Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1. Oh Big Mike, you are so right about Black Friday. No joke.
2. "Bryce is alive." Probably the last three words Chuck ever wanted to hear.
3. I love Casey so much. Just thought I'd throw that out there, no specific moment.
4. Bryce is kind of hot.
5. "I'd like to come out now please." Chuck was in there for like thirty seconds.
6. They're talking to each other in Klingon. That is so hilarious. Such a ridiculous moment in the middle of such a serious situation.
7. "THEY saved you. Did they. Could you be any more cryptic?"
8. I would kill myself if I had to work the floor of a retail store on Black Friday. That would be absolute hell.
9. Jeff: "Pineapples are fun. My dad used to throw them at me." ...WHAT?
10. When Chuck walked in and saw Casey standing there in a suit holding a glass of wine... that's so funny.
11. Chuck: "Just remember it's not my fault." I feel bad for Ellie already. Ana thinks that Ellie and Morgan used to be a thing.
12. Chuck: "Casey and Sarah are right inside, one girlish scream from me and they go into full combat mode."
13. Chuck: "I'm thankful that Bryce Larkin is dead and not currently in my bedroom making out with my new girlfriend." Morgan: "Wow, that was really dark... and specific."
14. The best part about this show is the dialogue. It's great.
15. Wait, Casey lives next door to Chuck? Why didn't I know that?
16. Whoa, Casey just shot Bryce. And Chuck fainted.
17. Of course Bryce was wearing a bullet proof jacket.
18. That's what it's like - the people banging on the door and getting ready to plow everyone over to get inside... yeah. That's pretty realistic.
19. You can tell that the people making this show have a lot of fun doing it.
20. HOLY CRAP! Bryce got hit by a car! That scared me a lot!
21. Okay the pineapple evacuation thing is totally awesome. What a perfect way to fix things when some scary assassin guys are about to kill you in an electronics store on Black Friday.
22. I love that Casey has a bunch of guns hidden in the table in the home theater room. Just in case some scary assassin guys come to kill you.
23. Yay Chuck was wearing a bullet proof jacket.
24. Of course Sarah's going to pick Chuck. I would. Even though Bryce is pretty hot.
1. Katie: "Are you gonna be home tonight?" Dan: "You know better than to ask that... let's just say I have nothing planned." Ha.
2. Okay, that guy is seriously going to give me nightmares. The convict one that came into Dan's house and shot him. He is absolutely terrifying and the exact kind of person that haunts my dreams. I'm not even kidding.
3. NBC, why are you showing an ad for Journeyman WHILE I'M WATCHING JOURNEYMAN.
4. This stupid player was working fine when I watched Heroes earlier... why is it getting all skippy on me now. I am seriously annoyed.
5. HAHAHA! When they found Dan's iPhone... "It's a... calculator."
6. Hmm! So that "FBI agent" isn't really an FBI agent. He just wants to find out about Dan's time travelling. He's a bad guy. Yay underlying conflict.
7. I thought, "How's he going to break down the door with his arm in a sling?" about two seconds before he tried to break down the door with his arm in a sling and hurt himself even more.
8. That convict guy is sure making himself look stupid to me, given that he's walking around an empty house talking to someone that isn't there.
9. Whatever's going on with that kid is messed up. He's eating a ketchup sandwich. That is gross.
10. OH MY GOSH!!! That kid is the scary convict guy! AHH! How is that possible! The kid is cute!
11. The creepiest thing about the convict guy is his hair. I had a nightmare recently about a guy that looked kind of like that who was hitting on me and stealing cats.
12. Oh, and now NBC froze Firefox completely. I'm going to try watching this on Internet Explorer now and see if that's any better. I'm not going to get my hopes up.
13. Okay, it's working a little bit better. Digression over.
14. Dan, do you not see that you are bleeding all over the floor? He looks like he's about to pass out actually.
15. Okay, yelling at the kid is not going to fix anything. Seriously. It's just going to make everything worse.
16. Oh, and now Dan just passed out. Yelling at the kid really took a lot out of him.
17. I'm really not sure what the "FBI" guy is getting at when he's talking to Jack about those pictures of Dan from the past.
18. OH. That "FBI" guy is hunting the time travelling people.
19. Do wounds really get infected that quickly?
20. Oh man, I'm sure Dan was thinking about killing that kid in the past when he was contemplating the scissors.
21. I was right. Dan: "I wanted to kill that kid." Thankfully he didn't, because he is a good guy.
22. Haha! They both just disappeared out of the ambulence.
23. HAHA! Jack just saw Livia! He is freaking out!
24. "Weirdest family ever." I like the editor guy. I wish I could remember his name right now.
25. Katie is thinking, "this convict guy has serious mommy issues."
26. And everything ends well. I'm just happy that Jack no longer thinks Dan is crazy. And the "FBI" guy is dead now. That just means that more people investigating the time travelling people are going to show up.

why is saving the world always your responsibility?

