Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lost 4x01: "The Beginning of the End"

For once in my life I lucked out and got to watch this on a real TV. A really nice TV in my friend Brittany's dorm room. So I've actually managed to be on par with the rest of the universe this time in my TV viewing. Unfortunately, this means no stream of consciousness posting about it. Right, you're sad, I know.

Spoiler alert.

First thing: WHO are the Oceanic 6. Obviously, we know three at this point: Jack, Kate, and Hurley, since we have seen them in the future. But... the rest of them? Also, does that mean that only six people got off the island? Also, people kept referring to a group of people that seem to still be on the island. You know, the guy in the hospital asking if "they" were still alive, and something that Hurley said when he was talking to Jack at the end (I can't remember, because I watched it three hours ago - see, if this were my normal "write it while I watch it on my computer" post we wouldn't be having this confusion). So apparently, there were six "lucky" (or not, depending on who you ask) people who got off the island and somehow became famous for surviving the crash. And there is some secret that these six people are hiding - hence Jack's visit to Hurley at the end. Hurley was all, "you only came here to make sure I wasn't going to tell anybody." Or something like that. So, here we go with more mysteries. Anyone have a guess? (I ask in the hopes that someone will actually comment on one of these posts.)

Second thing: There is NO way Naomi, the parachute girl, could have crawled away from Jack and everyone with a stab wound that lethal and have no one (save Ben) notice. That is totally insane. And we're supposed to believe that she ran around in the woods leaving fake trails of blood to get away? And that she climbed a fricken tree? Right. I suppose we could blame it on adrenaline or something, but I feel like that's a stretch. A big one. Especially the tree climbing part. I did find it easy to believe that she died immediately after pouncing on Kate, though.

Third thing: CHARLIE?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1! What! Well, apparently death looks good on him. He seemed pretty confident. And he told Hurley to go back to the island because "they need you." So there's another reference to "them." HMM. You know, I hope Charlie shows up a lot in the flash forwards. He's been sent there by God to correct the wrongs that the Oceanic 6 made when they left the island. Like Touched by an Angel. Also, I want Dominic Monaghan to stay on the show because I still can't believe they killed him off. When this show started I thought for sure that of anybody on the island, he was the safest, because he's DOMINIC MONAGHAN. He's a hobbit, for Pete's sake! Everybody loves hobbits! Killing hobbits is like killing children. I thought that at the end of the show, everybody else could be dead, but Charlie would still be there on the beach, playing his guitar, waving a plane down, or SOMETHING. But apparently not. And he was one of the reasons we started watching the show. (Okay, me. Mainly that's why I started watching it. "What's this show? Merry's in it? Why didn't you say that in the first place?"*) Anyway - the fact that Charlie was back makes me REALLY happy for more reasons than just that I liked him. I SAID that Charlie was in the preview for this season, didn't I? I DID. I can't remember if I put that on this blog or not, but I told people that. They remember. And I was right.

Fourth thing: Kate and Sawyer are totally doomed. You know, I have a hard time admitting this, but I really want them to be together. This is for several reasons... first I was like "aww, Kate and Jack should be together." Then I was like, "I hate Kate, I don't want her with Jack because he deserves better than her" (which he still does). But I was also like "I hate Sawyer." I decided it would be perfect if Kate and Sawyer got together... and in the process of that actually happening, somehow they were both redeemed in my eyes. I like the weird dynamic the three of them have with each other - they're both in love with Kate, and she has feelings for both of them, and Jack and Sawyer are friends, kind of. It'll be interesting to see what happens there.

Fifth thing: (Insert picture of Desmond here.) No explanation necessary.

In the preview... some dude parachutes onto the island and tells them "what they're really there for." Which makes it seem like it might not be the reason they think. I never believe the previews, though, because they are always misleading.

*I don't know what my thing is but apparently I'm the last to catch on with shows. I spent the first three years of Doctor Who in denial that it could possibly be a worthwhile show while my entire family watched it, and now I'm more obsessed than any of them. And then when Lost started, I was vaguely aware of it but for some reason I thought it was a mini series, and that I would watch it after it had all aired, sort of like The 4400. But then I finally asked my mom what it was and found out the truth... which was that Dominic Monaghan was in it. So I finally got into it, midway through the first season. I guess that was a lot sooner than some other people, but still. I don't know what my problem is. OH - well, this hasn't happened every time, because I am definitely the one that told my family to watch Heroes. So I get one point for that.

yeah, I watched this show too

With Erin. In middle school. It was... well, hilarious, in ways that I'm sure only we will understand. It was always on right after we got home from school, so it was pretty convenient (this is also when we watched Quantum Leap).

Of course I am talking about The X-Files.

