Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Doctor Who: "Boom Town"

I barely even remember what happens in this episode. Something about the Slitheen?

I think the Slitheen aliens are just ridiculous.

Jack's timeline screws with my head. When did he get involved with Torchwood? Because there he is in the TARDIS right outside the Wales Millenium Centre. His Torchwood base is right there. So why doesn't the Jack that's been looking for the Doctor for a hundred years run out there and accost them?

Why does the Doctor call Mickey "Rickey"? Is it really just to annoy him? Or does he have some kind of sixth sense about the other version of the same guy who's in the parallel universe...? I never really understood that.

So... does the Slitheen disguise also cast a Stupid Spell on all the people around them? Because when they unzip their heads, it makes a loud noise, and there's a bright flashing light. How do these people not notice something weird is going on?

I love Jack's initiative with the plan to infiltrate the mayor's house.

UGH Mickey. This is before he is even remotely tolerable.

Jack's really working the sound effects in this episode.

And here we finally get an acknowledgement of the Bad Wolf references. I love this stuff - the little tiny things that add up to something hugely important. Bad Wolf is all over the show, even after everyone finds out what it means. Which I love, because of what it means. It's like a reminder.

Mickey, let her go. Seriously, just give up. You can't hold a candle to the Doctor. And Rose, don't be stupid and say yes when Mickey the idiot asks you to a hotel.

AWW. The Doctor is watching Rose and Mickey walk off holding hands. He's totally jealous. For some reason I always forget that it was Nine that fell for Rose first.

Blah blah blah, Mickey crying because Rose left him... whine. "I just need some kind of promise that when you're coming back, you're coming back for me." Vomit. I also hate when Rose ran off and Mickey shouted after her about how she's always going to pick the Doctor and never him. Well, duh, Mickey.

I'm going to guess that the Cardiff branch of Torchwood gets set up after this earthquake, to help stabalize the rift. The version of Jack that spent 100 years waiting for the Doctor obviously knew he was there at this point in time, so he wouldn't be there when his other self was. The question is, was Jack a part of the Torchwood that was an enemy of the Doctor? Because he said he rebuilt, when he tells the Doctor about it in series three. So I might be wrong, and he only got involved in Torchwood after the whole thing at Canary Wharf. (I'm going to feel stupid if he actually explained all of this in series three and I just forgot about it. All I remember him saying was that he worked at Torchwood and that he had rebuilt it in the Doctor's honor. That doesn't mean he wasn't involved in it before that.)

Ohhh right... the Slitheen lady gets turned back into an egg. I had totally forgotten that's how this ended.

The thing is, Noel Clarke, the actor who plays Mickey, isn't annoying at all. I actually kind of like him. But I can't help totally despising his character.

Doctor: "Margaret the Slitheen gets to live her life again. A second chance."
Rose: "That'd be nice..."
Whatever Rose, like you'd do a single thing different. Unless she meant "I never would have started dating Mickey," in which case I totally understand where she's coming from. But she would always have picked the Doctor.

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