much of a downer as I was expecting it to be.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Razor playing in select theaters.


Oh, and:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

this show needs to have a good long life.

1. Kristin Chenoweth is so, so skinny. I mean, she's tiny anyway, but she's just stick thin. I don't think she's anorexic or anything, but she is really, REALLY small. She's still cute and funny, but I'm just saying. She needs a couple of sandwiches at least.
2. I love that Jim Dale narrates this show. It makes me happy, because he's the one who reads the U.S. Harry Potter audiobooks.
3. Oh my gosh! That's the saddest thing ever! Ned's dad sent him off to boarding school and left him there, and got remarried to someone with two kids that he actually wanted to take care of and spend time with... POOR NED.
4. "It makes him moodier than a pumpkin full of PMS."
5. I'm with Ned. There is no need for that many Halloween decorations. Or any Halloween decorations at all. No decorations are necessary.
6. I love the subtleties of this show. A while ago they said Ned twitches his eye whenever he lies, and then he lies, and his eye twitches, and there isn't a mention of it, but it's still there very intentional. It's great.
7. Olive being a professional horse jockey... I can believe that, given how tiny she is. The horse probably didn't even notice she was there.
8. That's a really realistic green screen horse race. Yeah, not really. It was clearly on purpose though.
9. Ned looks like a vampire with that coat on.
10. Okay! It's been more than a minute!
11. No commercials! Yay.
12. So Olive fainted behind the counter and Emerson just left her there? Classic, Emerson.
13. Ugh, Chuck, you can't let Ned do anything by himself? What the heck.
14. A bar just for short people...?
15. "Yeah, different like purple and mauve."
16. I'm still not totally sure why Chuck needs to keep the fact that she is alive a secret from her aunts. Whatever though.
17. Haha, the old lady just insulted Olive's dress. I hate it too.
18. "What did you say your name was? Brandon? Butch?" "Chuck?" HAHAHAHAHA. And then Emerson laughed too.
19. This old lady is crazy. And mean. And bitter.
20. Ned, I love you. Lee Pace, I love you and I think we should get married. For real.
21. "I missed you for the two hours I was away from you!" Chuck, shut up.
22. Okay I timed it that time, and it actually was a minute. Hm. I don't think it is every time.
23. It's not a ghost. It's John Joseph Jacobs' mom, or grandma, or whoever that lady was.
24. Oh. Well, it's not a ghost, anyway.
25. What, he got a leg transplant? Is that even possible?
26. Poor John Joseph Jacobs. He's really nice and sweet. But, also slightly creepy.
27. Haha! He even walks kind of like a horse. (The legs were transplanted from his horse. Yeah.)
28. Ned: "Can you not sing." Gordon: "If I don't sing, I throw up." Emerson: "Sing."
30. I really like the music.
31. "Tell Ned I love... his pies!"
32. "I love you shovel." Emerson.
33. Whoa, Olive kissed Ned!
34. If a trick or treater came to my door at two in the morning, they are SO not getting candy.
35. AWWW. I continue to adore this show.

Monday, October 29, 2007

picking up the pace a little bit...

1. I'm waiting for the moment when I stop hating Caitlin. I was watching this in the basement of the SUB and there was another guy who came down and watched it too - we don't really talk, but we both laughed at her when she said whatever her line was about killing "the bitch" that is Veronica Mars. Hey, in my opinion, Veronica did us a huge favor. There are way too many characters on this show right now, and Veronica is just doing a little tidying up. I hope you're next, Caitlin. I'm pretty sure you're no match for Veronica's blue electricity Emperor Palpatine-esque power.
2. I hate the cheerleaders. Even the nice ones. They're pointless. I don't really understand why Claire likes cheerleading because she isn't like any of those girls, as far as I've noticed.
3. I'm kind of confused how Monica got to New York. She was like "so are you going to tell me what this is all about?" or something to Mohinder... why didn't she ask him that stuff before she left her house with him? I mean he could have been some kind of murderer or whatever. And look what happened, she did almost die. Mohinder was going to inject her with whatever that virus thing was and it was going to either kill her or take away her powers. I'm surprised Monica was stupid enough to just get up and go with him, no questions asked.
4. "It's for the greater good." This dude has been hanging out with Gellert Grindelwald! (Well, I know a lot of people have said "for the greater good" before J.K. Rowling put it in her books but that is what I will always think of when anybody ever says it. Anyway.)
5. Okay, who are these Ukraine people? Claire's dad went to visit them to see the rest of the paintings from Isaac Mendes (which, by the way, how many more paintings can the guy have). And he's part of the Company apparently... so how widespread is the Company? It's in the Ukraine and America... where else? Probably several places. (It was Ukraine, right?)
6. Wow, that LG fridge looks totally awesome.
7. OH WEST. You can't just go up to the cheerleader girl and say "I'm hot and I have a power. Put me on the squad." Those two things do not automatically qualify you as a good cheerleader. Also, I'm not a fan of this public humiliation idea, West. Not cool. I hope it's not like "let's dump food on her!" Because that would be so stupid.
8. OH A MENTION OF CLAUDE! Come back Claude. Please. Go get Peter and bring him to his senses.
9. Mr. Bennett/HRG = still a great big douche. I'm back to totally hating him like I did last season. I realize he's just trying to protect his family, but still. I just don't like him.
10. Did Maya, Alejandro and Sylar really think it'd be that easy to get across the border...? And I'm kind of surprised that they came to a section of the border fence that just so happened to have one piece missing from it.
11. I'm really confused as to why the cheerleaders just hang out in their uniforms all the time. Is that a realistic interpretation of cheerleaders?
12. Okay Claire and West... that was admittedly pretty creative way to publicly humiliate Debbie, or whatever her name was, but also kinda crappy and mean. That said, she deserves it for being retarded enough to be drinking on school property.
13. Um... I don't care about Sark, Hiro, and Mulan anymore. Pretty much I think Hiro should come back to the present and maybe bring Sark too, so I can continue to look at his cute face. Mulan can stay in the past though.
14. Okay, so did the Company really change? Or is it a ploy to keep Mohinder there?
15. Ummm... Mulan figured all that out from holding her hand up to Hiro's face? That makes no sense. But poor Sark.
16. "Delicious power." What a great way to have Sylar describe how he sees their powers. Especially what with how he eats their brains to get their powers. Poor Alejandro though, I wish he could speak English. How does his twin sister know English and he doesn't?
17. Not sure how I feel about Sark punching Hiro but I'm not all that fussed about stupid Mulan getting captured. I wonder how all of that is going to play out. I thought it was pretty cut and dry (and therefore boring) so I'm glad they surprised me with this "shocking" turn of events. Although, it does seem sort of stupid of Sark to just give up and join the bad guys, just because he saw Hiro kissing his girlfriend - a girlfriend that he wouldn't even have if it wasn't for Hiro, BY THE WAY. Sark, you're kind of an idiot.
18. I'm really amused by Peter randomly discovering his powers. I hope he turns invisible, and then can't figure out how to not be invisible.
19. So it looks like it's a virus they're going to have to stop this time, rather than a nuclear bomb. Hmm. The alternate futures they keep coming up with are pretty interesting though.
20. I didn't really like this episode either but at least it seems to be getting slightly more interesting.