And look at this: pictures from the new movie.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Jericho comes back on February 12th. Wooo. I'd been wondering about that. Hopefully it won't get cancelled this time.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cloverfield: Do I Even Need to Give the Spoiler Warning

There is so much to this movie, it's not even remotely funny. Movies like this are why I love J.J. Abrams so much. Everything is so involved and in-depth and thought out. For a movie that appears to be shot completely on a hand held digital camera, it was extremely professional and exceedingly awesome.

The next sentence is going to sound crazy, but hear me out. Cloverfield was ridiculously realistic. If a giant monster invaded New York city, this is what it would be like. In this day and age, everyone is filming and documenting everything that happens, so it is entirely within reason that something like this would exist after such a catastrophe (excluding, perhaps, the scene where Hud, the camera man, gets eaten by the monster and the camera continues to work after it spits him out*). The characters were, I thought, endearing, and I cared about what happened to them. I was glad they used mostly unknown actors (although when I went to look them up on IMDB, I learned that most of them have extensive TV experience at least - CSIs and Law and Orders and so on). It was less distracting and made the documentary style more believable.

At the theater, there were signs everywhere with a warning about potential motion sickness that could be caused by watching Cloverfield. Personally, I didn't think it was that bad, but I also don't get sick easily. Sometimes I had to close my eyes because they were jerking the camera around and it was sort of distracting, but I was fine. I went to see it by myself (as I am wont to do when a nerd movie comes out that no one will see with me) and it was only after it started that I realized oh, this movie could potentially scare the crap out of me, and I am here by myself. Fortunately, it wasn't that bad. There were some disturbing parts, to be sure, but my reactions were mostly "holy crap! (freaked out laughter)" and "oh my gosh! (more freaked out laughter)." I didn't even have nightmares, even though the monster was completely terrifying.

THE MONSTER. Holy crap. The awesomeness of this thing is indescribable. You seriously have to go see it. I wonder if I can find a decent picture online... I doubt it. But it completely exceeded my expectations. You know how on Lost, they hinted at there being some kind of terrifying creature-like thing in the forest, and then they never show it, and then finally, they show... something in the third season (is that when they first showed it?) and it's... a pillar of smoke? WHAT?! Okay, but that's not what this is like. First of all, you definitely do not have to wait until the end to catch a glimpse of it. They show it, and then they show it again, and then they REALLY show it. You don't see it repeatedly, you just get glimpses of it here and there, but they're GOOD glimpses. They did that on purpose, of course - if you get to look at it for a long enough time, you stop being scared of it. Well, the fright never wears off. And I don't know if this is just me, but I'm still not totally sure what it looks like in its entirety. I know it has more than four appendages, and it has a weird looking head... someone drew this, which admittedly looks awesome, but that's not what the monster looks like. I don't think that one would be as scary anyway, because it looks like a whale, and whales are sort of slow moving, and they tend not to eat people. The Cloverfield monster definitely eats people.

I've heard that some people are complaining about the ending, but I don't see any other realistic way of finishing the movie. Here's what happened - Rob and Beth are the only two people left from the original group that started out at the beginning. The rest are dead (I think that Lil died, because they said on the radio that all helicopters were down, including the one she had escaped on). They're in Central Park, and they're hiding under a bridge, caught in the crossfire as the military is trying unsuccessfully to bomb the monster to death. Rob is talking to the camera, telling it who he is, where they are, who of his friends had died because of the monster. He turns the camera to Beth, who is crying, and he gently tells her to tell the camera who she is. As she's doing that, a bomb hits the bridge, and they drop the camera... it's underneath some rubble, and you can just see some rocks covering it. The last thing you hear between them: "Beth, look at me. I love you." "I love you too." And then another bomb hits, the camera cuts out, and it goes to the tape it had been taping over the whole time, which was taken when Rob and Beth were on Coney Island on a ferris wheel. They're filming themselves, and Rob asks Beth if she had anything to say to the camera, and Beth says "I had a good day."

HOW is that not the only ending this movie could have had? You want to find out what the monster is? Yeah, well so did they. We were seeing what they saw, experiencing what they experienced, and finding out what the monster was, where it came from and what it wanted was not part of the story this movie set out to tell.

Besides, you can read all of that on Wikipedia. Here is the page about the monster. J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves have given plenty of interviews explaining some of the things they left out of the movie.

I adored this movie. It is brilliant. There is just the right balance between mystery and revelation that lets it come full circle and tell a flipping good story. I highly recommend it.

*I was confused at this part, because - if the monster was eating people, why would he spit him out again? Did he just taste bad? I don't think so. When Hud and the camera get spit back out and the monster leaves, the camera is focusing only on Hud's head - which I think seems to indicate that it is only his head that got spit out. You know, like how you spit the pits out of cherries. It would also explain the horrified screams coming from Rob and Beth. Also, morbidly, on Hud's myspace page, his height changed from whatever his height was before to 2'6" the day the movie aired.

coming soon to this blog

1. Cloverfield discussion
2. Apparently there are two episodes of Chuck I haven't watched
3. I haven't watched the last couple episodes of Journeyman either

Stay tuned.

