Saturday, December 29, 2007

Doctor Who Rewatch!

Well, why not. I found a community on LiveJournal (don't laugh at me) that is rewatching all available episodes until series four starts up in... March, I think it is. So I'm jumping in - kind of in the middle, since they're already halfway through series one, but oh well. I didn't want to watch the ones before that anyway.

So, here are my thoughts on this week's rewatch episode:
The Long Game.

So this is one of those episodes where they brought along that dumb Adam guy... I can't remember where they picked him up, but oh well. Oh right, he was in the Dalek episode. Anyway... so cute how the Doctor lets Rose play the tour guide. She's only barely less starstruck than Adam is.

Rose does a lot of annoying picking up of random guys in the first season... she started out with Mickey, and then Adam, and then Jack... well, Jack wasn't annoying actually. I like Jack. Thankfully, this goes away in the second season. Can't imagine why.

Face of Boe just announced he was pregnant... that's interesting. Very interesting. I already knew about that of course, but I don't know, just strikes me as much funnier than it was the first time I watched this. Not only is a male giant head in a jar having a baby, but given the series three finale... well, anyway. Makes me laugh.

The guy from Shaun of the Dead, Simon Pegg, is in this episode. Double check. Triple check. Quadruple check. Did you guys know that he's also playing Scotty in the new Star Trek movie they're in the middle of making? Yeah. Fun fact. And Zachary Quinto, a.k.a. Sylar, is playing Mr. Spock. Just thought you guys would like to know that.

I like Suki. Too bad about what happens to her.

The entire process with the door opening to the brain and the information pouring into it just completely freaks me out. I would never be able to do that job.

One of the "safety" people, random extras, looks like Andy to me. Jessica, if you're reading this, you should watch this episode and tell me I'm not crazy.

The girl who played Cathica was in an episode of Pushing Daisies. She played Simone. One of the wives in the episode where the guy that died was a polygamist... she was the one Emerson liked.

"You're my lucky charm." "All right, I'll hug anyone." Oh Doctor, you warm my heart.

And Adam says... "Gonna take a better man than me to get between you two." That's right, Adam. It is.

"Once you go to floor five hundred, you never come back." HMMM. SOUNDS OMINOUS! Time to investigate.

For some reason it's more fun to write about shows when I already know what's going to happen. Orrrr maybe I just like rambling on about Doctor Who. Can't really say. Not that it matters.

If you ask me, Suki is in trouble. I mean, floor five hundred is definitely not as idyllic as everyone said it was! I mean, there are dead bodies lying around!

WHOA. Suki is an anarchist! She's trying to bring down the corrupted news network that controls everybody's minds! Too bad she's going to die in a second here.

Oh, and here's idiot Adam wandering off on his own. Here's my thing - the Doctor was like "go on, discover things and have fun." Did he really think Adam wouldn't do something stupid to get them in trouble?

I love the thoughtful looks on the Doctor's and Rose's face as they're listening to Cathica talk about Sattelite 5. Such a great team.

I'm so relieved Adam goes away after this episode. I'm a little disturbed by the doctor woman who convinced him to get the head thing. And do people really say "click of the fingers"? I thought it was called snapping.

AWWWWW Rose and the Doctor in the elevator. "Looks like it's just you and me." And he takes her hand. So adorable. I love it.

Doctor: The walls are not made of gold. You should go back downstairs.
Rose: Tough.
And then he gets this look like... I love that about her, but it's going to get her in trouble one of these days.

Okay, I adore this show, but the Jagrafess is such a lame monster. I mean... just look at it. It looks like an udder with teeth.

These manacles the Doctor and Rose get stuck in are kind of overly high tech for the purpose they serve. Oh - I guess they can electrocute them. That would make more sense.

One of the sound effects used in the end of this episode when Cathica is killing the Jagrafess sounds exactly like my alarm clock. It's really starting to bother me.