take me on, take on me, I'll be gone in a day or two

1. Ohh, I love "Take On Me" by Aha! It makes me happy. And Dan's wearing a mask because it's Halloween, right?
2. Yay for the awesome theme music.
3. Where were they just leaving money around that their kid found it? Why isn't it in a safe or something?
4. That'd be so weird to see yourself in the past. I'm kind of annoyed though, because in the previews they kept saying "if you had the chance to go back in time and tell yourself something, what would it be?" Well, the part where Dan sees himself was for like two seconds, and he doesn't say anything to himself. He's kind of staring when Jack is yelling at him for being out late, and then one of them (was it Jack? It would make more sense if it were Jack) sees him and goes "what are you staring at?" and I can't remember what Dan says, but Livia stops him from going over and intervening. I wonder if Dan remembers that now and remembers seeing himself and not knowing it then.
5. Clearly the little brother is the bomber.
6. I was right.
7. I really want one of those Sync car radios. Those are amazing. You just tell it to play whatever music you want and it does it. You don't have to worry about almost crashing when you're changing CDs or songs on your iPod when you're driving. It's probably really expensive though. BUT STILL. IT'S COOL.
8. Did anyone else see the commercial for that new air hand dryer thing! That was so cool! And yeah, I do the thing where you wash your hands, "dry" them off on the dryer and then wipe them off on my pants because it never gets the job done! Wow! I hope those things get installed in places soon because I want to try one.
9. I was watching this in the basement of the SUB and a HUGE spider walked across the floor in front of the TV. It was the biggest one I've seen that was not a tarantula in Costa Rica. It was gross. I put my shoes back on at that point because I was nervous that it would come over to me and walk on my bare skin and poison me or something. (It didn't.)
10. Whoa, the crazy bomb guy knows Dan's time travelling... hmm.
11. I like Jack. He's really just trying to help... I wish Dan would just tell him the truth about his little habit, so he could stop being so suspicious all the time. And I'm glad Katie wasn't cheating on him, and that she really does love Dan. I don't need another reason to hate her.
12. I think next week's episode looks sweet. Going back in time to protect yourself... I think that's cool and will probably be more exciting than this episode was. I like thinking about the paradoxes like that... it's the most interesting part of time travel stories.

Chuck Versus... I don't know, the crazy homeschooled kid.

The villain in this episode is some kid that was raised in a basement by the government. He's psychotic.

1. "Tang has the charm of a prostrate exame." HA. I like Big Mike. I do not like Tang, because he is the most ridiculous character on the show. Well, besides Morgan probably. Still.
2. Morgan is annoying and immature. (I think they emphasized it more in this episode so that the change toward the end is more obvious, but yeah. It was worse this episode.)
3. "You gave me goosebumps." "Super, Jeff." Jeff is so determinedly creepy, it's hilarious. I really love the word "super" lately. Also, props to Chuck for finally telling Morgan to grow up, and then not apologizing for it later in the episode. Because it's the truth.
4. "Help me, Chuck Bartowski. You're my only hope." You know, I totally didn't see it coming that the Lazlo the Homeschooled Psycho would actually be psycho. I really thought he was okay. (Also he didn't really say that, he just said "you're my only hope," but you know that's what you were thinking when he said that. If you watch this show. Which maybe you don't. But you should.)
5. "Probably off doing something really mature, like seeing an opera. Or reading." That's Morgan's idea of maturity? No wonder he's still an idiot.
6. I love Captain Awesome. Making Morgan tuck his shirt in and everything, showing him how to be "mature." That was the best part of this episode.
7. Talking about sandwiches for four hours - how is there even enough to say about sandwiches for that long? Either way, Casey having to listen to it through the bugs in Chuck's room is probably the funniest thing ever. Oh Casey.
8. "You're still a giant douche for spying on me." I love how this is the way Chuck reacts to finding the bugs in his house. In pretty much every other show or movie in which a person finds that their house is bugged, they completely flip out and try immediately to get away from the people who did it. Chuck just goes and yells about it and calls Casey a douche, and Casey doesn't even deny it. He's just like "yeah. It's for your own protection you moron." I guess they should have told him to avoid Chuck getting all pissy about it, but I guess they never had any reason to suspect he'd find out. Still, I'd be kind of weirded out if I found out my house was bugged by the people I worked for.
9. Wow, Morgan really did start acting like an adult. Well, kind of. More like a kid pretending to be one, but hopefully he'll figure it out eventually.
10. Chuck and Morgan in that Dune worm costume = the most ridiculous thing ever.
11. HAHA, Casey listening to Chuck and Morgan talk about sandwiches again, and Chuck's totally doing it on purpose. I LOVE YOU CHUCK. I LOVE YOU CASEY.
12. Pretty good episode... next week's looks pretty intense and probably kind of sad, what with finding out the specifics about Chuck getting kicked out of Stanford.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

