Thursday, October 4, 2007

creative title

Bionic Woman.
1. I still hate But I love Katee Sackhoff too much to stop watching this show.
2. I still can't stand Jamie Sommers. She's unbelievably irritating for a main character. I hope she gets better, because I feel bad when I don't like the lead. I did warm up to her a little this episode, when they showed her actually having emotions at her boyfriend's funeral (who I guess is dead after all).
3. In the intro credits, they show Jamie punching Sarah Corvus... what they don't show is the rest of the fight, where Sarah completely kicks Jamie's butt in every single way, and the only reason she "won" is because Sarah left when the other people from that agency showed up.
4. OMG ANOTHER BSG PERSON. Roslin's priest lady is the bratty sister's principal. At first I was like, how are all the same people on this show, but then I realized oh, because of David Eick. (BSG producer.) Still. It's kind of blowing my mind.
5. "Pot's not really a drug. It comes from the earth." Thank you, bratty sister. That makes it okay then. Yep. Go ahead, keep smoking pot. It will make you more interesting.
6. Bratty Sister wants to move in with their dad... I thought the dad didn't want her to live with him? Remember how Jamie was like "Dad dropped you off on my doorstep"? Wasn't that Dad going "I don't want you to live with me"? Seems like it would be. Just saying.
7. Jamie's friends were just stupid. "Oh my gosh! You got into Columbia Law! How great! Let's talk about it right here in front of our friend who never went to college and make her feel really crappy about it." And then they looked confused and hurt when she made an excuse and left. Dumb. Good thing they will probably never be on the show again.
8. I love Isaiah Washington (from here on referred to as Burke) and I don't care who knows it. I think he's a fabulous actor - Grey's is worse off for losing him, I don't care what the drama was behind that. Maybe he's a jerk in real life, but whatever. He's a great actor. So this show is all the better for having him.
9. I really loved when that tech guy hit Jamie in the head to fix the ringing in her ear. Really. She deserved that. So thanks random tech guy.
10. All I could think about during the training montage they had Jamie go through was the montage song in Team America: World Police.
11. How did Sarah Corvus get into that guy's office without anybody seeing her? The security seems extremely lax in that place, for it being a super secret agency. And are they really married or is that a cover up or something? I don't really get it.
12. I really don't like the other blonde lady. She reminds me too much of the Stargate SG-1 girl. Also she's annoying as a character.
13. Burke when he's interrogating that guy: "...or I could take a pair of pliers and show you something someone once showed me..." Was that someone Jack Bauer*?
14. Thank God Wilco sang over the Annie Get Your Gun song the Bratty Sister was singing in the talent show at the end.
15. The end of this episode was a little too Gilmore Girlsy for me.

The Office.
The Office was amazing tonight, as usual. I watched it in the Junior Commons in the TV with a bunch of guys (including the Brooks College president - the vice president was also there, but she's a girl). I staked out the TV - only two people were like "let's watch Grey's Anatomy!" and I was able to successfully hold the TV from them.

This is out of order because I didn't take notes as I was watching it (I was around other people, that would have looked weird.)
1. Thank you Ryan for finally yelling at stupid Michael for all the idiotic things he does. I want to, all the time, no one else does, but finally, you did. I still think you're kind of a jerk, but you win points for saying what everybody else has been thinking.
2. Dwight and Angela are officially over... I LOVED her eye roll at the end of the episode, when Dwight got back with Michael after the gift basket incident. Every time she was on the screen, someone in the room would be like "she went to Baylor!"
2.5. Dwight bringing a new cat for Angela... "It's a barn cat. He's named Garbage, because he likes to eat garbage! I trapped him this morning. He's very useful, he killed an entire family of raccoons." And then he just locks him in a random office. I love Angela though. She rocks.
3. One of my favorite lines from tonight: "I am not old. You are old. You are like a hundred."
4. CREED oh my gosh. He dyed his hair... and said he was about to turn thirty. In the last episode he said he was eighty two.
5. I don't know if this was just the TV and the fact that it's widescreen, but Steve Carell's nose looked so huge.
6. Everyone knows about Jim and Pam now. What the heck was up with Phyllis going up to Pam and telling her, all sweetly of course, not to redirect the new sales calls to Jim just because she's sleeping with him? Geez... Phyllis is actually kind of mean, it turns out.
7. "YES! CASH BASKET!" and "If you can't see how that's awesome, then... you need awesome lessons." Andy is so much more hilarious since anger management training. And Andy and Kevin going on about how cool Ryan is now and how he can get any girl he wants (see 9).
8. I liked the old Dunder-Mifflin website, the one that said "Dunder-Mifflin - Under Construction. Coming Christmas 2002!" better than the new one.
9. OMG RYAN HITTING ON PAM! AHHH! That was so hilarious... wow. Okay. FAVORITE moment tonight was when Pam said, "I'm dating Jim," and the camera pans to Jim, who is right there and heard everything, obviously, and he just keeps looking at his computer when he waves at the camera... and then he says in his next talking head, "I guess he can't get any girl he wants..." JIM, you're the best. (There was a guy** sitting there with the rest of us who had never watched it before, who I don't think really got the concept of the show at first ["Why do they keep looking at the camera?"] but when this scene started, he was like "he's totally hitting on her," and I was almost like "no, that can't be" but then he ended up being right. Basically I was impressed.)
10. That moment is tied with the moment when MICHAEL DROVE INTO THE FREAKING LAKE. "The machine knows what it's doing!" I have a Michael tolerance, and for the majority of this episode I was like "ugh, Michael is being even more idiotic than usual in this one" what with the ageism meeting and everything to do with that, and then harassing their former clients with gift baskets and so forth. It just kept getting worse and worse and then finally it reached a point of ridiculousness that it started being funny again. Everything Michael did after the car thing was just hilarious. Especially when he went back to that guy's office and demanded the gift basket back.
11. Finally (and this is paraphrased)...
Jim: So, Angela and Dwight? They've been dating, for like, six months.
Pam: Really? They've actually been dating for like two years.
Jim: What? You never said anything to me!
Pam: You never said anything to me, either.
Jim: We should have started dating so much sooner!
Um... yes!

*And the award for the Most Talked About TV Character On a Show I Do Not Watch goes to...

**This same guy was reading what looked like a science fiction book (don't know which one). During one of the commercials, where we saw a preview for Heroes, he and I had the following conversation in front of like, a ton of other guys:
Nerd Guy: Does anybody else watch that show ever?
Me: I do.
Nerd Guy: Okay, so Sylar takes people's brains, but what does he do with them?
Me: He eats them.
Nerd Guy: Really? They never say that in the show, do they?
Me: No, it was in an interview, they said it would be too gross to put on the show but yeah, that's what he does.
Nerd Guy: Ohhhh, okay...
I didn't know whether to be proud that I knew the answer to that question or incredibly embarrassed that I knew the answer to that question. (...I think I'm more proud.)

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