1. Digby is the new Lassie!
2. OUCH, Ned. That's why I hate bees. Bees suck. Chuck has bees for pets. That is just weird.
3. Why can't they hug? They're wearing clothes. As long as their faces don't touch, it would probably be okay. I guess it would be pretty risky, but still.
4. Hahahahaha Olive making Ned touch her heartbeat. That's so awkward.
5. "It's dead, and it's a bird. It's diseased." I agree Emerson. Don't touch it.
6. Why is there a squirrel in the middle of the city?
7. "Just because there's vodka in the fridge doesn't mean I have to drink it. Wait, yes it does." Emerson, you're awesome.
8. Oh Ned! Chuck is kinda weird and fickle! Run away while you can!
9. "What's a rooftop full of bees compared to someone who can catch her when she falls?" I love that line.
10. No commercials again. I'm on a roll.
11. The pigeon that died randomly had a message tied to its leg? Right. That's okay, I don't need this show to be realistic. It's not trying to be.
12. Oh my gosh! Of all the random things that could have happened, Ned pulls the hijacker guy's fake arm off.
13. Why would they just sit there with a fake arm lying on the table in front of all those customers? That seems like a no-no.
14. I want to see a scene where Ned washes his hands. He really should, what with all this touching of dead people.
15. Okay, I don't think putting that dead bird's wing on the one that lost it is going to help it fly again.
16. THE WINDMILL GIRL WAS IN HEROES. She was Charlie, the one that Hiro liked that Sylar killed, the one who could remember stuff really easily.
17. Emerson in the car listening to Chuck and Ned bickering: "I'm going to kill myself."
18. How did that one armed guy manage to tie the windmill girl up without knocking her out? He has one arm. And then he used bows to tie her? That's hilarious. And they're totally falling for each other. How cute.
19. Hahahaha, the windmill girl just gets up.
20. I really like the black and white flashback with the random colors scattered throughout... so wonderful.
21. How in the world did the windmill girl lose her leg? But oh my gosh... Olive's reaction to the girl opening the compartment in her wooden thigh to reveal the diamonds was completely priceless.
22. Okay, dancing in beekeeper outfits around the beehives is not romantic to me. But they are very cute.
23. I love this show! I really, really do. It's so wonderful.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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