I love how the Doctor acts like Adam's dad at the end. And I love how the Doctor only stops terrorizing Adam after Rose tells him to.

Adam: But I wanna come with you!
Doctor: I only take the best. I've got Rose.
One of the best lines ever.

This isn't even close to one of my favorite episodes, but oh well. It's Doctor Who. That automatically makes it better than pretty much everything else I watch.

Friday, December 28, 2007

I can't go another second without sharing this with the world.

Martha fast forwards past most of this in the episode.

Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise by Colin Brake

I'm not completely sure how this book got four stars on I would maybe give it half of a star, or maybe one full one, because the cover has the Doctor and Rose on it. But for the most part, this was pretty horrid. Someone could try to convince me that this book was geared towards kids, because maybe it was, and that's why it didn't really live up to my standards of literature. But even so, I still wouldn't insult any child by giving them this book.

It sounded interesting - a "paradise planet" suddenly having problems for an unknown reason. "A world of breath-taking beauty, where peace-loving aboriginals live in harmony with their environment. Or do they?" The planet gets sick when aliens (in this case, a bunch of humans) come to visit it, and it starts creating monsters to take care of the problem. Sort of an allergic reaction type of thing. The solution to the problem: leave. You know, now that I look at the summary again, it doesn't sound interesting. I don't know what I was thinking. This sounds like a boring environmentalist book. Which is pretty much the truth.

Even though the plot sounds boring, it could have been saved with accurate characterization and good exposition. Unfortunately, we don't get either of these things... the Doctor and Rose have no depth in this story, and if they weren't referred to as "the Doctor" and "Rose" I would have no idea who they were. Fortunately for everyone, Colin Brake, the author of this particular story, has only written this one Doctor Who book, and I doubt he'll be asked to do any more. So the poor quality of this story I blame solely on him and not anyone else - I'm reading another one right now by Stephen Cole and only three chapters in, I'm already much happier with the characterization and plot.

It was absolutely terrible. But you don't have to take my word for it!:

"Where are we going, then?" Rose asked.
"I don't know actually," the Doctor confessed. "I hooked up your MP3 player to the TARDIS controls and hit Shuffle. We're either going to find ourselves at a totally random destination..."
"Or we end up inside Franz Ferdinand!" The Doctor grinned to show he was joking.

"The adventure she promised. Did you get it?"
Hespell thought about this for a moment and then shook his head. "Not a lot. Most of the time it's been very, very tedious. Until today of course." Hespell laughed, a tad embarrassed. "Now I'm getting more adventure than I bargained for!"

Rose had to smile. The more she travelled with the Doctor, the more unexpected life became. If someone had told her this morning that she'd end the day having dinner with a fit-looking lad a few years her junior - in a tent, no less - she'd have laughed in their face. For a start, camping was just so not her.

This one is my favorite:
"Rose Tyler, where the heck have you been?" called a familiar voice.
To Rose's shame she completely lost it. "Doctor!"
She ran towards him and was delighted to see that he was running to meet her too. They collided in a giant bear hug that was probably so not cool, but Rose just didn't care. Sometimes being cool was just overrated.

With a lump in her throat, Rose flipped the twin doors shut again, trapping the Doctor and Kendle with the monsters and leaving herself at the mercy of the madman. Things surely couldn't get any worse!

The lines I liked:

The Doctor, still holding on to Rose, rolled clear of the destruction.

I thought there might have been another one, but I was wrong.

In conclusion, if you're going to read a Doctor Who book, pick ANY of the others.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Every science fiction/fantasy book I have ever read.