1. Sark is really funny. "Peter... why are you yelling. What is wrong with you. Stop that."
2. Victoria Pratt... sounds like that's the other lady in the picture. Oh, and there. Now Sark's going to point at her in the picture. Okay... now... and... THERE WE GO. I was right. Thanks Sark.
3. I like Sark's hair. It's all messed up in the back. It's cute. Aww.
4. Sorry.
5. Lyle must be really confused about all of this. Has anybody explained to him what the deal is with their moving and name changing and stuff?
6. "How was I supposed to know that Bennett teamed up with West the flying boy?" Ha Veronica. You're still psychotic but sometimes you are funny.
7. Oh, so it was Mohinder that brought Noah Bennett back to life.
8. Mohinder is kind of an idiot. I do agree that Mr. Bennett is really paranoid, but Mohinder is just blindly believing the Company and I think that's a big mistake.
9. OH YEAH... that one Monica girl. I remember her.
10. How does the virus get transferred? Nikki said it isn't contaigious so I don't get it.
11. "It's my backpack! It's gone!" Why is that relevant?
12. Maya is stupid. Can't she see how disturbing and creepy Sylar is?
13. Why is Sylar trying to help Maya? Just to get rid of Alejandro?
14. Sark, Peter doesn't need a gun to get the job done. Seriously.
15. "You are like a hamster making a nest." OH HIRO.
16. Hiro, I think you should listen to Ando. No more travelling back in time.
17. I'm not sure who is the good guy here. Sark (okay, fine, Adam) or Hiro's dad and the rest of the Company.
18. I think it's kind of cool to see the "young founders" of the Company.
19. Wait, why can't Peter get back to the future? When was that established? Did I miss something?
20. Maya, that's a real newspaper article you idiot. "I don't believe it!" Give me a break.
21. Isn't what Sylar said kind of true, about his mom dying? It was an accident right? I can barely remember that episode. It doesn't matter because Maya is still a horrible judge of character.
22. Why would Adam want to release the virus? Just because he's mean? Maybe he wants to start a new world order that is just made of people with powers or something. I hope not though. I want Adam to be a good guy.
23. "She was about to take your head off. There's no coming back from that one." I was right.
24. Whoa, so Alejandro speaks English now? Well, not anymore now that he's dead, but whatever.
25. Is Maya going to become a villain now? That would make her a lot more interesting.
26. I love Claire and West. I don't care what anybody else says.
27. WHY WOULD SOMEONE STEAL MICAH'S BACKPACK. This seems like a totally pointless storyline.
28. Am I supposed to like Mohinder? Because I go back and forth on that. I think he has genuine intentions but he's still not very good at the non-science part of his job.
29. That's a good hiding place, Micah. Behind the lamp post.
30. So Monica got kidnapped by a bunch of gangsters. And she's never seen a movie that'll show her a decent way to get out of that. Come on. She could have even watched an episode of Scrubs to learn that. You know, the one where Turk and Todd take on the paramedic ninjas.
31. Well Claire's certainly toughened up.
32. OHHHHH now they know that Sylar's alive.
33. Okay, how does Maya not see that breaking into Mohinder's house where his sort of daughter is sleeping is NOT the best way to go about getting help. Come on. It's called "make an appointment." How does Sylar have Mohinder's cell phone number anyway?
34. So Peter and Hiro are going to duke it out. I think that if it really came to that, Peter would win. But we'll see.
35. It seems like everybody wants to save the world but nobody approves of each other's methods. I just want to know who's the good guy and who's the bad guy (besides Sylar). I think things will start getting much more interesting now that Sylar is coming back into play.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


So I got all caught up on Chuck, Heroes, and Journeyman. I didn't write anything about them though, because I was in a lazy mood and decided not to. Here's what I remember though.

1. I didn't like Lou so whatever. I'm glad it didn't work out with her and Chuck.
2. Bryce is alive after all? I guess I should have seen that coming.
3. I love Casey.

