Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Doctor Who: "The Empty Child"

I don't know how everyone is going to handle all my Doctor Who rambling, but you're going to have to find a way to because there's not much else for me to talk about right now. Battlestar Galactica comes back in like, March or April, Jericho is in the middle of being filmed (or was, thanks WGA strike), Heroes ended, Journeyman ended, Torchwood is in production for their second season still, Chuck and Pushing Daisies are on hold... OH, Lost comes back soon. Lost comes back on January 31st. So that's something for you to look forward to. Until then, it's going to be mainly all Doctor Who, all the time.

Anyway. Time to watch "The Empty Child." (We are skipping "Father's Day." I know it's supposed to be a great episode or whatever, but I don't want to watch it. I'm sure no one cares. And besides I got behind on the schedule, this week it's supposed to be the two parter where Jack shows up and while I'm perfectly capable of watching all three of these episodes and subsequently writing about them on here, I'm not going to because I have a lot of other old Doctor Who episodes on my Netflix and I'd rather be watching those, since I haven't seen them, and I need to continue my science fiction education... which has significantly improved on watching these older episodes. I can now name all the actors who have played the Doctor, in order, and the only Doctors I haven't seen in action are Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy [because we're not counting Sylvester McCoy's brief appearance and regeneration into Paul McGann in the 1996 movie as the Doctor "in action."] Personally I have to say at this point David Tennant is still my all-time favorite Doctor, but of the classic Doctors I like Patrick Troughton and Tom Baker [my plan is to be Tom Baker's Doctor for Halloween, I've already got my eye on a scarf.])

Okay, now we'll get on with it. That was all just a stall while I waited for the episode to load on Movie Alien (awesome site for people without TVs, by the way, everyone).

Oh, Rose and her Union Jack t-shirt. If I were going to be Rose for Halloween (okay, I'll admit it, it'll probably happen) I'd probably go for that shirt. Or maybe a pink track jacket, because as Jessica pointed out, Rose "wears pink like every single day." (No, I know, she doesn't really do that, thank you for telling us though.)

Rose always wanders off. Always. It annoys the Doctor, but at the same time... it doesn't.

"Muuuuummmyyyy. Are you my mummy?" I think the creepiest "monsters" on this show are the ones that don't look like monsters. Like a little kid with a gas mask on.

Aww. The Doctor talks to a really cute cat. I like any scene with a cat in it. (Well. As long as they're really cats, and not cat nuns. I did like Brannigan in "Gridlock," though.)

I love the part when the phone on the TARDIS rings. "How can you be ringing? What's that about, ringing? What am I supposed to do with a ringing phone?" And then when he answers it. "This is the Doctor speaking. How may I help you?" Like it's a hotline or something.

"Excellent bottom." Jack, you are such a pervert. Checking Rose out as she hangs in mortal peril from a rope off a zeppelin in the middle of an air raid. Only you, Captain. Really. Only you.

"Can you switch off your cell phone? No seriously. It interferes with my instruments." I love that line, for no real reason. I think it's the way he says it.

Jack: "You look a little dizzy."
Rose: "What about you? You're not even in focus..."

The Doctor: "I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical."

The Doctor: "I need to find a blonde in a Union Jack. A specific one, I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving."

I love this two parter. I think it is brilliant. The ending of it was just fantastic. I'm nowhere near the ending, but I was just thinking about the injuries the empty child had and how they fit into the plot and I just had to sit back and admire the story.

"Very... Spock." I'm going to have to start saying that.

Nanogenes! They're so cool looking. And yeah. I'm easily amused and satisfied by golden glowing special effects.

I love that Rose told Jack the Doctor's name was Mr. Spock. And then the gratuitous working in of the title of the show ("Don't you ever get tired of 'Doctor'? Doctor who?")

Rose: "You said it was a warship."
Jack: "They have ambulences in wars."

So the episode ends with the Doctor, Rose and Jack cornered in the hospital by a bunch of gas masked zombies and Nancy cornered in some house by the empty child. I'll watch the rest tomorrow.

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