Thursday, January 3, 2008

Doctor Who: "The Doctor Dances"

All right... part two.

I love the way the episode starts. It's not what anybody would have expected. "Go to your room! ...I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."

You know, the first time I watched this episode, it was before I was all Doctor/Rose obsessed. But now that I am, I'm reading whole new levels into the conversation they have about how the Doctor has "danced" at least once over the course of his 900 years. ...I'm just saying. In my opinion, it marks the beginning of something more than just plain old friends between the two of them.

I wonder if we're ever going to find out about those two years the Time Agents stole from Jack's memory. The way his storyline went, a detail like that got lost in the middle of a lot of other more interesting details.

Oh, if anyone needed more proof that "dancing" doesn't refer to actual dancing, see this line the Doctor says about Jack: "He's a 51st century man. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing."

Here comes my favorite part... the nanogenes fixing the empty child. I just love how the Doctor reacts. "Oh come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one."

One thing I don't really get. Was Jack sitting on the bomb when he talked to them for what he thought would be the last time? What was going on there?

I think this was the first Doctor Who episode that made me tear up. Still does. "Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!"

Haha awww, it's been a little while since the Doctor danced. Rose trying to teach him how again is so adorable. "No extra points for a half nelson." And then it all comes back to him.

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