most magical show of all

1. Digby is the new Lassie!
2. OUCH, Ned. That's why I hate bees. Bees suck. Chuck has bees for pets. That is just weird.
3. Why can't they hug? They're wearing clothes. As long as their faces don't touch, it would probably be okay. I guess it would be pretty risky, but still.
4. Hahahahaha Olive making Ned touch her heartbeat. That's so awkward.
5. "It's dead, and it's a bird. It's diseased." I agree Emerson. Don't touch it.
6. Why is there a squirrel in the middle of the city?
7. "Just because there's vodka in the fridge doesn't mean I have to drink it. Wait, yes it does." Emerson, you're awesome.
8. Oh Ned! Chuck is kinda weird and fickle! Run away while you can!
9. "What's a rooftop full of bees compared to someone who can catch her when she falls?" I love that line.
10. No commercials again. I'm on a roll.
11. The pigeon that died randomly had a message tied to its leg? Right. That's okay, I don't need this show to be realistic. It's not trying to be.
12. Oh my gosh! Of all the random things that could have happened, Ned pulls the hijacker guy's fake arm off.
13. Why would they just sit there with a fake arm lying on the table in front of all those customers? That seems like a no-no.
14. I want to see a scene where Ned washes his hands. He really should, what with all this touching of dead people.
15. Okay, I don't think putting that dead bird's wing on the one that lost it is going to help it fly again.
16. THE WINDMILL GIRL WAS IN HEROES. She was Charlie, the one that Hiro liked that Sylar killed, the one who could remember stuff really easily.
17. Emerson in the car listening to Chuck and Ned bickering: "I'm going to kill myself."
18. How did that one armed guy manage to tie the windmill girl up without knocking her out? He has one arm. And then he used bows to tie her? That's hilarious. And they're totally falling for each other. How cute.
19. Hahahaha, the windmill girl just gets up.
20. I really like the black and white flashback with the random colors scattered throughout... so wonderful.
21. How in the world did the windmill girl lose her leg? But oh my gosh... Olive's reaction to the girl opening the compartment in her wooden thigh to reveal the diamonds was completely priceless.
22. Okay, dancing in beekeeper outfits around the beehives is not romantic to me. But they are very cute.
23. I love this show! I really, really do. It's so wonderful.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

mississippi moon won't you keep on shining on me

1. Oh, poor little Zack, that would have completely traumatized me to have my dad vanish like that. Dan should've known better than to go off with his kid just the two of them though.
2. When/where the heck is Dan? A very scary place... and that was a parachute, right? At first I thought it was a hot air balloon.
4. I don't really get why Dan doesn't tell Jack about his time traveling stuff.
5. I'm really confused how nobody has managed to see Dan disappear. He's done it several times in the newsroom, where there are tons of people.
6. Katie has the same kind of toothpaste as me.
7. How can I be in love with so many different TV show heroes at once. Seriously - Dan Vassar, West, Chuck Bartowski, does Jim Halpert count? Well, I really like Dan, is all.
8. Hey, it's Black Water by The Doobie Brothers. I LOVE that song.
9. Hey, the tachyon scientist guy is the guy who played the president in The Island. Katie's probably the only one who will get that reference.
10. I really want there to be a society of time travelers or something like that. It would be cool.
11. K, the scientist guy obviously knows something is going on and that Dan isn't really writing a novel.
12. OH AWESOME, Zack is the first one to see Dan disappear!!!!! That's so cool!
13. You know what I'm willing to bet happens? In a future season, Dan's gonna meet his son when he's older while he's traveling... and I bet he's travelling too. I BET YOU ANYTHING Zack's going to be a time traveler too. And that's going to be exciting.
14. The guy who plays Dan's dad looks familiar to me...
15. Awww! Zack is cute. The look on Dan's face when Zack hugged him after saying he saw his "magic" was so great.
16. I love this show. This was the best episode of all the ones I watched today.

Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp

1. Chuck and Morgan's Enter the Dragon thing... hilariously dorky.
2. Chuck: I thought you were off this stuff, buddy!
Morgan: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, Chuck! Daddy needs his fix!
Chuck: Dude! ...You know how I feel about fireworks!
Morgan: You know what, to defeat fear, you must embrace fear.
Chuck: I'd rather embrace my LIMBS. Specifically all of them! No fireworks!
3. "You hear that sizzle? It's like the sound of angels' laughter." Morgan really likes shrimp.
4. OH AWESOME. NO COMMERCIALS AGAIN! is really making up for its crappiness.
5. Robert Duncan McNeill is a producer of this show. That's the guy who played Tom Paris in Star Trek: Voyager. Fun fact! And I knew that without having to look it up on! (Although I did to make sure.) Isn't that sad?
6. Morgan is a terrible salesman. Poor guy though - I wonder how long it'll be before he finds out about Chuck's situation. Hopefully not too long...
7. After Chuck ordered shrimp under the name Charles Carmichael to be delivered to their car while they were staking out a Chinese place:
Casey: The idea of a stakeout is to remain inconspicuous, you moron.
Chuck: Um, hello? That's why I used an alias.
8. Chuck hanging out in the car waiting for Sarah and Casey to get back from trying to find the Chinese lady is awesome. "Stakeouts are kinda fun!"
9. I don't really like Ellie.
10. Hey, I have a magnet like that. The "peace" one on the fridge.
11. Why are the lights off in this house? Dramatic effect, I guess.
12. "This is the part where we hide."
13. Aww, Chuck. He's more like Superman than you think, Ellie, so shut up.
14. Good episode. Not as good as the first few, but I'm loving this show.


