Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lost 4x01: "The Beginning of the End"

For once in my life I lucked out and got to watch this on a real TV. A really nice TV in my friend Brittany's dorm room. So I've actually managed to be on par with the rest of the universe this time in my TV viewing. Unfortunately, this means no stream of consciousness posting about it. Right, you're sad, I know.

Spoiler alert.

First thing: WHO are the Oceanic 6. Obviously, we know three at this point: Jack, Kate, and Hurley, since we have seen them in the future. But... the rest of them? Also, does that mean that only six people got off the island? Also, people kept referring to a group of people that seem to still be on the island. You know, the guy in the hospital asking if "they" were still alive, and something that Hurley said when he was talking to Jack at the end (I can't remember, because I watched it three hours ago - see, if this were my normal "write it while I watch it on my computer" post we wouldn't be having this confusion). So apparently, there were six "lucky" (or not, depending on who you ask) people who got off the island and somehow became famous for surviving the crash. And there is some secret that these six people are hiding - hence Jack's visit to Hurley at the end. Hurley was all, "you only came here to make sure I wasn't going to tell anybody." Or something like that. So, here we go with more mysteries. Anyone have a guess? (I ask in the hopes that someone will actually comment on one of these posts.)

Second thing: There is NO way Naomi, the parachute girl, could have crawled away from Jack and everyone with a stab wound that lethal and have no one (save Ben) notice. That is totally insane. And we're supposed to believe that she ran around in the woods leaving fake trails of blood to get away? And that she climbed a fricken tree? Right. I suppose we could blame it on adrenaline or something, but I feel like that's a stretch. A big one. Especially the tree climbing part. I did find it easy to believe that she died immediately after pouncing on Kate, though.

Third thing: CHARLIE?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1! What! Well, apparently death looks good on him. He seemed pretty confident. And he told Hurley to go back to the island because "they need you." So there's another reference to "them." HMM. You know, I hope Charlie shows up a lot in the flash forwards. He's been sent there by God to correct the wrongs that the Oceanic 6 made when they left the island. Like Touched by an Angel. Also, I want Dominic Monaghan to stay on the show because I still can't believe they killed him off. When this show started I thought for sure that of anybody on the island, he was the safest, because he's DOMINIC MONAGHAN. He's a hobbit, for Pete's sake! Everybody loves hobbits! Killing hobbits is like killing children. I thought that at the end of the show, everybody else could be dead, but Charlie would still be there on the beach, playing his guitar, waving a plane down, or SOMETHING. But apparently not. And he was one of the reasons we started watching the show. (Okay, me. Mainly that's why I started watching it. "What's this show? Merry's in it? Why didn't you say that in the first place?"*) Anyway - the fact that Charlie was back makes me REALLY happy for more reasons than just that I liked him. I SAID that Charlie was in the preview for this season, didn't I? I DID. I can't remember if I put that on this blog or not, but I told people that. They remember. And I was right.

Fourth thing: Kate and Sawyer are totally doomed. You know, I have a hard time admitting this, but I really want them to be together. This is for several reasons... first I was like "aww, Kate and Jack should be together." Then I was like, "I hate Kate, I don't want her with Jack because he deserves better than her" (which he still does). But I was also like "I hate Sawyer." I decided it would be perfect if Kate and Sawyer got together... and in the process of that actually happening, somehow they were both redeemed in my eyes. I like the weird dynamic the three of them have with each other - they're both in love with Kate, and she has feelings for both of them, and Jack and Sawyer are friends, kind of. It'll be interesting to see what happens there.

Fifth thing: (Insert picture of Desmond here.) No explanation necessary.

In the preview... some dude parachutes onto the island and tells them "what they're really there for." Which makes it seem like it might not be the reason they think. I never believe the previews, though, because they are always misleading.

*I don't know what my thing is but apparently I'm the last to catch on with shows. I spent the first three years of Doctor Who in denial that it could possibly be a worthwhile show while my entire family watched it, and now I'm more obsessed than any of them. And then when Lost started, I was vaguely aware of it but for some reason I thought it was a mini series, and that I would watch it after it had all aired, sort of like The 4400. But then I finally asked my mom what it was and found out the truth... which was that Dominic Monaghan was in it. So I finally got into it, midway through the first season. I guess that was a lot sooner than some other people, but still. I don't know what my problem is. OH - well, this hasn't happened every time, because I am definitely the one that told my family to watch Heroes. So I get one point for that.

1 comment:

cajrrman said...

I think the secret is about who is still alive on the island. The six apparently have claimed that the are the only ones who survived.

I think charlie is all in Hurley's head. As is the other fellow who "saw" Charlie.