Friday, January 25, 2008

does James Bond count as sci-fi

Who cares.

The new movie is going to be called Quantum of Solace.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Torchwood 2x02: "Sleeper"

Once again... thanks for being awesome, Youtube.

Somehow Owen isn't annoying me as much as usual at the beginning of this episode. I liked his bickering with Gwen.

So, last season, I never really noticed Ianto... sort of thought he was this background character that wasn't too important. But now he seems like he actually has a personality, and he's deadpan sarcastic. I like it.

I think basically every character has gotten a personality overhaul this season. Everyone seems different. And more likable.

"Stop wasting our time. We know you're an alien." Oh Jack.

Gwen looks so uncomfortable right before the mind probe thing. It's hilarious. For some reason I derive amusement whenever Gwen is in difficult situations. I think it might be because I find her annoying. Yeah, that's it.

Whoa, her arm just opened up.

This is like the other side of Human Nature/The Family of Blood, but not as good. She's a "sleeper agent" with a fake human persona.

Apparently there's more than one sleeper agent, and they're all waking up. The arm thing is freaky.

HOLY CRAP... a car just hit a stroller with a baby in it. Okay... was that really necessary? I know Torchwood is dark and all, but seriously?

This cryogenic freezing thing was never going to work. Duh.

Wow, her arm just turned into a big knife. That was really, really freaky.

Owen: "How did you know all that?"
Ianto: "...I know everything. And it says so at the bottom of the screen."
I think that Ianto is awesome.

The arm remote things on the aliens are gross.

I'm really impressed with Owen and Ianto's characters. Whatever was wrong with them first season isn't wrong with them anymore. I think that's the highlight of this episode.

"Come on, have a little faith! With a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail?" I think that is the most sarcastic thing Jack has ever said.

If aliens wanted to come take over the Earth, why would they start anywhere in the UK, much less the middle of Cardiff, Wales...? I mean really.

I just read that the little boy in this episode, Patrick Granger's son, the random guy that gets killed, is the kid who played the Master in the flashbacks of the series three finale of Doctor Who.

Oh, and there it is... Jack died again. Or at least, he got stabbed.

Okay, really, this seems more like a situation that the Doctor should be dealing with - big alien invasion and all. Where the heck is he? If he is doing anything other than getting Rose back from the other universe, there is no excuse for this.

Jack and Ianto are up to something. And I don't think it's a big secret what that something is.

I think Beth is going to kill herself.

Or not. Well, she sort of did. She made them kill her by threatening to kill Gwen. Same difference.

Whatever this friendship/relationship/thing is between Jack and Gwen is, it feels forced and unnatural.

OOOH. Next week's looks awesome... because it's a time travelling episode. Those are the best kind.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh J.J.

He does love his internet easter eggs, doesn't he. I mean, there's the whole Lost Experience, first of all, and then there were all the random websites having to do with Cloverfield, complete with Myspace profiles for the characters... and now there's this. That's the official Star Trek movie website. There's a neat little trailer, showing people working on the Enterprise (as in the construction of it) and then Leonard Nimoy says "Space: the final frontier." It's a teaser, that's all. But lo and behold... if you look hard enough, there is a nifty easter egg. Just... click around for it. It's not too hard to find.

If you think it is too hard to find, go here and they will tell you.

Sunshine: Spoilers Herein

I have no idea what I think about this movie. I feel like I need to watch it about fifty more times before I can decide what I think about it. At the end, I was crying, and I have no idea why.

Here's the plot:
"The Sun is being destroyed from inside out by a type of highly stable form of matter that renders nuclear fusion impossible, by turning common matter on its own kind. The only hope is to send a team of astronauts to detonate a massive, highly energetic bomb, able to destroy this strange matter and restore Sun's natural state."

This is a psychological movie more than anything else. It gets inside you somehow. The entire idea of a group of people flying into the sun - for some reason, the way they deal with it, it's not just another science fiction aversion of impending apocalypse story. It's about what the end of everything will do to you. These people are on a mission to save the entire world from becoming an icy rock in the middle of space, and they're flying a mission into the sun. It's... I don't know. I don't know how to describe it. You should watch it, maybe, and then you'll get why I can't really talk about it because it's beyond words.

It's a beautifully done movie, with some really interesting cinematic effects - I particularly liked the flash frames (you'll know what I mean when/if you watch it). Also interesting to note is the fact that their golden space suits were designed after Kenny's head from South Park. It's true. It's on IMDB so it must be.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Torchwood 2x01: "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"

Even though this episode isn't on in the USA until next Saturday, I found it on youtube. Youtube is basically the best thing ever invented.

