Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Casey continues to be the best thing about this show.

1. Oh, this is the depressing one about how Chuck got kicked out of school. Bleh.
2. "So thought Frodo Baggins, my friend."
3. Basically, Bryce Larkin is a great big douche.
4. I really like Chuck's student ID picture. It's goofy.
5. "I'm sorry... Iceland does espionage?"
6. Morgan and Anna, the nerd herd girl, are totally going to end up together.
7. HAHAHA! They play Lord of the Ring-like music whenever Harry Tang comes in the room.
8. I LOVE YOU CASEY. Chuck: "You didn't offer to kill Harry, did you?" Casey: "No. Why, you want me to kill him?"
9. CHUCK WAS IN A FRAT?! I'm sorry but that seems bizarre and out of character.
10. The Harry Tang thing isn't funny anymore. It's just stupid now.
11. Haha Chuck stole a book from the Stanford library. That sounds like something Erin would do. Or has done.
12. Chuck: "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I have to go back to Stanford." Casey: "Cool." I LOVE YOU CASEY. AHHH.
13. "You want to save the environment, huh? Take a shower, hippie." Casey seriously gets better every episode.
14. "Sorry I couldn't wipe the idiot grin off your face with photoshop."
15. Hmm, I bet Chuck's going to become a real agent eventually.
16. Ohh... Bryce got Chuck kicked out of Stanford to save his life. Well, that makes things a little different.
17. I remember Zork. Yes. Even though that's old.
18. I'm glad that episode wasn't as much of a downer as I was expecting it to be.

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