1. So... Molly's in a coma?
2. Parkman is an idiot - why would he make Molly look for his dad, a.k.a. Nightmare Man, if he wasn't planning on going and looking for him? Or did he chicken out after Molly freaked out.
3. They better explain why Monica didn't want to identify the guy that broke into her fast food place.
4. Oh, vomit. When did Milo Ventimiglia start sucking at acting? Because this is painful. At least his Irish girlfriend is trying to tell him to open the damn box. Why doesn't she just open it?
5. Peter is such a douche for being okay with abandoning anybody that might be looking for him. Why wouldn't he care about any family he might have?
6. Nathan still looks like crap. It's kind of endearing though. Like, "fine, I'll shave off my beard, but I'm only doing it once and if it comes back everybody can just deal."
7. "I'm not a cargo jet, Parkman..." Hahaha. Well, I thought it was funny.
8. Monica: "I didn't want some crack head looking for revenge, so I said I didn't recognize him." Um, wouldn't he be looking for revenge anyway, given that you like, double roundhouse kicked him in the face?
9. So far my opinion of this episode is extremely low, but I'm really fond of Nathan, even if he seems sort of out of character for what I'm used to.
10. Wow, Micah can play the piano. I didn't know that. Maybe the actor has been taking lessons.
11. Oh my gosh!!! It's the scary wrong other future where Peter blew up!! Is that what Molly keeps dreaming about? I don't know. Clearly Nightmare Man can do more than just read minds.
12. Aww, Sark. Cuuuute. I don't care what he's doing, I just like looking at him.
13. Where are Claire and West.
14. Whoa, Nikki is clearly not happy.
15. FINALLY Peter's opening the box.
16. I think Veronica Mars is not a good guy. I hope she roasts that Irish guy though, with her electric powers, or whatever it is she can do. Oh, well, there we go.
17. I am so, so confused about what's going on with Nathan and Parkman. I think Nightmare Man is just messing with the stuff he found in their heads... but still. Oh - wait, I get it, he's making them fight each other. Wow, that is crazy. Still, the stuff leading up to it was kind of confusing for me. AND I STILL WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE DEAL WITH NATHAN'S GROSS FACE IS. UGHHHH.
18. Ando going to that guy to help him read the notes from Hiro was really funny.
19. How do the people Mohinder work for find all the heroes as soon as they start realizing their powers? The answer to this question used to be Molly, but she was gone and currently is in a coma. So what's the explanation?
20. Veronica Mars sounds like she's arguing with her dad. Oh, she was arguing with her dad.
21. Well, that episode was pretty... blah. Veronica Mars' introduction was good, overall, and I'm 100% sure that her dad will be someone we have seen before. Other than that, and the fight between Nathan and Parkman, I was pretty bored with this episode... and not just because there was no Claire or West.

Friday, October 19, 2007

to whomever it may concern: this is my favorite episode of The Office.

1. "One of the cutest little asparagus farms you'll ever see."
2. Wow - Jan is really mean. "Why do you need a car? For improv? Why don't you just pretend you have a car?"
3. Dwight and his literal wild oats.
4. Michael has a second job! Selling diet pills on the phone...! I feel bad for him though.
5. Jim and Pam going to Dwight's bed and breakfast is going to be hilarious.
6. Jim: "We will be requiring a bed time story."
Dwight: "No."
Jim: "Not even Harry Potter?"
7. I LOVED when Jim was talking about what he thought his and Pam's first night away would be... "I didn't think Dwight would be involved at all."
8. Those beets were disgusting. Ugh.
9. OH MY GOSH... Dwight reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and doing voices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim and Pam cuddled up and cute listening!!!! I think that scene is probably my absolute favorite of the whole entire show. And I don't think it can possibly be beaten by anything else. That has made my life. I want Dwight to read me Harry Potter.
10. Wow, Michael totally fits in with all those telemarketers. That's kind of sad.
11. Aww, Dwight was crying over Angela's cupid figurine. Well, that's what you get for putting her cat in the freezer.
12. Ugh, Ryan. I really hate him these days.
13. "Power point. Power point. Power point." I think that might be the funniest thing Michael Scott has ever done. (The pointing, I mean.)
14. Kelly is a ridiculous human being.
15. I loved the debate over "whomever" and "whoever." That was amazing.
16. "Well maybe you should look in the smart part of your brain." I love pretty much everyone on this show, but I like Andy a lot since he got back from anger management.
17. Ha ha! Meredith is playing spider solitaire on her computer.
18. Darryl, run away from Kelly. Seriously. She is crazy.
19. "Bankruptcy is like nature's do-over." Why does anybody ever believe anything Creed says.
20. ANDY! Trying to catch that cat was hilarious. I really think Angela and Andy should be together. Sorry Dwight.
21. Dwight playing a green recorder by the dumpster. That is so sad and pathetic and hilarious.
22. Jim and Pam are so nice to Dwight, it makes me happy.
24. OH JIM AND PAM KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally knew that was coming! This is the best episode ever!!!! I mean - first, Dwight reads Harry Potter, second, Andy gets Angela a cat, and finally, Jim kisses Pam in front of everyone. I love it.
25. Yay, Dwight is back to normal. I was afraid he would try to leave or something, and I wouldn't be able to handle that.
26. Jim's kind of in love with "Italian food." Oh man. When are they going to get married? Because seriously - it's coming. I wouldn't be surprised if they eloped or something, after the whole Pam being engaged for like seven years and never setting a date thing. It would be cute.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pooh! Kick, Pooh! Kick!