Yeah, this is an important and relevant list. This is actually more for me, in order to explore my addiction. This is in absolutely no order - I'm just typing them as I remember them, and there's NO way I'll remember them all.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card
Enchantment by Orson Scott Card
Magic Street by Orson Scott Card
The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card
The Memory of Earth by Orson Scott Card
The Giver by Lois Lowry
All seven Harry Potter books
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus by Orson Scott Card
The Courtship of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton (leave me alone)
A bunch of random Star Wars books about Han and Leia's kids, named Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin (I was in elementary school! Give me a break!)
I also think I read a bunch of Star Trek books, but I don't remember which.
I um... read the novelization of the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie, the first one. Sadly, reading the book based on the movie was better than actually watching the movie.
The Children's Hospital by Chris Adrian
Gob's Grief by Chris Adrian
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer
Factoring Humanity by Robert J. Sawyer
Flashforward by Robert J. Sawyer
Frameshift by Robert J. Sawyer
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L'Engle
A Wind in the Door by Madeline L'Engle
I read abridged and illustrated versions of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman
The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman
I listened to almost all the Chronicles of Narnia on CD.
I read the first two books in C.S. Lewis' space trilogy a long, long time ago.
Black, Red, and White by Ted Dekker (SO GOOD. Everyone should read this trilogy.)
Thr3e by Ted Dekker
Blink by Ted Dekker
Showdown by Ted Dekker
The Cooper Kids Adventure series by Frank Peretti (those were scary, man - and awesome. I think there are nine of them...)
Nightmare Academy by Frank Peretti
Hangman's Curse by Frank Peretti
The Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith (Hahaha! Just kidding. I haven't read that one.)
Does Beowulf count?

I am in possession of the following books and one day will hopefully get around to reading them:
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells (well, I have to read this for school next semester)
1984 by George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
The C.S. Lewis space trilogy (and I'll actually pay attention this time)
Speaker For the Dead by Orson Scott Card
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card
Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card
Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card
The Call of Earth by Orson Scott Card
Another Life by Peter Anghelides and The Price of Paradise by Colin Brake. This is a Torchwood book and a Doctor Who book, respectively. I have no excuse for me reading these. For Star Wars and Star Trek, I had my youth to explain it away. I was twelve, what could you expect from me! Well, I should know better by now. But I don't. So call it a guilty pleasure. That's all any of this is, really. A guilty pleasure I'll be indulging in for the rest of my life.

R.I.P. Journeyman

So, it looks like our friend Dan Vassar won't be back for another season. Or even a whole season. I'm not sure how many episodes the show ended up having, but it wasn't many. I'm not really surprised, what with the strike and everything. It's a little depressing, sure, because I like shows about time travel, and previously to my introduction to Doctor Who, this was my only fill for that genre. But I'm all good now, because Doctor Who isn't going anywhere, and wouldn't even if it was affected by the writer's strike, which it isn't.

Journeyman was an interesting show - it was well written and thought out, and probably could have gone some interesting places for a couple of seasons. I think they could have had Dan's son become a time traveler as well, and he could run into a grown version of him at some point... and then the whole thing with Olivia being from the past was interesting and could have gone somewhere. And then the tachyon scientist guy, who knew about Dan's time traveling and was probably a time traveler himself, or at least knew some other people who were, and the fake FBI agent who was looking for him. Well, it could have been interesting is all I'm saying. There could have been a secret society or agency of time traveling people like Dan and Olivia, and it would have been cool.

Keep in mind that I still haven't watched the last episodes of Journeyman, so I'm not totally sure if my speculation has already been proven right or not. When I have time, I will watch them, but I'm too distracted lately by old episodes of Doctor Who and my job to take care of that.

But let us have a moment of silence for another canceled science fiction show, only the latest in a long list of predecessors.

Monday, December 17, 2007

never mind that my blog title is a reference to a very un-science fictiony show...

All right, so I've messed with this blog a little bit. New direction.

There will no longer be any posts about the following shows:
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
The Office
The Bachelor

I will continue to yak about these shows:
Battlestar Galactica
Pushing Daisies
Doctor Who

From now on, this is a science fiction oriented blog. You know why? Because I love it. I love science fiction. It's my dad's fault. He brainwashed me with Babylon 5 and Star Trek. There's even a picture of me as a little kid walking past the TV and Doctor Who a la Tom Baker is on. So as you see, it was from a very early age.