This blowfish looks cool, but he talks too much. No real life cocaine addict would do that. He'd just shoot the people and run away.

"Hey kids. Did you miss me?" Jack, you forgot your pajamas and the satsuma.

I don't really understand why Jack won't tell them where he was. Seriously. What's so hard about "I went trillions of years into the future, saw the end of the universe, came back, and was kidnapped, chained up, and repeatedly killed by a raving lunatic who took over the world - none of which you remember, because the Doctor fixed it all, reversed time and made it so none of it happened for anybody else."

Captain John, aka Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is annoying. Do not like.

Okay, I did like the "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!" joke in the hologram thing Captain John left for Jack. That was nice.

OMG liek, hott boi makeoutz!!!11!!!1!!@! ...I like it better when they're punching each other. The soundtrack makes me laugh.

Captain Jack: I worked my way up through the ranks.
Captain John: I'm sure the ranks were very grateful.

OHHHH, who called it. Captain John is another Time Agent. Or, was another Time Agent, since it was shut down.

Okay, I think Captain John is funny now. He just annoyed me when he walked into the bar. I like him when he's making fun of Jack.

Where's the pteradactyl?

Gwen is so annoying. "Why did you desert us?" I guess she doesn't know any better, but seriously, she would have left too. It's the DOCTOR. HELLO.

Gwen and Rhys are getting married... something tells me that isn't going to work out.

This is annoying. Jack has sexual tension with Gwen, Ianto, Captain John - like, everyone. I know he's a "51st century man" and everything but is that necessary?

"Has he gotten to the no kissing rule yet?" ...I think Captain John is my new favorite Torchwood character.

HAHAHA... Gwen talking on the phone with Rhys and Captain John saying stupid things in the background to make it sound like she was cheating... that's... endearingly immature.

What is it with me and liking the villains lately. First the Master, now Captain John. John basically just paralyzed Gwen. That makes me happy.

I still hate Owen. ...OH! Captain John just shot him! Wow, he is growing on me every second.

Aww, Ianto. I feel bad for him. He's so long suffering and quiet.

It's not an episode of Torchwood if Jack doesn't die at least once. I don't really get the dramatic music that played as Captain John looks down at the ground from the roof.

Ew. Jack's body is all... just, ew.

Arcadian diamond... hmmm. That sounds familiar. (...Okay, I was going to try and find a clip on youtube to link here, and it's probably there somewhere, but the reference is in "Doomsday" and I can't bring myself to watch that episode again just to find a stupid tiny line where the Doctor says he was there at the fall of Arcadia. So you'll just have to live with the explanation I just gave.)

Gwen: "Tell Jack... Tell Jack... oh, he knows." (Falls into a black abyss.)

Okay, so I liked when Gwen punched Captain John. One redeeming quality for her.


"I found Grey." WHAT?! So that's... what, Jack's kid?

Okay. Captain John is in the trailer for the rest of the series. So he'll be back. In general this series looks like it's going to be much better than the last one.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Star Trek Redux

So apparently, the only thing that's going to be the same about the Enterprise in the new movie by J.J. Abrams is going to be the outward appearance. They're not going to retain the colorful retro look. Is this a good or bad thing? It seems to me that the whole thing is going to be really different from the old show. It's more of a reinvention than a sequel or continuation of anything that already existed. That seems to be a trend these days - reinventing old classics for a new generation. Generally, I'm not upset about this, especially since the creators have for the most part paid the proper respect due to the older version. I mean, why would they even be making it over again if they didn't want other people to love it the way they did when they were kids? ...Money, I guess, but still. They wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think the original idea was a great one. (Which show am I even talking about now... I mean, take your pick.)

Anyway... I'm looking forward to this movie. I'm not a hardcore enough Trekkie - or even a Trekkie at all, really - to be that upset about major changes. I think it's good for something like this to evolve. What's fun about doing it the same every time? Not a lot, in my opinion. That show was made in the sixties. Things are different now. People expect a lot more from their entertainment. I'm pretty relaxed about this movie because I trust J.J. Abrams, and I like the cast list for this movie.

The article up there says there's going to be a sneak preview/teaser trailer thing at the beginning of Cloverfield, which I'm incredibly excited about. (You can be sure that as soon as I see that movie I will tell you what I thought about it.)

oh my...

Is there some way of forcing this to happen:

'Deathly Hallows' could be two films

You: "Sarah, rumors like that have been around foreverrrrrrrrrrr. They said it about like, every movie since they started making them. Just because there are rumors like those now does not mean it's true."

