Sunday, February 3, 2008

Creative Title About the Last Two Episodes of Chuck

Chuck vs. the Undercover Lover

This episode was basically all about Casey. Therefore, it was amazing. Best line? "I need pants!" And the surprisingly romantic moment where Jayne tells what's-her-face that he's happy she's not dead.

Also, I actually didn't mind Morgan in this episode.

Chuck vs. the Marlin

I loved the intimidation of Lester and Jeff. Seriously. Awesome. They're so annoying and pervy that it's so nice to finally see them get caught for being so lame.

"You go. I got the scraggly troll." Casey is the best.

Casey: "I got a new tactic. You finish the story, or I put your head through the wall."
Morgan: "Alright, someone wasn't held enough as a child."

That was a pretty decent season finale, I think. Obviously wasn't the intended season finale (thanks a lot, strike) but still. I didn't feel like there were any loose ends, or abandoned storylines (a la Heroes). And I'm pretty sure Chuck won't be getting the ax, so that's good to know.

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