Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Superman or Green Lantern ain't got nothing on West

1. Peter, I'm really getting sick of you. "I lost my memory, I'm not an idiot." Wrong. If you weren't an idiot you would have left Ireland a long time ago. Please, just get out of there. I'm so done with that storyline and it's only the third episode of the season. (Hey, that was the guy from Enterprise.)
2. So, Alejandro looked all around before breaking into that car, but still failed to see the cop standing, like, right across the street? Good going.
3. Micah looks older... Is DL still alive? No? No. Okay, DL is dead. That sucks, because I liked him.
4. I LOVE West. Seriously - best part of the season so far. Claire: "It was a pedicure." West: "Well, you're not very good at it." But so - what he was doing outside her house was "trying to lend her a book." Lending her a book by standing outside her house in the bushes, looking in her window? Come on West. That's not a great excuse. Although he did really have the book with him so maybe that really was what he was doing. Still.
5. I don't know why I love the little... um... "partnership" Mohinder and Parkman have going on. I don't mean it like that obviously, but I just think it's sort of funny. I loved how Parkman snuck up on him in the kitchen with the gun and Mohinder was all "oh for God's sake." Good stuff. I even don't completely hate the little girl - last season she annoyed me. She's less irritating now, even if she does draw creepy pictures.
6. How did Ando manage to sneak a sword to work? And why didn't anybody in all those centuries between 16-whatever and now (four centuries, give or take a few decades) look at the end of that sword and see "Ando, open" and then proceed to open it? That seems pretty unlikely to me. But, okay.
7. Okay, I really don't understand Sark's reaction to his discovery of his healing power. "You cursed me! You're a devil!" What? How is being able to heal from any wound a curse? And how did he not notice it before? He's a grown man. He NEVER cut himself or stubbed his toe or got stung by a bee or something and healed instantly? Maybe he was just oblivious.
8. "Lightning! Sparks! Lightning!" Peter, you are so completely brain dead.
9. WEST! His whole "lizard girl" thing was fantastic. Claire has NO sense of humor. (Well, I understand her feelings, and the whole safety issue, but still.) AND THEN---! She goes outside to cry, and he goes out there too and he's all, "I take it you're annoyed." And she's like "What do you want from me?" And he says, "I just want you to admit that you're different!" "Okay, fine. I'm a freak. All right? I am such a freak in fact that I have to tiptoe around this school pretending to be some brainless barbie doll so no one notices how different I am! Because if they find out, I'll get carted off to some human zoo to be poked and prodded for the rest of my life! So yeah, West. I'm different. And you can tell the world if you want to because I am tired of pretending to be someone I'm not." And he goes "Claire, shut up." And he picks her up and they go flying off into the sky to some corny music and it is so, so wonderful.
10. Why is Peter so worried about the whole "stealing tickets" thing they're doing, or whatever it is (I'm not sure, because I wasn't really paying attention). I mean - superpowers? Remember? Yawn.
11. I'm bored with Mulan, too. Hiro, you barely know her. You have a crush on her. That is all. You will be fine.
12. Is the lady Nikki's leaving Micah with someone famous? I swear I've seen her before. At first I thought it was Uhura from Star Trek but I looked that up on IMDB and I didn't see it on there.
13. I am so, so ready to know what the deal is with Maya's creepy, creepy power.
14. Come back to the light side, Darth Peter. I can't believe he got that stupid family crest tattoo. Good thing he healed and it went away because that would be ridiculous. And then he makes out with the annoying Irish girl. Peter, open the box. You were not a bad person before. Just do it, okay? Do it and get your butt back to New York away from annoying... I don't even know her name. The Irish girl, and her annoying family of criminals.
15. Claire and West are SO, SO CUTE. I totally saw that coming with Claire's dad being the one that kidnapped West when he was younger, though. That'll make family dinners a little awkward.
16. I don't think the deal with Nikki and Werner from Sneakers (no one knows that reference) will turn out to be something good. I think that's fairly obvious.
17. I am totally disturbed by the Sylar being alive thing. That girl is stupid, first of all, for thinking she could make Sylar love her and not kill her. Obviously he was going to eat her brain the first chance he got. Second, who was she working for that wanted him alive? Probably has something to do with the guy in the little girl's dreams. It seems like something is awry with Sylar's ability to glean powers from brain sandwiches - he ate that girl's brain and nothing happened. Sucks for you, Sylar, but rocks for everyone else.
18. So does anybody think Claire's dad is really going to get it this season? Not everything from Isaac's paintings comes true, but a lot of it does. And who is that making out with Claire in the back of that picture? (Probably West.) (What if West kills her dad for kidnapping him or whatever? Oh no West don't be like that!)

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