Yes I know. BUT, if there is a book in the series that actually warrants two movies to do the story justice... it's this one. AND WHY WOULDN'T THEY DO IT?! They would make like a bajillion dollars! Come on! I don't even care if that's the reason they do it! Just as long as we can have a movie that is true to the book. That's all I want.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Doctor Who: "Parting of the Ways"

I love any time the TARDIS is flying. It's just awesome. A blue police box flying through space? How can you not love that? I was watching an older episode of Doctor Who with Tom Baker in it and they showed the TARDIS flying and you could tell it was just a little ornament hanging from a string and someone was dangling it around. It was so cute.

Doctor: "I think you're forgetting something. I'm the Doctor, and if there's one thing I can do, it's talk."

I'm never going to understand why so many villains just sit and explain themselves the way the Dalek emperor does here. I think that's probably why I actually loved the Master so much. "Now let me tell you all my plans while you figure out a way to stop me, I DON'T think." I understand that the audience needs this kind of exposition, but I wish there were more situations where the master plan is figured out some other way that doesn't involve the bad guys standing there and telling everyone.

I love Rose's annoyed reaction to Lynda.

Oh... it's so sad when the Doctor acts all excited like he's got it figured out... and he does, but it doesn't make him happy, it makes him fake it so he can save Rose.

The only part of this episode that makes me teary eyed is when the hologram of the Doctor turns to her and says, "Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life." Sigh.

So, every season finale so far has had a massive invasion in it. Two of these invasions involved Daleks. All of these invasions involved monsters created from humans - series one were the Daleks made from the humans that lose on the game shows, series two had the Cybermen, and series three had the humans from the end of the world that came back through the paradox the Master created. Just some observations.

Too bad the Ann Droid didn't stick around longer to kill some more Daleks. Why didn't the people take the lasers out of her head and all the other places to fight them? ...But then I guess that wouldn't work because all that does is teleport the target to the Dalek ship. So that would be pointless. Never mind. Forget I brought it up.

I love when Rose tells Jackie about how she went back in time and was with her dad when he died... "That's how good the Doctor is." I think that's what makes Jackie change her mind about hating the Doctor.

Okay I don't understand why the Daleks didn't just surpass all the people with guns on the other floors and didn't just ride the elevator right up to the top where the Doctor was. That makes no sense.

I love how they play the "I'm Coming to Get You" music again when Rose is prising the TARDIS open. It goes both ways - the Doctor protects her, and Rose protects him. (I recognized the song because I've been listening to the soundtrack on repeat for the last month, and I remember the titles.)

Jack's death scene is so lame. Good thing he gets lots of chances to do it over on Torchwood.

And here's where the Doctor goes past the point of no return with Rose. She comes back and saves him. She does something no one else ever tried to do for him, and it was all for him. Everything changes for him after this - the way he looks at her is so different after this. And he's practically crying because he's pretty sure it's gonna kill her. And then when she says she can see the whole of time and space, he finally finds that sense of equality in someone else that he'd been missing ever since the Time Lords were all destroyed in the Time War. They're perfect for each other because they understand each other.

Okay, I know they explain this later, in the third season, but I still think it's crap how the Doctor left Jack behind like that. Why wouldn't he at least explain it to him? "I can't take you because..."? It's not like they were in a hurry... well, actually. Maybe they were, since he was about to regenerate and all that. Okay, maybe it's a little more excusable now that I think about it.

I don't understand why the Doctor didn't explain to Rose about that whole regeneration thing. I think it's cute how insecure he's acting about it right before it happens though. Like he's afraid Rose won't like him afterwards. "I might have two heads. I might have no head. Imagine me with no head! Don't say that's an improvement."

Okay, I lied. I need to rephrase my previous statement. The first time I watched this episode I only got teary eyed at the hologram part. Now I get teary eyed several times. When Rose tells her mom about when she met her dad, for example. And during Christopher Eccleston's last scene. Even though I absolutely adore David Tennant and he's my favorite Doctor and all of that, I'm still really fond of Christopher Eccleston. I kind of wish he had done another season. And I still hope that he'll come back for a "Two Doctors" kind of episode, because I think the two of them acting off each other would be supremely entertaining. And you know, just for kicks, let's throw Paul McGann in there too. A "Three Doctors" episode. It's really not fair that the only appearance the eighth Doctor had was in that lame movie. He would have been good in a TV show, I think. So he should come back for an episode of the new season. That's what I think. I'll be writing a letter to the producer tomorrow telling them what I think and the episode should be on in, oh, say, series five. Yep. I am that influential.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Doctor Who: "Bad Wolf"

This episode is one of my favorite from the first season.

I want to be indignant that there would be a society that thought this kind of thing was okay - the whole randomly selecting people to go on a game show or reality show of some kind to play for your life, all for entertainment purposes. And I am, but it's not like it hasn't happened before... it's just an upgraded and cleaner version of the gladiators in ancient Rome. So it's not totally out of the realm of possibility that something like this would be invented by someone in the distant future.