1. I wonder how many episodes are going to have the narrator explaining about Ned's ability. It's good that it's there, because then people (like you) can start watching it even if they missed the first few episodes.
2. I'm really sad that Chuck and Ned can't be together because Ned brought her back to life, and if he touches her again she goes back to being dead.
3. I'm also really sad that Chuck's nickname is Chuck. Her real name is Charlotte Charles, I think, but she goes by Chuck, which bothers me, because there is another good show I watch about a someone named Chuck, and that Chuck is a guy.
4. Olive is so funny. I feel bad for her because of how much she likes Ned though. Kristen Chenoweth is so tiny and adorable.
5. Chuck is actually kind of annoying me right now. She was okay the first two episodes, but she's starting to get to me.
6. Ned needs to tell Chuck about what happens when he lets dead people stay alive. Oh - there we go. He did. Okay. Next step is telling her it's his fault her dad died.
7. Somehow I lucked out and I got an episode that isn't showing intermittent commercials. This also happened when I watched The Office last week. It's kind of amazing. Thanks
8. "This is a pie house, not some herbal crack den." Oh Olive.
9. How does Chuck have so many different outfits? I mean in the first episode she was wearing one of Ned's coats. I like that she wears such bright colors though, considering this is her second chance at life and she wants to get as far away from death as she can.
10. That's a really, really fancy funeral home.
11. This show makes me want to work in a pie store.
12. Hmm, I think Olive is going to figure out what's going on.
13. "Where are we going?" "You're going to heaven!" "I got in?!" "Yeah! But heaven's closing in like five minutes."
14. These minutes are awfully long.
15. "Are you adopted?" That's exactly what I was wondering, Ned, what with an Asian guy with a really heavy southern accent claiming he is descended from a civil war hero. But then the backstory explained about the stealing of identity and it made more sense.
16. This is slightly reminiscent of Pirates of the Caribbean.
17. Ha ha! Ned, I love you.
Bad guy: "I think you should know I was thrice named alternate sword master at the southern area regional volunteer infantry re-enactment regiment."
Ned: "I wanted to be a Jedi."
18. Emerson getting stuck in the window is just hilarious. And then Chuck trying to get him out - "Remember! Mind over matter makes Pooh unfatter!"
19. "You killed Louis Shatz and put him in my freezer. I put FOOD in there!" Ned... I think I want to marry you.
20. Awww, Ned is a prince charming all by himself, he doesn't need a sword and a corny accidental Roman looking toga.

I love this show. So dearly.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I want a nerd with a mind like a diamond

Concerning Chuck, which no one but me watches.

I really love that the theme song is "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake. I had just made that song my ringtone right before I watched the episode where they first showed the intro, and well, I was thrilled. The show has really good music throughout the episode, too - unsurprising because the guy who made this show was part of making The OC, which according to iTunes and the general populace of the world, has good music music, whatever else it is (I've never watched it, so I'm going to try not to judge).

This episode had a very James Bondsy feel to it. Maybe James Bond meets Pink Panther, given that they were stealing a diamond combined with how goofy the entire premise is in general.

I love Zachary Levi. He is perfect at being a lovable geek. Or rather, nerd, since he is on the "nerd herd" at "Buy More." I want to find someone like that in real life. And Adam Baldwin is completely fantastic - good ol' Jayne. He's the best.

Some favorite quotes...
"I need to ask you a favor, and feel free to say no. And by that I mean, say no."

"How am I supposed to know Karina has a remote control jet ski? It's not usually an option in real life!"

Morgan: You know, if our relationships don't work out.... okay, because we got each other.
Chuck: That's really really sad.
Morgan: I know.

"Your grape soda's on the kitchen floor!"
-Chuck to Morgan
(I liked that one because it was after he dropped it when a ninja lady came in and attacked him. It's all about context.)

Concerning Journeyman, which I watch, and my dad watches, and no one else watches.

I'm really loving this show. I really like Kevin McKidd. He's very... heroic. Perfect description.

The way this episode started was great - waking up in a church in the middle of a wedding rehearsal.

I LOVE the music in the opening credits. I'm very big on music.

One thing about this show I really don't like is the wife. She just bothers me. I do like the brother, Jack, and I hope he figures out soon what's going on with Dan so he can stop looking like the bad guy.