1. Of course Mr. Bennett wasn't going to stay dead. But when he came back, that was gross. I did not like watching his blown out eye fill in to his socket again. Yuck. I'm glad he and West are okay with each other now though.
2. Oh West. You're a little bit silly, but I still like you.
3. Mohinder is a great big jerkface.
4. Sark is still cute. I don't know if he's good or bad though. He wants to take down the Company, but he's also, like, killing a bunch of people. I'm impressed he managed to stay alive for 400 years though. I want to know what would happen if you cut his head off... would he just grow a new one? Just something to consider.
5. So Claire, Sark, and Peter are all going to live forever? Is that the idea I'm getting from the Sark thing? That's interesting. That's at least three characters that they can carry on for a long time on the show.
6. Going back to the HRG dying and coming back thing. Who did that for him? We had a big argument about this at dinner the other night. My dad thinks it's Bob, because he had Claire's blood. It could be him, but it could also be Adam, because he and Mr. Bennett both want to bring down the Company, so they're on the same side. So I think it could be either of them.
7. Oh and I'm glad they cleared up the whole "how did Nathan survive that, how did he not know Peter lived" thing that I was obsessing over. I am satisfied with their explanation.

1. LIVIA IS FROM 1948!!!! That's awesome! I just think this show is so cool. It'll probably get cancelled but whatever. I love time travel.

Friday, November 16, 2007

oh yeah

Regarding Razor... I overheard the following conversation while leaving the theater and it pretty much sums it up:

Dad: So Andrew, what did you think, as a person who doesn't really watch sci-fi?
Andrew: It was frakkin' awesome.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"seen here in their natural habitat"

The writers all know that this strike is making the people who watch TV a bunch of sad pandas. But they're good people. Which is why they've given us these.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

general info

Here's a comprehensive list of how many episodes are left of various TV shows before they start to be affected by the WGA strike.

Fortunately for my sister, Doctor Who will not be affected. (Because it's British.) Fortunately for Daniel, neither will South Park. (Because Matt and Trey aren't in the WGA.)

Friday, November 9, 2007

"how greedy can they get, they won't even share the net"

Ron Moore, BSG writer, talks about the strike.

Those webisodes they did? The studio wasn't planning on paying anybody involved for it. Just read what he says about that... it's upsetting to me, because it isn't fair at all. I'm a writer, I would eventually like to be a paid writer. The way these people who share the same passion for writing that I do are being taken advantage of is wrong.

WGA strike


There's a lot of information on that blog about why the WGA is on strike, and some videos from the writers of various shows (ones that I watch) talking about why they're on strike and why it's a big deal.

The writers don't get any money from new media (the internet). So watching shows online, which is all I can do, because I don't have a TV, is basically screwing them over. They're not getting paid for the stuff they're putting out. There are some things that people work on that haven't even been on TV, like The Office webisodes - the writers got nothing for that, because they aired on the internet. And apparently the writers even won a daytime Emmy for that.

If anyone has any questions about why this is going on, this website is very helpful and informative.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jack Vasser is a jerk.

1. I'm NOT going to start watching Bionic Woman, okay? Don't pressure me, NBC.com. I'm watching this online, and before Journeyman started they showed an ad for it.
2. Okay, I'm really hating the kid now. Not that he knows any better, but why would he tell anyone about it?!!!!!!!!! And WHY didn't Katie and Dan PUT IT IN A SAFE!! USE YOUR BRAINS GUYS!
3. Wooo theme music!
4. I don't like Alec Baldwin. I tell you this, because the commercials this time are for other NBC shows, and I just saw one for 30 Rock.
5. The FBI guy used to be on 24, where he was a huge douche.
6. I'm not sure I really get the whole heist thing.
7. Dan: "How do you know, you worked at the D.A.'s office what, like a year?" Livia: "A year longer than you."
8. So this is gambling Dan, right?
9. I'm still not going to watch Bionic Woman.
10. It's foggy and weird in this alley, so Future Dan could probably get away with more than usual.
11. Ha ha! He's fighting himself! That's cool!
12. How come the Past Dan can't figure out who he is? I guess he is drunk, but still.
13. THAT WOULD BE SO WEIRD. Rescuing yourself and stuff. COOL, though.
14. I'm really, really bored with Jack being suspicious of Dan. I'd like him to find out the truth so he can stop being annoying.
15. Oooh, we get to follow Livia a little bit in this episode. And she's in Katie's closet in the future.
16. Wow, I am STILL not going to watch Bionic Woman! This is third time I've seen this ad.
18. Do you think they'll put the money in a safe when Dan gets back? Or are they still too stupid to figure that out?
19. So obviously Livia is going to do something to get Katie to show up at the poker game to save him.
20. Or not.
21. Hopefully this doesn't mean Dan's going to start gambling in the future again.
22. I feel bad for Livia. But if she wasn't dead then I really don't understand why she didn't go find him again.
23. Wait... okay, so if it was Future Dan who was there in the second part of the game, and the Past Dan was sleeping that whole time, how did Future Dan remember that that was what had happened? I guess Katie could have told him...
24. So the FBI guy is a great big douche in this show too.
25. Blah, Jack. Come on. But does Dan even have the money anymore? Did it get left in the past or did he bring it back with him? I didn't notice if he had the bag with him.

