Friday, March 21, 2008

Lost 4x07: "Meet Kevin Johnson"

"I'm here to die." ...WHAT?

I like how Danielle carries around the rifle even when she's inside.

HAHA! Libby was Michael's nurse! But then it was a dream or something. That's kind of disappointing.

I wonder how much time its been off the island since Michael was there. Because he was in a pretty serious "accident" and he was fine really soon after. Also, they have to explain Walt being older now somehow...

The island won't let him kill himself?!

Mr. Friendly is a little friendlier than I thought...

Penny's dad staged the wreck! And wow... he's kind of a jerk.

So basically this whole episode is Michael's flashback about how he got on the island. Interesting, but also kind of disappointing.

What is the deal with Libby? I mean why was she important in the beginning? Before she was dead?

"Not yet"? What does that mean? Why is that there? How did they know he would do it before he was supposed to?

BEN IS SUCH A DOUCHE. Saying he's Walt to get Michael on the phone... what a jerk. At least he says he never wants to kill innocent people.

Whoa Sayid. He just ratted Michael out. Now what.

Last week the preview said someone was going to die. I bet it's Karl, Alex or Danielle. And Karl just said "I have a bad feeling about this." I do too.

Oh, Karl just got shot. Did I call it or what. Oh, and Danielle just got shot too. I'm confused though... who exactly is shooting them?

That episode wasn't very good.

1 comment:

JC said...

I'm just glad they're starting to explain things. Kinda.

I'm sad Danielle died, she was badass.