OH, oh, oh, did you catch that? That reference to Torchwood? It was the first one! Right here in the first season!

"Just a tweak of President Schwarzenegger"?! WHAT? I missed a lot of things the first time I watched this.

I love when that one girl grabs the Doctor's hand. He just looks so confused and annoyed.

"You have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're gonna get you!" How messed up is that?

I love when the Doctor vandalises the camera.

Robot: "Now it's time for the face off."
Jack: "What does that mean, do I get to compete with someone else?"
Robot: "No. Like I said. Face... off." (holds up surgery tools)
Jack: (Best look ever.)

Now initiating Bad Wolf montage.

The Doctor when he gets evicted... so hilarious. He's just giddy about it and everyone is looking at him like he's totally insane.

This is going to sound horrible, but I'm glad Lynda didn't make it through this two parter. Sorry, but I'm jealous on behalf of Rose.

"Well ladies, the pleasure was all mine. That's the only thing that matters in the end." Oh Jack. You're silly. And shallow. Granted, he was talking to a couple of decimated robots there, but still.

I love how protective Jack is over both the Doctor and Rose. When Rose gets "disintegrated" and the Doctor is in shock over the pile of dust that's supposed to be her, and he's ignoring everything that's happening to him, Jack is brandishing that huge gun and screaming for them to leave him alone. Heartbreaking. Good thing Rose will be fine.

I think Jack needs his own TARDIS.

Rose is still alive! Yay! She's alive! She's gonna be fine! She was transported to a Dalek ship! Wait... that's really not much better.

Holy crap that's a lot of Dalek ships.

"What is the meaning of this negative?"

Daleks are freaky. They look kind of ridiculous at first, and the first thing you think is something like, "couldn't you just run away from it" or "just go upstairs, they couldn't follow you." But then you realize that they're actually terrifying. I think the reason they're so scary isn't because the actual monster is scary, but because of how the Doctor, someone who isn't afraid of anything, is scared of the them. That makes all the difference.

I don't get it.

I thought everyone was still on strike...? But now we've got this, which makes it look like they're going ahead with making the next season. I don't know how I feel about it. "Villains." Hmm. And what the H is Sylar doing with Mama Petrelli?

excuse me, have you seen a blow fish driving a sports car?

Torchwood preview part one

1. Blow fish driving a sports car stopping to let an old lady cross the street = automatically awesome.
2. "Hey kids. Didja miss me?" Jack, I love you. If anybody else said that line I'd be pissed because of how it's basically the exact same thing the Doctor said in the Christmas Invasion, but I'm over it. And I love the chuckle after he said it.

Torchwood preview part two

2. I love the conversation with the Torchwood people at the end, in the cab. They're all talking about how frustrating Jack is and how he never tells them anything... and then Ianto says, "It is more fun when he's around, though."

I think the next Torchwood season is going to be great. And a lot better than the first season. It starts January 26 on BBC America. Which means I can either watch it online right after that, or I could watch it online a week early when someone from the UK posts it after it airs there on the 16th. Either way.

Here's a couple of generic Torchwood S2 trailers for your enjoyment:

Doctor Who: "Boom Town"

I barely even remember what happens in this episode. Something about the Slitheen?

I think the Slitheen aliens are just ridiculous.

Jack's timeline screws with my head. When did he get involved with Torchwood? Because there he is in the TARDIS right outside the Wales Millenium Centre. His Torchwood base is right there. So why doesn't the Jack that's been looking for the Doctor for a hundred years run out there and accost them?

Why does the Doctor call Mickey "Rickey"? Is it really just to annoy him? Or does he have some kind of sixth sense about the other version of the same guy who's in the parallel universe...? I never really understood that.

So... does the Slitheen disguise also cast a Stupid Spell on all the people around them? Because when they unzip their heads, it makes a loud noise, and there's a bright flashing light. How do these people not notice something weird is going on?

I love Jack's initiative with the plan to infiltrate the mayor's house.

UGH Mickey. This is before he is even remotely tolerable.

Jack's really working the sound effects in this episode.

And here we finally get an acknowledgement of the Bad Wolf references. I love this stuff - the little tiny things that add up to something hugely important. Bad Wolf is all over the show, even after everyone finds out what it means. Which I love, because of what it means. It's like a reminder.

Mickey, let her go. Seriously, just give up. You can't hold a candle to the Doctor. And Rose, don't be stupid and say yes when Mickey the idiot asks you to a hotel.

AWW. The Doctor is watching Rose and Mickey walk off holding hands. He's totally jealous. For some reason I always forget that it was Nine that fell for Rose first.

