Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lost 4x09: "The Shape of Things to Come"

Open letter to Benjamin Linus: Don't you even THINK about laying a HAND on Penelope Whidmore. If you do... well, I would hunt you down myself if I didn't know Desmond wouldn't be way ahead of me.

Open letter to the Smoke Monster: Is there anything on American television more fantastic than you are? You... complete me.

I got sad when Claire woke up and called Sawyer Charlie. I thought she was dead for sure... I am still not totally sure how she survived that. How awesome was Sawyer this episode, though? Seriously awesome? Yes. I love how he actually cares about people now. Such a big change.

Most horrible thing ever: "She means nothing to me. She's a pawn, nothing more" - the last thing Alex heard her dad say before she died.

What was with Ben in the Sahara Desert with a coat on? He has some kind of way of transporting himself there. Like that polar bear they found.

I wanted to laugh when Jack started crying or whatever. I think I understand that the prescription meds (warning: addiction imminent) are messing with him, and obviously he's sick of being on the island, but still. That was a bit much.

Previews: Jack has a nervous breakdown. His appendix bursts. Everyone thinks he's gonna die. Unnecessary drama is caused because everyone watching already knows he makes it off the island. Here's a theory... maybe he caused his appendix to burst, so he could get them to take him back to the boat because of a medical emergency. He's a doctor, he might know how to do that. I wouldn't put it past him.

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