Monday, December 24, 2007

R.I.P. Journeyman

So, it looks like our friend Dan Vassar won't be back for another season. Or even a whole season. I'm not sure how many episodes the show ended up having, but it wasn't many. I'm not really surprised, what with the strike and everything. It's a little depressing, sure, because I like shows about time travel, and previously to my introduction to Doctor Who, this was my only fill for that genre. But I'm all good now, because Doctor Who isn't going anywhere, and wouldn't even if it was affected by the writer's strike, which it isn't.

Journeyman was an interesting show - it was well written and thought out, and probably could have gone some interesting places for a couple of seasons. I think they could have had Dan's son become a time traveler as well, and he could run into a grown version of him at some point... and then the whole thing with Olivia being from the past was interesting and could have gone somewhere. And then the tachyon scientist guy, who knew about Dan's time traveling and was probably a time traveler himself, or at least knew some other people who were, and the fake FBI agent who was looking for him. Well, it could have been interesting is all I'm saying. There could have been a secret society or agency of time traveling people like Dan and Olivia, and it would have been cool.

Keep in mind that I still haven't watched the last episodes of Journeyman, so I'm not totally sure if my speculation has already been proven right or not. When I have time, I will watch them, but I'm too distracted lately by old episodes of Doctor Who and my job to take care of that.

But let us have a moment of silence for another canceled science fiction show, only the latest in a long list of predecessors.

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