HEROES! IT'S YOU! I missed you! It's been so long since you were yourself!

I think we're back on track.
1. Why did the white beard guy want to capture Hiro? That doesn't make any sense. He's just some dude, as far as he knows.
2. I still want to know about that painting of Hiro facing off with a T-Rex. When is that going to happen?
3. So does that mean Mohinder is going to shoot Mr. Bennett?
4. I HATE NIKKI. What a worthless, pointless character. I would rather keep the unbelievably annoying Irish girl around than keep Nikki.
5. Um, I don't think the CDC would attack and beat people like that and go "DO YOU HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS? ARE YOU SICK?" Unless the disease makes the people turn into zombies or something. Which is the entire plot of World War Z, this book I'm reading.
6. "G morning"? West, would it really take that much more effort to type three more letters? No.
7. Claire sleeps with makeup on?
8. West, seriously, you are going to get into so much trouble messing around with Mr. Bennett. Claire is trying to protect you by keeping you away from her family, but if you don't listen... look, I think you're adorable, and really really sweet, but you have extremely poor judgment.
9. Oooh, injecting Nikki with the virus. Does that mean we're sacrificing her? Oh wait, I misheard. Crap.
10. Nathan is asking the intelligent questions. Good job Nathan.
11. What's wrong with Hiro? Does he have a concussion or something? Oh hey, Mulan, hitting him in the face again is not going to help. Seriously, it's not.
13. So... the Shanti virus doesn't turn people into zombies...? That's disappointing.
14. So if they don't turn into zombies then why the excessive use of force when they captured Peter and Caitlin? I don't get it.
15. Molly's had an easy job the last few episodes. Just lie there and be in a coma.
16. Nikki, if you said OH OH OH DL! WHAT! YOU'RE DEAD! Oh no. Ohhhh no.
17. Oh, it was just Nightmare Man. I thought maybe they were going to steal the whole Baltar/Six thing from BSG. But they didn't. Okay.
18. What I was originally saying before DL interrupted me was if Nikki is so happy to be "cured" or whatever so that she can go back to her son, then why the heck is she still there working for the stupid Company?
19. "Peter is alive, Nathan. Your brother is alive." WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO!
20. Okay so this Adam person controls the weather? Is that what the newspaper headline had to do with it?
21. Okay Mama Petrelli, are you going to show us what your power is now? PRETTY PLEASE?
22. Oh, now Nathan's dead. He just can't win. So far he is 0 for 2 being alive in the future.
23. Is she making him remember? Well, he does remember, and she did something to make that happen, so was that her power in action...? I DON'T GET IT.
24. "Popsicles. Awesome."
25. Yeah, West. Claire seduced you, even though she tried repeatedly to get you to leave her alone, and it was all an elaborate trap set by the Horn Rimmed Glasses guy. That makes sense.
26. Why doesn't Hiro stop time and then go destory the guns?
27. Whoa. So let's see if Sark can come back from blowing up into a million little pieces.
28. Nikki's just punching holes in the wall. That's stupid.
29. Molly's been hanging out in a pretty nice apartment, looks like.
30. I'm really pissed off, because I have watched the same idiotic commercial every break. Which is five times. Thankfully, there are no more after this.
31. So... Hiro really is Takezo Kensei?
32. At least this time Hiro's girlfriend didn't get her brain cut out and eaten.
33. Hey, Mohinder has the thing on his nose now, like in the painting.
34. HA! Nikki's infected!
35. That would be really scary to turn around and see that thing on the desk.
36. Oh yeah, Mr. Bennett's first name is Noah.
37. Seriously, how is Claire going to be a cure? AND, why would we want to sacrifice Claire for stupid NIKKI?! Well, we wouldn't. We would not, is the thing. Get rid of Nikki.
38. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SARK! IN THE FUTURE! HE'S IN THE FUTURE AND HE'S ALIVE!!!!!
39. Umm... okay, this show just got, like, seven thousand times better. How much you want to bet that somehow Sark and Claire are related? Somehow related to the birth mom. And HOW DID HE GET THERE? He's not immortal... is he? He would have still aged. Did Hiro bring him back or something? AHH.

