Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lost 4x07: "Ji Yeon"


Ben probably did something horrible like kidnap Walt and that's why Michael is working for him and named "Kevin."

What's with that blood stain on the wall...?


Okay, did Jin die on the island or no? I'm thinking on. And when Sun got off she had a tombstone put up for him. And if you watched the preview, the narrator guy dramatically told us that someone will die next week. So, hmm. Jin? If it's you, I'm sorry. I will kinda miss you.

Also, I love Hurley. I was so glad someone went to see Sun. He looked pretty spiffy too.

Also, I am wondering if people think Aaron counts as one of the Oceanic 6. I can't decide what I think. Yes, he is a person, albeit a little one, and he got off the island, but he wasn't an official passenger of the plane because he wasn't born yet. So I don't know what to think. I'm leaning towards his not counting, which would make the Oceanic 6... Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, and a mystery person that is yet to be revealed, because Michael/Kevin doesn't count (duh) and if Desmond gets off (which he better), he won't count because he wasn't on the plane.


Mellifluous said... I heard that Hurley and Charlie kick the bucket...and at least at this point (Season 2 8 episodes in) I really like them both. So, I'm sad.

I didn't comment on my blog since Roger didn't see the spoiler.

Sarah said...

Hmm... well, at this point in season four, Hurley is definitely still alive.

Mellifluous said...

Well, that's good to know. I should know not to believe everything I see.