Saturday, June 7, 2008

Battlestar Galactica 4x11: "The Hub"

I just want to say this before I go into anything else about this episode of BSG. In the trailer from last week, we saw D'Anna going "you know about the Final Five, but you don't know that you're one of them?" to Roslin. The first time I saw that, I was like, "yeah, and right after that she went 'JUST KIDDING.'" My parents were like "oh... I don't know, she might be telling the truth." But why would they give that away in the trailer? I kept insisting she was just kidding, and my dad conceded that maybe she was outright lying to her, but then the scene rolled around and what happened? A bunch of dramatic music while Roslin thinks about that statement, and then... OH HA HA. PSYCHE, ROSLIN, D'ANNA WAS JUST KIDDING.

I love when I'm right, even when it's about something stupid.

This episode was all right. Interesting... I like the interaction between the humans and cylons in this fashion as opposed to the constant warring and infiltration from previous seasons, which I was bored with. I kinda didn't care about the Helo/random 8 stuff, but I did feel bad for him when he stumbled upon the room full of Sharon bodies on the Resurrection Hub they were about to blow up.

What I loved most about this episode was the stuff with Roslin and Baltar. Especially the scene where they were trying to talk to the hybrid, and they both kept saying the other one was doing it wrong. And I thought the scene where Baltar confesses inadvertently to betraying the entire human race to the President of the Colonies was brutal, but extremely well played. I was *really* sick of seeing Baltar's sliced open side wound though. Ugh. Gross.

I love D'Anna and I'm glad she's back. I think she's really funny. My mom was like, "she woke up on the wrong side of the bed," which is a perfect description of what she was like this episode and probably what she'll be like for the rest of the time she's around. She's just pissed off at everybody. Even when Helo was "betraying" Random Curious Eight by taking D'Anna to the President instead of the other cylons, she was just like "Whatever. Can we just get a move on to wherever we're going." And I obviously loved her messing with Roslin. It's good to have her back.

Oh, and I thought Laura and Bill's reunion was sweet. Even if they do both frustrate me at times, I was so happy to see them finally together like that. I admit that I may have shed a tear. Probably because of Mary McDonnell's mad acting skillz.

I'm REALLY excited about next week's show. It looks like the four are revealed to everybody else... I bet the last one still won't come to light, though. I'm not sure how they'll explain not telling, though, since D'Anna obviously knows the identities of all of them. I'm sure she didn't just conveniently forget the one that we don't know yet... hopefully. That would be so annoying. But I'm sure that when we do find out who the last one is, it'll be completely out of left field, and NOT in the teaser trailer for the episode. Just a hunch.

1 comment:

Dr. Austiagon said...

I'm really excited about this friday! I loved the Hub and I think it may be one of my favorite episodes (except it just didn't have enough Starbuck.)