I still hate I watched Heroes, and then Chuck and I guess the NBC player got tired because it kept freezing when I was watching Journeyman. Very frustrating, but I'm more used to it now.

oh golly

1. Mr. Bennett, you meeting Claire's new BF is not going to really work out. Mainly because you kidnapped him when he was like eight. These things always come back to getcha. Anyway - I'm not really liking ol' Horn Rimmed Glasses these days. I wasn't ever all that fond of him, but I didn't mind him towards the end of last season. But now I'm back to being annoyed by him.
2. I still don't know what to make of Mohinder and Parkman playing "my two daddies" to Molly. Other than that I think it's sort of funny. I mean, they fight like a married couple.
3. Your kids don't like your beard either, Nathan. Please take heed. Poor guy though - why can't he see his kids, exactly? I guess that all happened in the four months between the seasons. I'm kind of confused though, because what would he have done that would make him not allowed to see his kids? I know he's not the best dad, but as far as I'm aware he's not the worst, either. So why the apparent restraining order?
3.5. Oh - that's right, he had a drinking problem. I forgot about that... that would do it though. He seems more or less fine, though, when he shows up to talk to people. And didn't he get elected? What happened with that? Did he resign or something?
4. Jersey guy, you should have just run him over. Really.
5. Wow. I do not like the kid that woke up Micah. "Nana, I need sixty five dollars." I do like Uhura though - a lot. "That's funny, so do I." And she watches HGTV, apparently. I can relate. The older girl is okay so far.
6. Obviously, Mama Petrelli is lying. I guess she's trying to make a sacrifice for the greater good of all the other heroes. I STILL WANT TO KNOW WHAT HER POWER IS. It is making me crazy. Obviously she has one. And what was Mr. Sulu's power?! They never said!!!!
7. Ugh, Claire, please don't do the cheerleader thing again.
8. Aww West. Getting dumped already. But dude, calm down. "Is it because we flew together? I weirded you out, didn't I?" Yeah, who wouldn't be weirded out by a completely adorable guy literally picking you up flying you to the beach during school? I mean, if the flying thing wasn't totally enough already, ditching school to go to the beach should do it. Well, it would for me at least. Seriously. West, when you find out that Claire's dad is the one who kidnapped you, hit me up. I'll appreciate you.
9. "Are you reading my mind right now?" "No. Yes. Sorry."
10. It is not looking good for Maya and Alejandro. At least Alejandro is slightly suspicious.
11. Hmm... Sylar introduced himself as Gabriel Grey. I guess he reverts to that because he no longer has any powers... he even seems like he's acting human. I'm not sure that's going to last. But, I think he has the virus, and that's why his powers don't work. So his incapability is only temporary, and his villainous ways will be back before you know it.
12. I don't like these weird Bennett dinners, where they show their faces up close like that. It's annoying. And I kind of hate Lyle.
13. I wonder if the Petrelli kids (the legitimate ones) will have any powers. I would be surprised if that came up in this season, but maybe in future ones.
14. "This guy's name is Bob." I don't know why that was so funny to me.
15. WHOA, PARKMAN'S DAD! That's crazy but somehow, not really surprising! Everybody's dad or mom is somehow involved. I was expecting Claude to be in that picture, though - maybe he was lower down in the operation, and not one of the original important leader figures. When is he coming back, anyway? I know he is.
16. The Claire/West scenes in this episode were so much better and less corny than the ones in the last episode. "I know you can heal, Claire, but I never want to see you hurt." I really, really love them together. I don't care who knows it.
17. I still don't really get what Micah's power is... is it just that he can manipulate machinery?
18. What's the Burger Girl's name? I think it's Monica. And what's her power, that she can carve tomatoes? Or what? I like her though, and I think she and Claire should be friends.
19. Okay, I don't know why I didn't see Parkman's dad being the Nightmare Man thing coming. Dun dun duuuuun.
20. Oh, Peter, I remember that kid. What is he up to, anyway?
21. WHAT is up wih that gross reflection of Nathan? Ooky.
22. Does anybody else see the irony in the random Jersey guy telling Sylar about how they have murderers in the car with them? Yes? Okay, good.
23. "Oh, golly, they seem so..." I actually kind of like Sylar right now. I know he's faking it, but it's kind of funny.
24. So Monica's power is that she can see things and imitate them exactly? That's pretty cool.
25. Oh what happened to Molly! Ahhh! Cliffhanger! I'm sure she'll be fine though.

The one thing I really don't like about watching the shows online is that they don't show the previews. I know I could probably find it if I hunted around for it enough, but I think it'd be nice if they put them at the end of the episodes like they do on real TV. Oh well.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pulling Pansies

I just watched the second episode of Pushing Daisies.

This show is insane and totally wonderful. I don't know why it took me so long to notice this, but Kristen Chenoweth plays Olive, the waitress who works at the pie shop and is in love with Ned. (If I hadn't seen it on IMDB, I certainly would have figured it out when she started singing.)

But - cars that run on dandelions? The way that mascot girl was dressed up? I loved that. Who came up with this show?* It is the most creative TV show I've ever watched. And Lee Pace is just adorable and makes you love him more every scene.

And Emerson. Emerson and his knitting. Emerson and his total straight face in every situation. Emerson and every single thing he says. "If I wanted to mingle with a bunch of geeks wearing leotards, I'd have stayed in art school." So great.

Anyway... if you haven't started watching this show, you should watch it. If you watch any of the new shows I tell you to watch, pick this one, because it's just... wonderful.

