Alternate post title: "Ood have thought it?"
I'll fill this in more later, once I've watched the episode. But I would like to draw everyone's attention to
this non-spoilery blog post from my blog a year ago, and you should maybe keep it in mind when you watch this episode. It might be important.
By the way they also mentioned this in Partners in Crime.
I like the Ood. When they aren't possessed, they're really sweet.
I think I've decided that I'm in favor of the new theme song because the strings get a more awesome part.
"Set the controls to random" - how is that different from every other time he lands the TARDIS somewhere.
Doctor: "I can always take you home..."
Donna: "Don't laugh at me."
"Now that's what I call a spaceship. You've got a box, he's got a ferrari."
I like how he actually started to repeat his little inspirational speech about Donna when she came back out of the TARDIS.
The Doctor can hear the soundtrack!
The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire stretches out among three galaxies. That's cool.
Oh, there's the bees reference. They're disappearing. Doctor, if you increase the bee population more than necessary, you'll probably lose some points with me.
I have a really serious issue with the Ood slavery. I understand that they "live to serve" or whatever, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be bullied and abused and whipped if they fall down. Come on. They live to serve, but they should be treated much better than this. They aren't cattle, they're sentient. I'm getting worked up over fictional aliens being mistreated.
"Is that why you travel around with a human at your side? Not so you can show them the universe, but so you can take cheap shots? Well don't, spaceman." I love when Donna puts the Doctor in his place. Pretty sure he likes it too.
OMG, the Doctor is going to get picked up by the claw. That is hilarious but also extremely screwed up. The guy controlling it is kind of sadistic about it. He was the guy I was getting pissed at for whipping the Ood. Why is that claw thing there anyway? What is that even for? It doesn't look big enough to pick up the Ood containers.
I think this guy's hair loss is a little more than "stress."
The Doctor is slightly psychic apparently. He's going to mind meld with Donna. I read a fan fiction once where the Doctor said Gene Roddenberry traveled with him and stole a bunch of real things to put in his show, and Mr. Spock was based on him. It was funny. Yes, I read Doctor Who fan fiction. You're missing out.
Okay, let me explain to you the situation I'm in right now. I'm watching this episode in clips on youtube, and in the third part, the Doctor and Donna find some natural born Ood in a cage somewhere on this compound. And these Ood are enslaved against their will, so the Doctor is trying to befriend them. They're all holding something, and he asks them what it is. One of the Ood holds it out to him and just as he starts to open his hands... the clip was over.
Okay. So the Ood hold their brains? That's... interesting.
I'm assuming this episode happens after the Impossible Planet episodes. Because if it was before, the Doctor freeing the Ood (presumably that's the outcome of this whole thing) would screw up the timeline.
I love how the Doctor says "oh yes!" It's um... adorable. Okay, so maybe that's a David Tennant thing. Still. I love it. He did it several times in this episode.
The guy with the hair loss is turning into an Ood or something like that. Am I right...? HAHA! I AM. WOW. GROSSEST THING EVER.
The Ood music is really beautiful. Kudos to Murray Gold.
AHHH - WHAT?! "Your song must end soon" and then they played some of the Doomsday music. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!!!!!!
Oh great, Martha comes back next week. Fantastic. The Sontarans are also back though which should be interesting... another classic villain brought in for the upgrade. The cool factor of that might cancel out the Martha thing. I'm sorry, but I can't like her. It's not just the "she's not Rose" thing anymore. I just... I don't like her. I don't think she's a good actress and her character is annoying. She wasn't bad on Torchwood, but... the preview from this episode? Yeah, not promising. Maybe that should be blamed on the writing though, because the line was idiotic. "Doctor? It's Martha. And I'm bringing you back to Earth." What? I'm pretty sure he does what he wants. You're not bringing him anywhere. Whatever, maybe it won't be that bad. I will do my best to get over it.