Not only will I talk about those TV shows, I'll also ramble on about movies and books that are of a science fiction (and yes, some fantasy as well, since it is technically different, although I like to lump it together) leaning. I know everyone is excited for this. Seriously. Who wouldn't be?

For the record, we will NOT be discussing:
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis

I think those are the only two serious sci-fi shows still on that I don't watch. Although I guess SG-1 stopped being new a while ago. So that just leaves Atlantis for me to disdain. And I do disdain it. No Stargate for me. Not ever. I also never watched Farscape. So that means out of all the more well known science fiction shows that have been on in my lifetime, the only ones I haven't really watched more than a few episodes of are Farscape, Stargates, and any show about someone named Buffy or Angel. I don't know whether or not to be proud of that.

Here, I'll make a list of all the ones I've watched and know a thing or two about.
Star Trek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Enterprise
All the Star Trek movies
Babylon 5
All the B5 movies except the most recent one
Crusade (I bet you've never heard of that one - it was a Babylon 5 spin-off that got cancelled after thirteen episodes.)
Firefly (And Serenity of course.)
Quantum Leap
Bionic Woman (The new one, but I stopped watching it, because it was terrible.)
The X-Files (Including the movie.)
Battlestar Galactica (I will admit I haven't watched much of the old show, although I do know that in that version, Starbuck and Boomer were both men.)
Doctor Who (And just for the record, so I seem more legit, I'm working on seeing some of the old shows - thanks Netflix.)
Lost (You know it's sci-fi, you just don't want to admit it because it's popular. But come on, it so is.)
Alias (It's sci-fi the way Lost is sci-fi.)
Pushing Daisies (Okay, so this is magical realism. It counts.)

If you're like "Sarah, that is so not an exhaustive list, because you don't have (fill in the blank with a show I've never watched) on it" then I think that you can just bite it. Because seriously that is a LONG list. And that isn't even counting all the non-TV related sci-fi movies and books I've read. So don't go there okay. Just don't even go there with me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

