Saturday, May 31, 2008

Doctor Who 4x08: "Silence of the Library"


I don't like River Song.

That's all there is to that. I wasn't expecting to, and I was right. But now I'm worried about something - Steven Moffat is the new head honcho after this, and here's the Doctor's wife from the future, so um - does that mean she's going to be the companion when Moffat takes over? And of course keeping Jenny around was Moffat's idea so are the three of them going to make a new little family? Barf.

I'm waiting for some "time is in flux" thing to happen, where the spoiler book is only one possible future and it could get messed up and not happen because of something the Doctor does. *crosses fingers*

What will really be interesting is if David Tennant doesn't come back for series 5. Obviously River Song recognized him in that regeneration, so if he ends up regenerating at the end of RTD's run... well, there goes that idea right out the window. Is it sad that I'm almost hoping for this now.

Anyway, in regards to the actual episode, obviously it's a two-parter so I felt like this was kind of dragged out. I have no idea what's going on with the little girl but I have a theory: she's in Rose's parallel world, and she's dreaming about the library where the Doctor is. Dr. Moon works for Torchwood, and in the next episode Rose is going to show up and talk to the little girl (did they say her name? I forget) to get through to the Doctor. I'm looking forward to the moment when the Doctor finds out Rose is involved in his life again and gets all excited in front of River. Does that make me a terrible person? I don't care. But Rose is going to be involved somehow, her picture was between the pages in that countdown book on the official website. And unless I missed something obscure in this episode, she'll be showing up in the next one.

Introducing this River person at this point in the story does not make a single bit of sense. I've decided that what I like most about Steven Moffat episodes are the dialogue and the ideas behind the plot. I don't like the new characters he invents. (Except for Jack, although I'm not sure such an important character was made up by him seeing as how Jack stuck around quite a while after Moffat's episodes ended in S1. I don't know enough about the backstage writing drama of that series to know details like that. If Moffat did make up Jack, then he used up all his good character ideas on him. And okay so maybe I liked Sally Sparrow in Blink. But for the most part Moffat is hit or miss with me.)

I'm pretty sure Donna's going to die at the end of this series which is depressing. ALTHOUGH if my "time is in flux" idea pans out maybe Donna only dies in River's timeline and not in the new one. They mentioned the in-flux thing in the last episode with Agatha Christie - Donna said something about that being the night Agatha disappeared, and the Doctor said "time is in flux, Donna, for all we know this is the night Agatha Christie died" or something along those lines. So I don't think my theory is totally unfounded. I just think that bringing in a potential wife for the Doctor makes very little sense. This two-parter better have a good explanation.

Oh, and how was Donna saved? She's clearly not dead, just transported and stuck somewhere else... the little girl's head? I don't know. Probably not in the parallel universe, although if she were, that would open up a way to explain how Rose comes back. Hmm. The preview didn't really help that much. Although was that the Doctor flying through the Vortex without the TARDIS wielding only his sonic screwdriver there at the end?

Speaking of sonic screwdrivers, Doctor, are you blind, River's sonic screwdriver does NOT look "exactly" like yours. It looks totally different. But whatever.

(I guess one thing I know for sure about Moffat's episodes - they get me thinking, which is a good thing no matter what.)

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