*Bryan Fuller made this show. Looking at his IMDB profile (if you didn't know, I am kind of addicted to, he was apparently a producer and writer for Heroes last season, and he wrote the episode Company Man, which is the episode that a lot of people say is like, the best one of the whole series so far. He also had a lot to do with Wonderfalls, which I vaguely remember watching parts of, and there were talking inanimate objects in it, and a girl worked at a novelty shop at Niagara Falls... and it was on Fox, so it got cancelled after eleven episodes. And apparently he also did some stuff with Star Treks Voyager and Deep Space Nine.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Superman or Green Lantern ain't got nothing on West

1. Peter, I'm really getting sick of you. "I lost my memory, I'm not an idiot." Wrong. If you weren't an idiot you would have left Ireland a long time ago. Please, just get out of there. I'm so done with that storyline and it's only the third episode of the season. (Hey, that was the guy from Enterprise.)
2. So, Alejandro looked all around before breaking into that car, but still failed to see the cop standing, like, right across the street? Good going.
3. Micah looks older... Is DL still alive? No? No. Okay, DL is dead. That sucks, because I liked him.
4. I LOVE West. Seriously - best part of the season so far. Claire: "It was a pedicure." West: "Well, you're not very good at it." But so - what he was doing outside her house was "trying to lend her a book." Lending her a book by standing outside her house in the bushes, looking in her window? Come on West. That's not a great excuse. Although he did really have the book with him so maybe that really was what he was doing. Still.
5. I don't know why I love the little... um... "partnership" Mohinder and Parkman have going on. I don't mean it like that obviously, but I just think it's sort of funny. I loved how Parkman snuck up on him in the kitchen with the gun and Mohinder was all "oh for God's sake." Good stuff. I even don't completely hate the little girl - last season she annoyed me. She's less irritating now, even if she does draw creepy pictures.
6. How did Ando manage to sneak a sword to work? And why didn't anybody in all those centuries between 16-whatever and now (four centuries, give or take a few decades) look at the end of that sword and see "Ando, open" and then proceed to open it? That seems pretty unlikely to me. But, okay.
7. Okay, I really don't understand Sark's reaction to his discovery of his healing power. "You cursed me! You're a devil!" What? How is being able to heal from any wound a curse? And how did he not notice it before? He's a grown man. He NEVER cut himself or stubbed his toe or got stung by a bee or something and healed instantly? Maybe he was just oblivious.
8. "Lightning! Sparks! Lightning!" Peter, you are so completely brain dead.
9. WEST! His whole "lizard girl" thing was fantastic. Claire has NO sense of humor. (Well, I understand her feelings, and the whole safety issue, but still.) AND THEN---! She goes outside to cry, and he goes out there too and he's all, "I take it you're annoyed." And she's like "What do you want from me?" And he says, "I just want you to admit that you're different!" "Okay, fine. I'm a freak. All right? I am such a freak in fact that I have to tiptoe around this school pretending to be some brainless barbie doll so no one notices how different I am! Because if they find out, I'll get carted off to some human zoo to be poked and prodded for the rest of my life! So yeah, West. I'm different. And you can tell the world if you want to because I am tired of pretending to be someone I'm not." And he goes "Claire, shut up." And he picks her up and they go flying off into the sky to some corny music and it is so, so wonderful.
10. Why is Peter so worried about the whole "stealing tickets" thing they're doing, or whatever it is (I'm not sure, because I wasn't really paying attention). I mean - superpowers? Remember? Yawn.
11. I'm bored with Mulan, too. Hiro, you barely know her. You have a crush on her. That is all. You will be fine.
12. Is the lady Nikki's leaving Micah with someone famous? I swear I've seen her before. At first I thought it was Uhura from Star Trek but I looked that up on IMDB and I didn't see it on there.
13. I am so, so ready to know what the deal is with Maya's creepy, creepy power.
14. Come back to the light side, Darth Peter. I can't believe he got that stupid family crest tattoo. Good thing he healed and it went away because that would be ridiculous. And then he makes out with the annoying Irish girl. Peter, open the box. You were not a bad person before. Just do it, okay? Do it and get your butt back to New York away from annoying... I don't even know her name. The Irish girl, and her annoying family of criminals.
15. Claire and West are SO, SO CUTE. I totally saw that coming with Claire's dad being the one that kidnapped West when he was younger, though. That'll make family dinners a little awkward.
16. I don't think the deal with Nikki and Werner from Sneakers (no one knows that reference) will turn out to be something good. I think that's fairly obvious.
17. I am totally disturbed by the Sylar being alive thing. That girl is stupid, first of all, for thinking she could make Sylar love her and not kill her. Obviously he was going to eat her brain the first chance he got. Second, who was she working for that wanted him alive? Probably has something to do with the guy in the little girl's dreams. It seems like something is awry with Sylar's ability to glean powers from brain sandwiches - he ate that girl's brain and nothing happened. Sucks for you, Sylar, but rocks for everyone else.
18. So does anybody think Claire's dad is really going to get it this season? Not everything from Isaac's paintings comes true, but a lot of it does. And who is that making out with Claire in the back of that picture? (Probably West.) (What if West kills her dad for kidnapping him or whatever? Oh no West don't be like that!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