end of volume two, finally

1. If you notice that this post and the last post and probably the next few posts are a little lackluster and unenthusiastic, that's because I'm finding that Doctor Who is a tough act to follow. I finally gave in to the harassment of my entire family and started to watch it, and it turns out that it's nothing like what I thought it was and I love it a lot. The only reason this post is here at all is because the site I was watching Doctor Who on stopped working, and I had nothing else to do.
2. Aaaand I hate you, WGA strike. This episode of Heroes is the last of the season because of you. That means the whole season just sucked because they had to cut stuff out and rush it through to the new, alternate ending. Although if this means the writers decided to sacrifice having Caitlin in the show, that's one for the "pro" list.
3. Maya is wearing an apron that says "World's Greatest Dad." Are the writers trying to insinuate that Maya is really a man?
4. Yeah, I know it's not her apron. Thank you.
5. Sylar, if you kill Mohinder, I will not mind.
6. Maya's power is so lame.
7. Um... so Adam's master plan is to wipe the Earth clean, because it isn't worth fixing. I'm pretty sure that is really anticlimactic.
8. We are not gonna need to kill Peter. Everybody calm down.
9. Anticlimactic Peter/Hiro fight. Unsurprising.
10. I feel bad for Elle.
11. Micah, go away.
12. Haha! I like Adam and Peter's walk down that hallway, just pushing people out of the way. Badass.
13. I thought Mr. Bennett killed Mohinder's dad, not Sylar. But I don't remember.
14. "Okay, we don't talk about that... ever again." Ha. Yeah, good idea Parkman.
15. Wait, Hiro and Parkman have never met before...? Okay, I guess.
16. Thank you, West, for being intelligent and telling Claire not to be stupid and tell everyone about her powers.
17. Oh no, they're breaking up. West didn't even fight for her though. I think she was expecting him to.
18. Aww, Mr. Bennett got to go back home.
19. Maya's about to find out that Sylar killed her brother.
20. HAHAHA, Sylar just rolled his eyes when Maya came and accused him of killing her brother. And then he just shot her! Okay that was my favorite death scene.
21. Sylar: "You and I have trust issues, doctor."
22. Why does the Company even want Mr. Bennett back? I don't get it.
23. I want Peter's long hair back.
24. PETER. That is not nice. Stop doing that.
25. Why don't Parkman and Peter just talk to each other? You know, with words? Use your words.
26. GIVE ME A BREAK. If Adam says ONE word about Hiro stealing Mulan from him I will be more than pissed off. It's been four hundred years dude. Time to move on.
27. Okay he didn't. That's good.
28. Nathan: "Peter. You're not responsible for something that MIGHT have happened." Thank you Nathan. Very true.
29. How did Peter know how to destroy the virus? Holding it in his hand and zapping it? Well whatever. It doesn't matter. I guess he showed a moment of creativity.
30. Wait, I thought Maya was dead. Oh right. That was the healing blood.
31. Why didn't it occur to anybody to inject Elle with the healing blood? You know, to fix her arm?
32. I still don't understand the point of this stuff with Monica being kidnapped by the gangsters. Who are those people? Why do we care about them? Oh right, we don't.
33. I thought Nikki didn't have her super strength anymore. She took down that gangster guy pretty easily though.
34. Nikki's gonna die in this fire.
35. Oh my gosh... that is completely terrifying. Hiro put Adam in a coffin and buried him. Wow. Okay.
36. This all seems sort of wrapped up. Where's the cliffhanger? I know there's one coming.
37. Oh. Is that it? Nathan got shot? Seriously? Come on. Haven't we already seen that certain people's blood can bring people back to life?
38. And Sylar's powers are back. Goody. Next season we can look forward to more brain eating.
39. I'm sorry, but that was kind of a let down. I know, it's the strike. It's screwing everything up. Well, hopefully next season will be better.


1. Sooo it is not immediately obvious whether Sarah decided to leave with Bryce or stay. Fine. I'm not surprised.
2. "Never trust a woman whose name is a palindrome." Okay Morgan.
3. I hate Morgan right now. Actually I hate Morgan almost always.
4. Every alarm clock in every TV show sounds like my alarm clock.
5. So Sarah stayed. Woohoo.
6. I'm bored right now.
7. Casey, keep sneaking up on Chuck. It's funny.
8. Morgan: "You're right. I have to step it up a notch. Who should I be?"
Lester: "Well, last time I checked there were six billion people on the planet. Pick ANYONE." Hahaha. I like Morgan bashing.
9. That's stupid. Why would Sarah say "you have a hundred" when she really meant "you have one hundred thousand dollars"? I wouldn't have realized that. Come on. She's being a bitch anyway.
10. Casey said "shiny"! Not in the same way Jayne said it on Firefly but still. Shiny.
11. Chuck, get over Sarah. She's dumb.
12. Morgan, shave. That would be the best way to give a good impression to Anna's parents.
13. Since when does Chuck have an iPhone. Can every character on every TV show not have an iPhone please? NOT EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE HAS AN IPHONE.
14. Maybe they won't get to the bomb in time and the boat Morgan's on will blow up.
15. Chuck needs to learn how to defend himself instead of standing around being useless.
16. Puke on the Chuck/Sarah sappy talk.
17. Sooo Casey is supposed to kill Chuck. Cool.
18. I like the end credit music.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Last Three Pushing Daisies Episodes

Yeah, it's taken me a while to get caught up.

