I never played with G.I. Joe (don't look so surprised) but I'm thinking that the same people who wet their pants over Transformers will be the same people in line to see this one*. Next, they will make a Lego movie, despite the fact that it's been done.
2. The Happening: new M. Night Shyamalan movie.
It comes out this summer. From what I saw on IMDB it looks like it's a scarier version of The Day After Tomorrow, with less Jake Gyllenhaal.
3. Jumper.
Nothing to say about this other than I think it looks like it might be incredibly awesome.
4. Okay, look at this picture, and tell me where you think he is:

It's the WAREHOUSE. Yes, that one! With the Ark of the Covenant! And apparently, other things as well. I have no idea what this movie is about, and neither does anyone else - but I'm unbelievably psyched.
*I readily admit that I actually liked Transformers.
Also, they're shooting a second X-Files movie right now and I'm really excited.
I KNOW. So awesome.
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