Monday, December 17, 2007

never mind that my blog title is a reference to a very un-science fictiony show...

All right, so I've messed with this blog a little bit. New direction.

There will no longer be any posts about the following shows:
Grey's Anatomy
Private Practice
The Office
The Bachelor

I will continue to yak about these shows:
Battlestar Galactica
Pushing Daisies
Doctor Who

From now on, this is a science fiction oriented blog. You know why? Because I love it. I love science fiction. It's my dad's fault. He brainwashed me with Babylon 5 and Star Trek. There's even a picture of me as a little kid walking past the TV and Doctor Who a la Tom Baker is on. So as you see, it was from a very early age.

Not only will I talk about those TV shows, I'll also ramble on about movies and books that are of a science fiction (and yes, some fantasy as well, since it is technically different, although I like to lump it together) leaning. I know everyone is excited for this. Seriously. Who wouldn't be?

For the record, we will NOT be discussing:
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis

I think those are the only two serious sci-fi shows still on that I don't watch. Although I guess SG-1 stopped being new a while ago. So that just leaves Atlantis for me to disdain. And I do disdain it. No Stargate for me. Not ever. I also never watched Farscape. So that means out of all the more well known science fiction shows that have been on in my lifetime, the only ones I haven't really watched more than a few episodes of are Farscape, Stargates, and any show about someone named Buffy or Angel. I don't know whether or not to be proud of that.

Here, I'll make a list of all the ones I've watched and know a thing or two about.
Star Trek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Enterprise
All the Star Trek movies
Babylon 5
All the B5 movies except the most recent one
Crusade (I bet you've never heard of that one - it was a Babylon 5 spin-off that got cancelled after thirteen episodes.)
Firefly (And Serenity of course.)
Quantum Leap
Bionic Woman (The new one, but I stopped watching it, because it was terrible.)
The X-Files (Including the movie.)
Battlestar Galactica (I will admit I haven't watched much of the old show, although I do know that in that version, Starbuck and Boomer were both men.)
Doctor Who (And just for the record, so I seem more legit, I'm working on seeing some of the old shows - thanks Netflix.)
Lost (You know it's sci-fi, you just don't want to admit it because it's popular. But come on, it so is.)
Alias (It's sci-fi the way Lost is sci-fi.)
Pushing Daisies (Okay, so this is magical realism. It counts.)

If you're like "Sarah, that is so not an exhaustive list, because you don't have (fill in the blank with a show I've never watched) on it" then I think that you can just bite it. Because seriously that is a LONG list. And that isn't even counting all the non-TV related sci-fi movies and books I've read. So don't go there okay. Just don't even go there with me.


Mellifluous said...

So, I have a couple of questions...

1)When I visited this site a few days ago, it had a different color scheme. Are you settled on the black and white?

2)Since you are a follower of Star Trek, are you not a Star Wars fan, or do you cross over and like both?

3)Your list is very impressive. Did you ever see the movie StarGate?

4)I know someone who named their daughter Inara...what would that tell me about the parents...or the character?

I love Sci-Fi...and fantasy...which I still lump together, myself. I'm going to look for a picture to show you that shows you this started pretty young for me. I think you'll laugh.

Sarah said...

1. This template is kind of messed up in that sometimes it shows as raw html instead of what it's supposed to look like, which is the black background with the bluish green header. If it doesn't look like that, reload it a couple of times and it should fix itself...

2. I had a Star Wars phase, during about sixth grade, that any of my older friends can confirm for you. I was obsessed, and I had posters and books and everything. I've kind of gone apathetic on the Star Wars front since the new movies were more or less terrible (in terms of acting and script, in my opinion - visually they were stunning). And I've watched Star Trek for as long as I can remember. Honestly I never knew there was a "rivalry" between the two fandoms until not very long ago, but I'm not enamored enough with either to really get riled over it.

3. I did see the Stargate movie. I rented it and watched it a long time ago, not knowing there was a TV show based off of it... the movie failed to impress me though, which is maybe why the show never interested me. My dad and sister both watch Stargate, and I've seen various bits of it, and I don't feel like I'm missing out on too much. The only thing I like about it is the fact that there's a stargate in Colorado Springs.

3.5. In tenth grade, I had a crazy history teacher who had us watch the Stargate movie when we were talking about ancient Egypt because it was "related." Everyone knew the truth was he just liked the movie and wanted to watch it.

4. Um... I'm not really sure what that says about the parents. Inara was my least favorite character on that show, and given that she was basically a glorified prostitute, that isn't reassuring. Maybe they just thought it was a pretty name, and that the show is obscure enough that no one will probably meet her and go "oh, like the hooker on Firefly?" I'm going to hope that's it.