Blah blah blah, Mickey crying because Rose left him... whine. "I just need some kind of promise that when you're coming back, you're coming back for me." Vomit. I also hate when Rose ran off and Mickey shouted after her about how she's always going to pick the Doctor and never him. Well, duh, Mickey.

I'm going to guess that the Cardiff branch of Torchwood gets set up after this earthquake, to help stabalize the rift. The version of Jack that spent 100 years waiting for the Doctor obviously knew he was there at this point in time, so he wouldn't be there when his other self was. The question is, was Jack a part of the Torchwood that was an enemy of the Doctor? Because he said he rebuilt, when he tells the Doctor about it in series three. So I might be wrong, and he only got involved in Torchwood after the whole thing at Canary Wharf. (I'm going to feel stupid if he actually explained all of this in series three and I just forgot about it. All I remember him saying was that he worked at Torchwood and that he had rebuilt it in the Doctor's honor. That doesn't mean he wasn't involved in it before that.)

Ohhh right... the Slitheen lady gets turned back into an egg. I had totally forgotten that's how this ended.

The thing is, Noel Clarke, the actor who plays Mickey, isn't annoying at all. I actually kind of like him. But I can't help totally despising his character.

Doctor: "Margaret the Slitheen gets to live her life again. A second chance."
Rose: "That'd be nice..."
Whatever Rose, like you'd do a single thing different. Unless she meant "I never would have started dating Mickey," in which case I totally understand where she's coming from. But she would always have picked the Doctor.

only barely sci-fi

Billie Piper got married on New Year's... eve or day, I can't remember. One of them. I was looking at this and I saw all those pictures and everything looked really normal and beautiful, which I think is nice.

One thing I don't get though is that the reception was in a bunch of huge wigwams. The guy writing this article asked someone "why wigwams?" and he said, "They couldn't get the TARDIS."

Friday, January 4, 2008

April Fourth

This is some pretty hefty stuff right here. The latest Entertainment Weekly has an article about Battlestar Galactica. This picture, very Last Supper-y, is pretty interesting and telling (especially if you read the spoilers from RDM. Hmmm... very, very intriguing. It also says that the official air date for season four is April 4th.

I'm going to talk about the spoilers now.

Most interesting to me is the introduction of Natalie, a new version of Six. She "assumes a leadership position for a group of cylons with a separate agenda from the rest of them." I'm wondering if she's going to be heading a group of cylons that want to forget all differences and merge into the human race? I think whatever the agenda is, it's human friendly, given that she goes by a human name. Although I'm not sure how well this goes with my opinion that she's pointing at Helo and Sharon, who in turn look freaked out. RDM said he didn't want to say who these two were looking at, but whoever it was "was definitely reacting." Um, the only one reacting over there is Natalie. I'm pretty sure it has to be her. I don't know if she's pointing at them accusingly or if she's pointing at them to say "look, we should follow their example and overcome our differences." We'll see.

BOO on Lee not returning to flight status. Although if this means he's going to be a lawyer now, and if that means he'll get more monologues like he did at the end of season three, I don't know how sad I am about it. Anyway, I'm still a little upset about him not going back to being a pilot, but whatever. That doesn't necessarily mean he won't get to fly anymore... and anyway, you'd think that with the serious shortage of pilots they have in the fleet, they'd be able to get over his idealism and let him fight if it came to it. I'm just saying. And wait... wasn't he flying at the end of season three? He was the one that found Starbuck, right? I'm a little vague on the details from last season, it's been such a long time.

"The only one embracing Starbuck is Anders." Hmm. I guess everyone will think she is a cylon after all. Which just goes to show that she probably isn't one. Also, the final cylon isn't at the table... or at least I'm pretty sure that's what the last comment from RDM means: Someone is missing from the table because the last cylon has not been revealed. Although I suppose they could have put in another duplicate of one of the other people - there are two Tricia Helfers, after all. Still, it's way too obvious for Starbuck to be the last cylon. I will be so pissed if that's the case. (I think maybe I could handle it if it were done well and made sense, but I have no earthly idea how they could make that make any kind of sense. But whatever.)

Is it April 4th yet?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Doctor Who: "The Doctor Dances"

All right... part two.

I love the way the episode starts. It's not what anybody would have expected. "Go to your room! ...I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."

You know, the first time I watched this episode, it was before I was all Doctor/Rose obsessed. But now that I am, I'm reading whole new levels into the conversation they have about how the Doctor has "danced" at least once over the course of his 900 years. ...I'm just saying. In my opinion, it marks the beginning of something more than just plain old friends between the two of them.

I wonder if we're ever going to find out about those two years the Time Agents stole from Jack's memory. The way his storyline went, a detail like that got lost in the middle of a lot of other more interesting details.

