Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I want a nerd with a mind like a diamond

Concerning Chuck, which no one but me watches.

I really love that the theme song is "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake. I had just made that song my ringtone right before I watched the episode where they first showed the intro, and well, I was thrilled. The show has really good music throughout the episode, too - unsurprising because the guy who made this show was part of making The OC, which according to iTunes and the general populace of the world, has good music music, whatever else it is (I've never watched it, so I'm going to try not to judge).

This episode had a very James Bondsy feel to it. Maybe James Bond meets Pink Panther, given that they were stealing a diamond combined with how goofy the entire premise is in general.

I love Zachary Levi. He is perfect at being a lovable geek. Or rather, nerd, since he is on the "nerd herd" at "Buy More." I want to find someone like that in real life. And Adam Baldwin is completely fantastic - good ol' Jayne. He's the best.

Some favorite quotes...
"I need to ask you a favor, and feel free to say no. And by that I mean, say no."

"How am I supposed to know Karina has a remote control jet ski? It's not usually an option in real life!"

Morgan: You know, if our relationships don't work out.... okay, because we got each other.
Chuck: That's really really sad.
Morgan: I know.

"Your grape soda's on the kitchen floor!"
-Chuck to Morgan
(I liked that one because it was after he dropped it when a ninja lady came in and attacked him. It's all about context.)

Concerning Journeyman, which I watch, and my dad watches, and no one else watches.

I'm really loving this show. I really like Kevin McKidd. He's very... heroic. Perfect description.

The way this episode started was great - waking up in a church in the middle of a wedding rehearsal.

I LOVE the music in the opening credits. I'm very big on music.

One thing about this show I really don't like is the wife. She just bothers me. I do like the brother, Jack, and I hope he figures out soon what's going on with Dan so he can stop looking like the bad guy.

I still hate NBC.com. I watched Heroes, and then Chuck and I guess the NBC player got tired because it kept freezing when I was watching Journeyman. Very frustrating, but I'm more used to it now.

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