Casey continues to be the best thing about this show.

1. Oh, this is the depressing one about how Chuck got kicked out of school. Bleh.
2. "So thought Frodo Baggins, my friend."
3. Basically, Bryce Larkin is a great big douche.
4. I really like Chuck's student ID picture. It's goofy.
5. "I'm sorry... Iceland does espionage?"
6. Morgan and Anna, the nerd herd girl, are totally going to end up together.
7. HAHAHA! They play Lord of the Ring-like music whenever Harry Tang comes in the room.
8. I LOVE YOU CASEY. Chuck: "You didn't offer to kill Harry, did you?" Casey: "No. Why, you want me to kill him?"
9. CHUCK WAS IN A FRAT?! I'm sorry but that seems bizarre and out of character.
10. The Harry Tang thing isn't funny anymore. It's just stupid now.
11. Haha Chuck stole a book from the Stanford library. That sounds like something Erin would do. Or has done.
12. Chuck: "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I have to go back to Stanford." Casey: "Cool." I LOVE YOU CASEY. AHHH.
13. "You want to save the environment, huh? Take a shower, hippie." Casey seriously gets better every episode.
14. "Sorry I couldn't wipe the idiot grin off your face with photoshop."
15. Hmm, I bet Chuck's going to become a real agent eventually.
16. Ohh... Bryce got Chuck kicked out of Stanford to save his life. Well, that makes things a little different.
17. I remember Zork. Yes. Even though that's old.
18. I'm glad that episode wasn't as much of a downer as I was expecting it to be.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Razor playing in select theaters.


Oh, and:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

this show needs to have a good long life.

1. Kristin Chenoweth is so, so skinny. I mean, she's tiny anyway, but she's just stick thin. I don't think she's anorexic or anything, but she is really, REALLY small. She's still cute and funny, but I'm just saying. She needs a couple of sandwiches at least.
2. I love that Jim Dale narrates this show. It makes me happy, because he's the one who reads the U.S. Harry Potter audiobooks.
3. Oh my gosh! That's the saddest thing ever! Ned's dad sent him off to boarding school and left him there, and got remarried to someone with two kids that he actually wanted to take care of and spend time with... POOR NED.
4. "It makes him moodier than a pumpkin full of PMS."
5. I'm with Ned. There is no need for that many Halloween decorations. Or any Halloween decorations at all. No decorations are necessary.
6. I love the subtleties of this show. A while ago they said Ned twitches his eye whenever he lies, and then he lies, and his eye twitches, and there isn't a mention of it, but it's still there very intentional. It's great.
7. Olive being a professional horse jockey... I can believe that, given how tiny she is. The horse probably didn't even notice she was there.
8. That's a really realistic green screen horse race. Yeah, not really. It was clearly on purpose though.
9. Ned looks like a vampire with that coat on.
10. Okay! It's been more than a minute!
11. No commercials! Yay.
12. So Olive fainted behind the counter and Emerson just left her there? Classic, Emerson.
13. Ugh, Chuck, you can't let Ned do anything by himself? What the heck.
14. A bar just for short people...?
15. "Yeah, different like purple and mauve."
16. I'm still not totally sure why Chuck needs to keep the fact that she is alive a secret from her aunts. Whatever though.
17. Haha, the old lady just insulted Olive's dress. I hate it too.
18. "What did you say your name was? Brandon? Butch?" "Chuck?" HAHAHAHAHA. And then Emerson laughed too.
19. This old lady is crazy. And mean. And bitter.
20. Ned, I love you. Lee Pace, I love you and I think we should get married. For real.
21. "I missed you for the two hours I was away from you!" Chuck, shut up.
22. Okay I timed it that time, and it actually was a minute. Hm. I don't think it is every time.
23. It's not a ghost. It's John Joseph Jacobs' mom, or grandma, or whoever that lady was.
24. Oh. Well, it's not a ghost, anyway.
25. What, he got a leg transplant? Is that even possible?
26. Poor John Joseph Jacobs. He's really nice and sweet. But, also slightly creepy.
27. Haha! He even walks kind of like a horse. (The legs were transplanted from his horse. Yeah.)
28. Ned: "Can you not sing." Gordon: "If I don't sing, I throw up." Emerson: "Sing."
30. I really like the music.
31. "Tell Ned I love... his pies!"
32. "I love you shovel." Emerson.
33. Whoa, Olive kissed Ned!
34. If a trick or treater came to my door at two in the morning, they are SO not getting candy.
35. AWWW. I continue to adore this show.