1. Aww, the claymation stuff was so cute and then they all fell apart morbidly. Not that I would expect anything less from this show.
2. OH MY GOSH! NED AND CHUCK CAN KISS... is this a dream? I REALLY hope not.
3. Okay, it's a dream. That was depressing.
4. Emerson is uninterested in Ned's dream that ended in Chuck turning into Olive while they were making out.
5. "There was a little moisture. I guess." Headdesk. Ned is so adorable.
6. Emerson thinks Ned's distress is hilarious. It is kind of funny.
7. I love how overdramatic the murder of that random guy was.
8. Chuck: "Did you find his wife?"
Emerson: "All four of 'em. Son of a bitch was a damned polygamist."
Narrator: "Harold Hundin was indeed a damned polygamist."
9. Olive: "We should clear the air."
Ned: "Does our air need clearing?"
Olive: "Our relations on the road?"
Ned: "Oh, I haven't... thought another... thought about that."
10. Ned to Emerson: "Your conscience calls you on the telephone?"
11. Emerson: "I suppose I could pay my bills with blind kids' smiles, but their money is a lot easier."
12. Wow that Snuppy's Puppies building is huge.
13. Emerson while Ned and Chuck were talking about their relationship: "Why do I always have to be around for this stuff?"
14. What is that clicker thing Wife 3 has? She's a dog trainer, it has something to do with that. I don't know how that works with the dogs.
15. Emerson's dream is totally ridiculous.
17. OH Ned. He is so cute and loveable and awkward and I just want to hug him.
18. Taking the dead Snuppy guy to the funeral and then reviving him to see the reaction of the wives is seriously messed up.
19. Ned looks kind of funny when he runs.
20. Oooooh, Emerson and Simone...
21. This show is so romantic and cute and sappy and it makes me happy inside.

Smell of Success
1. I like that Olive is getting more involved in the story.
2. "Quasi wanted cup pies!"
3. I'm starting to realize that no one will get all of the lines I quote from the show without the context. Number 2 is a perfect example of that. Oh well though. I guess you should just watch the show.
4. The city morgue looks a lot cheerier than it should.
5. Why does Ugly Betty need braces? Her teeth look fine. Sorry, they just showed an ad for it.
6. Napoleon: "Felicitations." Emerson: "Felici-what?"
7. Oh my gosh, that Napoleon guy is so creepy, the way he just sniffs them.
8. "The Pop-Up Book of Sports Related Deaths"? Seriously?
9. Chuck and Olive have such cute clothes.
10. That's a really weird way to warn someone - stick a sock down their sink and cause a back up. How would you even know if they would look at it and see the message on it?
11. Oscar Vibenious is PeeWee Herman.
12. Ned: "Okay if that happens, then I'll say 'what is this, a police state?' (pause) If I ever say that it means I'm having a panic attack."
13. Olive: "What are the stages of death? Something, something something something something, acceptance."
14. Oscar: "Did he tell you what you smelled like when you met him? He thinks people like that."
15. Aww, so Chuck's aunts are doing their mermaid thing again.
16. I want a cup pie.

Bitter Sweets
1. Aww, Ned and Chuck are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I kind of thought they were already but now they had a sort of DTR.
2. The "some guy" that came in and said all that stuff about the most AMAZING candy store that's opening across the street and he was just some guy telling them about it because it's so AMAZING looks really familiar to me.
3. Aww, that travelling salesman guy really does love Olive.
4. I really hate Chuck's hat and glasses. It makes her look like a creepy weird witch.
5. OHH! That's Molly Shannon. And "Some Guy" is the guy who wrote School of Rock.
6. "Don't mess with the Pie Hos." Haha!
7. I don't like Ned being in jail. It's boring without him with Chuck and Emerson.
8. Dilly: "Take your trunk monkey with you!" She called Olive that, because she had locked Olive in her trunk.
9. The health inspector did it?!
10. What?! Olive and the salesman guy... oh, she was imagining them kissing. I guess she realizes he likes her now though.
11. Ned to Chuck: "When I was in jail, I think you were my phantom limb." That's kind of weird.
12. OH NED JUST TOLD CHUCK IT WAS HIS FAULT HER DAD DIED!!! And then the episode was over! Ahhh!
13. This episode wasn't as good as the other ones I had to catch up on.