Oh, if anyone needed more proof that "dancing" doesn't refer to actual dancing, see this line the Doctor says about Jack: "He's a 51st century man. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing."

Here comes my favorite part... the nanogenes fixing the empty child. I just love how the Doctor reacts. "Oh come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one."

One thing I don't really get. Was Jack sitting on the bomb when he talked to them for what he thought would be the last time? What was going on there?

I think this was the first Doctor Who episode that made me tear up. Still does. "Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!"

Haha awww, it's been a little while since the Doctor danced. Rose trying to teach him how again is so adorable. "No extra points for a half nelson." And then it all comes back to him.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Doctor Who: "The Empty Child"

I don't know how everyone is going to handle all my Doctor Who rambling, but you're going to have to find a way to because there's not much else for me to talk about right now. Battlestar Galactica comes back in like, March or April, Jericho is in the middle of being filmed (or was, thanks WGA strike), Heroes ended, Journeyman ended, Torchwood is in production for their second season still, Chuck and Pushing Daisies are on hold... OH, Lost comes back soon. Lost comes back on January 31st. So that's something for you to look forward to. Until then, it's going to be mainly all Doctor Who, all the time.

Anyway. Time to watch "The Empty Child." (We are skipping "Father's Day." I know it's supposed to be a great episode or whatever, but I don't want to watch it. I'm sure no one cares. And besides I got behind on the schedule, this week it's supposed to be the two parter where Jack shows up and while I'm perfectly capable of watching all three of these episodes and subsequently writing about them on here, I'm not going to because I have a lot of other old Doctor Who episodes on my Netflix and I'd rather be watching those, since I haven't seen them, and I need to continue my science fiction education... which has significantly improved on watching these older episodes. I can now name all the actors who have played the Doctor, in order, and the only Doctors I haven't seen in action are Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy [because we're not counting Sylvester McCoy's brief appearance and regeneration into Paul McGann in the 1996 movie as the Doctor "in action."] Personally I have to say at this point David Tennant is still my all-time favorite Doctor, but of the classic Doctors I like Patrick Troughton and Tom Baker [my plan is to be Tom Baker's Doctor for Halloween, I've already got my eye on a scarf.])

Okay, now we'll get on with it. That was all just a stall while I waited for the episode to load on Movie Alien (awesome site for people without TVs, by the way, everyone).

Oh, Rose and her Union Jack t-shirt. If I were going to be Rose for Halloween (okay, I'll admit it, it'll probably happen) I'd probably go for that shirt. Or maybe a pink track jacket, because as Jessica pointed out, Rose "wears pink like every single day." (No, I know, she doesn't really do that, thank you for telling us though.)

Rose always wanders off. Always. It annoys the Doctor, but at the same time... it doesn't.

"Muuuuummmyyyy. Are you my mummy?" I think the creepiest "monsters" on this show are the ones that don't look like monsters. Like a little kid with a gas mask on.

Aww. The Doctor talks to a really cute cat. I like any scene with a cat in it. (Well. As long as they're really cats, and not cat nuns. I did like Brannigan in "Gridlock," though.)

I love the part when the phone on the TARDIS rings. "How can you be ringing? What's that about, ringing? What am I supposed to do with a ringing phone?" And then when he answers it. "This is the Doctor speaking. How may I help you?" Like it's a hotline or something.

"Excellent bottom." Jack, you are such a pervert. Checking Rose out as she hangs in mortal peril from a rope off a zeppelin in the middle of an air raid. Only you, Captain. Really. Only you.

"Can you switch off your cell phone? No seriously. It interferes with my instruments." I love that line, for no real reason. I think it's the way he says it.

Jack: "You look a little dizzy."
Rose: "What about you? You're not even in focus..."

The Doctor: "I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical."

The Doctor: "I need to find a blonde in a Union Jack. A specific one, I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving."

I love this two parter. I think it is brilliant. The ending of it was just fantastic. I'm nowhere near the ending, but I was just thinking about the injuries the empty child had and how they fit into the plot and I just had to sit back and admire the story.

"Very... Spock." I'm going to have to start saying that.

Nanogenes! They're so cool looking. And yeah. I'm easily amused and satisfied by golden glowing special effects.

I love that Rose told Jack the Doctor's name was Mr. Spock. And then the gratuitous working in of the title of the show ("Don't you ever get tired of 'Doctor'? Doctor who?")

Rose: "You said it was a warship."
Jack: "They have ambulences in wars."

So the episode ends with the Doctor, Rose and Jack cornered in the hospital by a bunch of gas masked zombies and Nancy cornered in some house by the empty child. I'll watch the rest tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

At least he got a helicopter ride out of it.

This slightly terrified me, but thankfully he will be okay, and he won't have to upload his consciousness to a new body any time soon.

Also, Battlestar Galactica Christmas special.