creative title

Bionic Woman.
1. I still hate But I love Katee Sackhoff too much to stop watching this show.
2. I still can't stand Jamie Sommers. She's unbelievably irritating for a main character. I hope she gets better, because I feel bad when I don't like the lead. I did warm up to her a little this episode, when they showed her actually having emotions at her boyfriend's funeral (who I guess is dead after all).
3. In the intro credits, they show Jamie punching Sarah Corvus... what they don't show is the rest of the fight, where Sarah completely kicks Jamie's butt in every single way, and the only reason she "won" is because Sarah left when the other people from that agency showed up.
4. OMG ANOTHER BSG PERSON. Roslin's priest lady is the bratty sister's principal. At first I was like, how are all the same people on this show, but then I realized oh, because of David Eick. (BSG producer.) Still. It's kind of blowing my mind.
5. "Pot's not really a drug. It comes from the earth." Thank you, bratty sister. That makes it okay then. Yep. Go ahead, keep smoking pot. It will make you more interesting.
6. Bratty Sister wants to move in with their dad... I thought the dad didn't want her to live with him? Remember how Jamie was like "Dad dropped you off on my doorstep"? Wasn't that Dad going "I don't want you to live with me"? Seems like it would be. Just saying.
7. Jamie's friends were just stupid. "Oh my gosh! You got into Columbia Law! How great! Let's talk about it right here in front of our friend who never went to college and make her feel really crappy about it." And then they looked confused and hurt when she made an excuse and left. Dumb. Good thing they will probably never be on the show again.
8. I love Isaiah Washington (from here on referred to as Burke) and I don't care who knows it. I think he's a fabulous actor - Grey's is worse off for losing him, I don't care what the drama was behind that. Maybe he's a jerk in real life, but whatever. He's a great actor. So this show is all the better for having him.
9. I really loved when that tech guy hit Jamie in the head to fix the ringing in her ear. Really. She deserved that. So thanks random tech guy.
10. All I could think about during the training montage they had Jamie go through was the montage song in Team America: World Police.
11. How did Sarah Corvus get into that guy's office without anybody seeing her? The security seems extremely lax in that place, for it being a super secret agency. And are they really married or is that a cover up or something? I don't really get it.
12. I really don't like the other blonde lady. She reminds me too much of the Stargate SG-1 girl. Also she's annoying as a character.
13. Burke when he's interrogating that guy: "...or I could take a pair of pliers and show you something someone once showed me..." Was that someone Jack Bauer*?
14. Thank God Wilco sang over the Annie Get Your Gun song the Bratty Sister was singing in the talent show at the end.
15. The end of this episode was a little too Gilmore Girlsy for me.

The Office.
The Office was amazing tonight, as usual. I watched it in the Junior Commons in the TV with a bunch of guys (including the Brooks College president - the vice president was also there, but she's a girl). I staked out the TV - only two people were like "let's watch Grey's Anatomy!" and I was able to successfully hold the TV from them.

This is out of order because I didn't take notes as I was watching it (I was around other people, that would have looked weird.)
1. Thank you Ryan for finally yelling at stupid Michael for all the idiotic things he does. I want to, all the time, no one else does, but finally, you did. I still think you're kind of a jerk, but you win points for saying what everybody else has been thinking.
2. Dwight and Angela are officially over... I LOVED her eye roll at the end of the episode, when Dwight got back with Michael after the gift basket incident. Every time she was on the screen, someone in the room would be like "she went to Baylor!"
2.5. Dwight bringing a new cat for Angela... "It's a barn cat. He's named Garbage, because he likes to eat garbage! I trapped him this morning. He's very useful, he killed an entire family of raccoons." And then he just locks him in a random office. I love Angela though. She rocks.
3. One of my favorite lines from tonight: "I am not old. You are old. You are like a hundred."
4. CREED oh my gosh. He dyed his hair... and said he was about to turn thirty. In the last episode he said he was eighty two.
5. I don't know if this was just the TV and the fact that it's widescreen, but Steve Carell's nose looked so huge.
6. Everyone knows about Jim and Pam now. What the heck was up with Phyllis going up to Pam and telling her, all sweetly of course, not to redirect the new sales calls to Jim just because she's sleeping with him? Geez... Phyllis is actually kind of mean, it turns out.
7. "YES! CASH BASKET!" and "If you can't see how that's awesome, then... you need awesome lessons." Andy is so much more hilarious since anger management training. And Andy and Kevin going on about how cool Ryan is now and how he can get any girl he wants (see 9).
8. I liked the old Dunder-Mifflin website, the one that said "Dunder-Mifflin - Under Construction. Coming Christmas 2002!" better than the new one.
9. OMG RYAN HITTING ON PAM! AHHH! That was so hilarious... wow. Okay. FAVORITE moment tonight was when Pam said, "I'm dating Jim," and the camera pans to Jim, who is right there and heard everything, obviously, and he just keeps looking at his computer when he waves at the camera... and then he says in his next talking head, "I guess he can't get any girl he wants..." JIM, you're the best. (There was a guy** sitting there with the rest of us who had never watched it before, who I don't think really got the concept of the show at first ["Why do they keep looking at the camera?"] but when this scene started, he was like "he's totally hitting on her," and I was almost like "no, that can't be" but then he ended up being right. Basically I was impressed.)
10. That moment is tied with the moment when MICHAEL DROVE INTO THE FREAKING LAKE. "The machine knows what it's doing!" I have a Michael tolerance, and for the majority of this episode I was like "ugh, Michael is being even more idiotic than usual in this one" what with the ageism meeting and everything to do with that, and then harassing their former clients with gift baskets and so forth. It just kept getting worse and worse and then finally it reached a point of ridiculousness that it started being funny again. Everything Michael did after the car thing was just hilarious. Especially when he went back to that guy's office and demanded the gift basket back.
11. Finally (and this is paraphrased)...
Jim: So, Angela and Dwight? They've been dating, for like, six months.
Pam: Really? They've actually been dating for like two years.
Jim: What? You never said anything to me!
Pam: You never said anything to me, either.
Jim: We should have started dating so much sooner!
Um... yes!

*And the award for the Most Talked About TV Character On a Show I Do Not Watch goes to...

**This same guy was reading what looked like a science fiction book (don't know which one). During one of the commercials, where we saw a preview for Heroes, he and I had the following conversation in front of like, a ton of other guys:
Nerd Guy: Does anybody else watch that show ever?
Me: I do.
Nerd Guy: Okay, so Sylar takes people's brains, but what does he do with them?
Me: He eats them.
Nerd Guy: Really? They never say that in the show, do they?
Me: No, it was in an interview, they said it would be too gross to put on the show but yeah, that's what he does.
Nerd Guy: Ohhhh, okay...
I didn't know whether to be proud that I knew the answer to that question or incredibly embarrassed that I knew the answer to that question. (...I think I'm more proud.)